
King’s Kiss::Chapter 12

Frost Kong leading the way brought his cousin's wives back towards their home and their sanctuary. Frost Tharcher as rearguard shot any orc that followed them.



Another one bites the dust.

Chela the youngest and first wife enabled the magical barrier upon entering home. The surrounding trees glowed shutting out those that didn't belong within.

Roxas has been following behind quickly came to the barrier but after realizing what it was led his remaining gang away.

Exiting the forest Roxas observed humans plowing a field while goblins were steadily creeping towards the unsuspecting farmers. He decided to watch for a great show. He'd let the goblins do the dirty work and his gang would reap the rewards.


King Ricky B. was such a S that half his population fled one night en masse. The remaining M population took the king's displeasure with pleasure. Two months following King Ricky B. summoning he ordered the replanting of new trees that grew from his victims. The trees were to line all the roads leading to his palace. They were very lush and green providing great shade from the sun. "Scopolamine trees are growing very well. I'll line every road into my kingdom with these tree. If invaders were to come they'd be in for a surprise" thought King Ricky B. His queen had been kneeling before him tears streaming from her eyes. Coughing and choking. He looked down at her. "Kiss me like you mean it."


"Hey Gwen, Anneliese has a test to study for and I have a date tonight. We're gonna log out." Ariana said.

"Okay, Ariana and Anneliese I'm just going to play for another hour anyway" Gwen said. Then she proceeded through the forest. They had heard a fight scene but couldn't find it. The balsams were so beautiful here she could see each needle. The realism was incredible like she was actually looking at a real tree instead of playing a game. This was the reason Gwen spent her money she'd saved for two years. This Z VMMORPG was rated to have perfect graphics since four years ago.

She had contacted the sysadmin about the glitch she experienced six months ago. It was unexplainable and the sysadmin had no logs for that event. They had restarted her Player Character for free though while clearing the negative history of her previously disgraced Admiral character.

Gwen came out from the forest and saw three human farmers being attacked by over twenty goblins.

Gwen reaches for her hip holster. Withdrew her pistol and took aim at one of the goblins. It was thirty meters away but already lit in her sights.

Pow. Pow. Pow. Pow. Cracked out four semiautomatic rounds to tear off the lead goblins head.

The farmers and goblins froze. It sounded like thunder before the lead goblin's head exploded.

Gwen quickly sighted several other goblins in quick succession. Ten goblins died in less than a minute before Gwen needed to reload. Fifty 0.07 mm rounds in each clip were tiny but packed a powerful punch. Each round had enough stopping power to take down a elephant.

Roxas was not foolish enough to attack after witnessing the magical attacks of that slender helmeted magic knight. He pulled his gang back into the woods. He knew easier prey to be had elsewhere.


After a hearty dinner my cousin's wives prepared I took a brief nap. In my dream I floated above my body as I rose to the ceiling. I could see my cousin Frost Tharcher chatting with his wives. He was preparing to visit the elves about his hostage status.

In truth my cousin had become collateral when his father borrowed a regiment of elven archers to fight demons years ago.

Floating through the roof I noted that the wispy red gas that always floated around my finger seemed brighter with the tendril leading off it floating into the distance. I hadn't seen this tendril since I first made that contract with Gwen-ghost. As I followed the tendril it became brighter and more solid.

After several hundred I came to a the hot spring my cousin's wives often spoke about. The red wisp had become as solid as it was around my finger and lead directly into the water.

The water surface broke as a girl came to the surface. I froze in place floating above. This girl had been bathing in the hot spring.

I was fascinated that the red wisp connected directly to her hand. Ah. It was the best evidence of who she was.

"Ah. Hello there. Imagine meeting you here Gwen-ghost!" I said.

Gwen used her hands to cover herself while looking frantically around not seeing anyone.

"Up here." I said overhead. Gwen looked up and spotted me.

"Ghost!!" she shouted and dove beneath the hot spring.

I had a rather good view of her form but embarrassed I looked away.

The clouds gathered quickly and darkened even quicker. I could see blue lightning playing in the distance. "Gwen won't be safe in the water." I thought. And with this I floated into the hot spring to find her.

Gwen came to the surface with a surprised look on her face. Who was that boy and why did he seem familiar?

Boom! Thunder sounded.

I saw Gwen-ghost swim to the surface and followed her while averting my eyes.

Gwen looked around spotted her clothes on the tree branch she hung them on. The crack of lightning accompanied the incredibly loud thunder as the it hit the hot spring. My hand had just touched the back of her shoulder. The lightning zapped Gwen as she reached for her clothes. In dizziness she fainted.


Gwen woke with her headset still on. A tingly feeling travelled along her back as she sat up. The graphics on this game was just too real.