
MTS: Marvel and Beyond

Title: Multiversal Template System Alex was transmigrated to the body of a newly awakened mutant. The original owner of the body was also named Alex, Alex Locke, an ordinary college student. About a month ago, he suddenly awakened to a mutant ability and used it to escape unscathed from a burning building. Although he survived the disaster, there was no subsequent good fortune. A few days later, his parents discovered his mutant ability and, despising it, kicked him out of the house. He was then pursued by a mysterious organization and was accidentally abducted by gang members from Hell's Kitchen, ending up in this unknown underground prison. As for his mutant ability, it was a weak version of Sebastian Shaw's ability, which was the reason for him being captured. Just as Alex was despairing about how he will die just after transmigrating, a voice sounded in his ear. [ Congratulations, you have awakened the 'Multiversal Character Template System'! ] [ You have obtained the character template: Gojo Satoru! ] [ You have awakened the skill 'Six Eyes' lv1 ] "Oh..." A few hours later [ Template Fusion Rate: 5% ] [ New Skill Unlocked: Limitless Technique ] ===== Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there. ===== I literally don't own anything here, all rights goes to their respective owners.

Baph0met · Anime et bandes dessinées
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63 Chs

Chapter 33: Limitless Lv3

With his body reinforced by cursed energy, Alex absorbed the energy from the laser beams, and his Reverse Cursed Technique healed his constantly damaged hand. With this series of enhancements, Alex was able to block the laser beams, which could easily pierce through steel, using only his flesh and blood!

In his ears, the system's notifications kept chiming:

- [Energy Points +1]

- [Energy Absorption Experience +1]

- [Limitless Technique Experience +1]

Compared to the experience required to reach Level 3, which was harder to gain, the experience for the Limitless Technique, still at Level 2, was rapidly increasing. In a short time, it was on the verge of leveling up!

Alex blocked the laser with his hand, then took another step forward.

The terrifying pressure suddenly surged, and the powerful repulsive force from the Reversal "Red" spread over hundreds of meters, crushing and collapsing buildings in its path.

Everything dissipated under his footsteps!

Faced with the sudden surge in repulsive force, even Storm and Jean Grey, working together, couldn't withstand it.

The X-Men were instantly blown away, and despite Jean Grey's telekinesis cushioning their fall, they were still battered and bruised by the scattered debris!

Thud, thud, thud…

The sound of shoes hitting the ground echoed, but the terrifying white-haired mutant didn't stop moving!

Even though they quickly reestablished their defenses, the overwhelming pressure rapidly reached the critical point where Jean Grey and Storm could barely hold on.

Under such immense pressure, it seemed that the defenses they had painstakingly set up would be destroyed by the repulsive force at any moment, and they would be crushed to dust by the unstoppable power!

Cyclops struggled to get up from where he had fallen, enduring the pain coursing through his body. He summoned all his strength and released laser beams from his eyes, targeting the white-haired man in front of him!

Storm did the same, using the wind to lift herself into the air as she continuously summoned powerful lightning bolts to strike Alex.

But, facing a more powerful attack than before, the white-haired omega mutant, who had previously blocked the lasers with his hand, now didn't even bother. Instead, he grinned at them!

Because just now, Alex had heard the system's notification in his ears:

- [Limitless Technique Experience +1]

- [Congratulations, Limitless Technique has leveled up!]

- [Limitless Technique, Level 3 (1/1000): Interfere with atomic-level matter, control space, and any object approaching the user will slow down, never able to touch the user.]

The blinding lightning and scorching laser beams, just as they were about to hit Alex, suddenly came to a halt!

The laser, which had been slowly advancing before, could no longer move forward. Instead, it was being repelled at a faster pace!

As the Limitless Technique leveled up, a flood of information surged into Alex's mind. The range of the Limitless Technique expanded rapidly, from ten centimeters to twenty, thirty... until it finally stopped at fifty centimeters from his body!

Compared to Level 2, the range of the Limitless Technique had increased fivefold, and now it could easily block the laser attacks that had previously been unstoppable.

At this point, the X-Men could no longer pose any threat to him whatsoever.

Seeing this, Cyclops exclaimed in disbelief. "What just happened? Why did my laser suddenly stop working?"

Just moments ago, his laser had been a threat to the white-haired mutant, but now, just seconds later, it was completely ineffective.

Professor X provided an explanation,

"His defensive abilities have suddenly improved dramatically. He can now completely ignore your laser attacks… As I suspected, I was right!

His power continues to increase over time!"

Realizing this, Professor X understood that they were no match for the white-haired demon. If they wanted to bring him back onto the right path, they would need a long-term plan.

So he immediately spoke up:

"Alex, stop! We mean you no harm!"

But Alex's footsteps continued, showing no sign of stopping!

Under the immense pressure, Jean Grey, who was mainly maintaining the defense, was trembling all over, with blood flowing from numerous wounds on her body. It seemed like she could no longer hold back the attack.

Her pupils were turning an increasingly vivid shade of red, like flames, as if they could erupt at any moment!

Seeing this, Professor X became even more anxious. If Jean lost control now, her battle with the white-haired mutant could destroy all of New York!

While trying to calm Jean, Professor X frantically pleaded with the Alex.

"Alex, we don't mean any harm. If we've offended you, we'll leave right away!"

But the white-haired mutant's footsteps didn't stop. Even Storm and Cyclops noticed the problem with Jean Grey, and seeing the relentless advance of Alex and the Professor's struggle to keep Jean in check, despair began to show on their faces.

They didn't know who would win between Jean and the white-haired mutant, but they were certain that they were doomed, and so was New York!

Who would have thought that trying to recruit the white-haired mutant to the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters would lead to such a catastrophe? Now they all regretted it, but the disaster was about to happen, and there was no way to stop it…

They didn't believe that the white-haired mutant, given his usual reckless behavior, would suddenly show mercy and spare them!

But just as they were about to despair, waiting for Jean Grey to completely lose control and clash with the white-haired mutant, they suddenly noticed that the latter had stopped in his tracks just as Jean was reaching her limit!

The terrifying pressure vanished instantly, and Alex, having stopped his attack, was now staring coldly at them. The fear of death enveloped them, making it hard to breathe.

The oppressive atmosphere stretched on, with the silence lasting for what felt like an eternity…

Suddenly, the X-Men saw Alex move, and they immediately prepared for another devastating attack!

But to their surprise, Alex, who had just been intent on killing them, took a step and disappeared without a trace…


The terrifying crisis was suddenly over, leaving them bewildered. Just moments ago, the white-haired mutant wanted to kill them, and now he suddenly disappeared.

Storm, doubtful, said,

"Could it be that he was really moved by the Professor?"

Professor X, sweating profusely, finally managed to pull Jean back from the brink of losing control. Hearing Storm's words, he nodded and said "It's possible, but the chances are slim. I'm more inclined to believe in a second possibility—that the white-haired mutant has some sort of danger-sensing ability, or perhaps even the power to foresee the future. He must have sensed Jean's impending loss of control and decided to leave."

Hearing the Professor's analysis, and thinking back on the details, Storm and Cyclops realized that the Professor's explanation made more sense.

"Has he awakened another mutant ability, or did he always have it, only revealing it now?"

Cyclops had never seen a mutant with so many abilities before.


A/N: Reviews guys, and stones.

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