
Catching air::Chapter5

With my squirrels I had practiced this many times before. The only difference was my clothes were stained and wet from the muddy puddles. My boots did not have the usual traction. The first three treetops were ok but I slipped on the next and fell through the branches. I managed to grab one before hitting the ground. Battered and bruised I checked my brothers and sisters. [Ah. Is everyone alive?]

[First brother, we are, thank you for always saving us.]

Gwen floated down to his level. "Frost Kong you are something else. Good you survived. Listen I have a deal for you. It appears you like squirrels but cannot always be around them to protect them."

[First brother what is that voice we hear?] Tenth sister asked. I looked at human ghost floating just above. "I'm listening" actually I wasn't in the mood. This had been the Nth time my family has been attacked.

"You can form a contract with the beasts and" Hearing that I bristled "They are my precious family not beasts."

Gwen visibly softened. She needed do get this penalty quest over and done with. If she had known it would take this long she would have donated ten levels. She could have increased by that much and more during this time. "As I was saying. If you form a group contract with them you can be at their side in a flash." Gwen cooed.

Sounded interesting I thought. "But I don't know how to do that. Form a contract."

Gwen studied him and said. "I'll teach you how." Gwen opened her control panel and quickly keyed a inquiry. A moment later a ping was heard and her computer stated that the penalty has gone on longer than the time limit. Penalties would be compounded resulting in ten level deduction for her character if the current penalty quest was not completed in five minutes. She did some quick calculations and agreed to donate a few experience points to raise this NPC.

"Ok so here's the deal. I'll form a temporary contract with you to show you how it's done. Then you can form contracts with your 'precious family'.


Gwen quickly keyed in the necessary information. "Frost Kong take my hand." As I took it she became even more visible. "Repeat after me. I form this legal binding contract between Frost Kong and Gwendolyn Root. From this moment onwards we will be equals. Coming to side each other at a moments notice. So mote it be. " Instead I asked who's Gwendolyn Root. "That would be my real name. You have to use your real name when forming contracts." So holding hands again we repeated the promise together.


Ding Ding Ding sounded the computer and words appeared in the air before me.


We both agreed as I saw a control screen floating before for the first time. Under my name it said I was level 0 and under a Gwendolyn Root it was level 100.

Strangely a red thread came out of the screen and wrapped around my thumb. It did the same to her.

Ding Ding Ding


My level was now 1 and underneath in gray it read (Hero).

Before I could react Gwen suddenly disappeared.