
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urbain
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47 Chs

Meeting Her Again

"Carl, stop it mommy is on the phone." Little Carl won't stop jumping on the bed. "Hello Janey, I'll handle the supplier. I just need to wait for Carl's nanny to come to M City then, I should be able to handle everything."

"Who did you get as nanny?" Janey asked while typing something in the computer.

"I've talked to sister, she said that our cousin's wife was interested and would be willing to come to E country with me. But for now, I need her here in M City so that I can start meeting suppliers.

"How about him, have you met him?" Janey knew that Lynn will not be happy with that question.

Lynn sighed. "Nope, no plans. I got to go, I think the nanny is here. Bye." Lynn hung up the phone. And take baby Carl with him then open the door.

"Dorly, your finally here!" She hugged her cousin's wife. She has five kids but her husband was a drunkard, that's why she needed this job.

"Is this baby Carl?" Dorly asked.

Lynn nodded. "Yap, and it's his nap time. Come in, I'll show you your room."

"Here, you stay here, Carl sleeps with me but he can sleep with you when I'm busy. Opps, speaking of sleep, he's asleep finally. I'll let him lay down here first in your bed. You can settle down first. I need to go grocery shopping first. Will you be okay here with Carl?"

"Yes, don't worry, I have five kids, I can manage one." She re-assured her.

Lynn smiled. She know that she can trust her, she knew Dorly ever since she was a young girl when she was married to her cousin. She witnessed her hardship being the wife of his drunkard cousin.

"All right then. I'll be back soon. If you're hungry you can make sandwich for yourself. Just go to the kitchen."

"Just go, We'll be fine." Dorly smiled.

"Okay!" Lynn look at the time. It's 5:15, the traffic must be heavy. She took a deep breath and headed down. She decided to walk, there's a grocery store nearby, she'll buy some stuff and also take out food. She was in the middle of buying stuff, when she saw a familiar figure. It was Tin, she was at the fruits and vegetables section. What was she doing here?

"Honey, how about apple, you like it right?" Tin asked Carlo who was in the phone not far.

Lynn followed his direction. He just nodded, then continue talking on the phone He was the same old Carlo, good looking, busy and workaholic. She was calling him honey. They must be together finally. She sighed, and turn back immediately. She wanted to avoid meeting them as much as possible. She went to the cashier and paid her grocery. Then she remembered the coffee shop. She misses the coffee there. She decided to stop by and order her favorite coffee.

As soon as she got her order, she headed to the door holding her groceries and coffee on both hands. When a tall guy bumped her, one of her paper bags fell. The guy kneel down and collected her groceries.

"My bad, I'm sorry!" The guy gave her the items that fell.

"It's fine!" She smiled, and it faded as soon as she saw who the guy was.

"Lynn!" Carlo exclaimed.

Lynn was surprised. She smiled awkwardly. "Hey!" She hesitated and tried to act as normal as possible. Her heart was betraying her, ofcourse she missed this guy in front of him, the father of her child. "Long time no see! Oh gosh, I have to go. I'm in a hurry. Bye!"

Lynn walked out as fast as she can.

Carlo took a few seconds to recover from his surprised, then he followed her. "Lynn, wait! Can we talk."

Lynn closed her eyes. Common, why would he follow her for. "Sorry but I'm really in a hurry. Got to go. Bye!" She quicken her pace but who was she kidding, ofcourse his legs were longer and faster.

Carlo grabbed her shoulder. "Stop! Just give me a minute."

Regardless if Lynn wanted to stop or not, she did anyways since Carlo was holding her shoulder.

"I really don't have the time right now!" Lynn protested.

"Honey, where have you been? I thought you said that you'll wait for me in the coffee shop." Tin grabbed Carlo's arms and smiled sweetly.

"Hi Lynn, long time no see!" Tin said.

Lynn smiled back. "Hey, long time no see."

"Carlo and I were engage!" She showed her the engagement ring.

Lynn knew that he will eventually re-marry, but the truth hurts than her imagination. "Good for you. Congratulations!" She faked a sweet smile. "I got to go though, bye!"

She hailed a cab, though her place was just 15 minutes away by walk. As soon as she closed the cab door, she took a deep breath as a relief.

When she came back, she checked baby Carl. He was still asleep. She headed to her room, took a shower, and gave way to tears. She doesn't want to have anything to do with him, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't love him. She do, very much so but it's better this way, she thought.

"How's the investigation going about Lynn?" Carlo asked Bryan as soon as he enter the office.

Bryan raised his head. "It takes a few days to have a result, you've only asked for it yesterday."

"She's in the country right now, I've seen her near the coffee shop, where I saw our picture." Carlo stated.

"Ahh that coffee shop, probably because she lives nearby, I don't think she surrendered her condo, she kept it all this years." Bryan explains.

"What condo? What's the address?" Carlo inquired.

"Maybe you have forgotten but you also have a unit there!" Bryan said.

"Address!" Carlo demanded.

"Yes?" Dorly opened the door, she was holding baby Carl with her.

Carlo cleared his throat. "I'm looking for Lynn!"

"Ahh, she's not here!" Dorly answered while patting baby Carl's butt.

"Can I wait for her?" Carlo asked.

"Sorry, but I'm not allowed to let anyone in." Dorly explains.

Carlo smiled. "It's alright, I'll wait for her outside." He was looking at the child, his back was facing him, he was hugging Dorly.

"Okay!" Dorly closed the door.

Carlo lean on the wall. He looked at his watch, it's just 1:30, he can try to wait for her. He forgot to asked the lady what time she will come back.

Carlo sighed, he may as well go inside his unit while waiting for her. Bryan said that he asked him to purchase it when he found out that Lynn was staying in that place. He opened it. The place was dusty, he forgot to instruct Bryan to have someone clean it for him. There were pictures on the wall, all were either Lynn's or his, or them together. He couldn't remember when those we taken but he can see in his eyes that he was happy. Happiness, did he have it when Lynn was with him. Because right now, he couldn't remember the last time he felt happy, in fact all he feel right now was either tired or busy. He took a deep breath, was he getting sentimental because he decided to marry Tin. He remove the cover of the couch and sat there. It was a quiet place, very quiet, he was looking at Lynn's picture, she was smiling shyly. He didn't know but he drifted to sleep all of a sudden.

When he opened his eyes, he was not feeling well. His head was throbbing and he felt hot. The sorrounding was dark, he checked his phone, it's now 7:10 pm. Did he sleep that long, he remember going in his unit at around 2:00 PM. Did Lynn arrive? He got up and went to the next unit, he rang the bell. After few seconds, it opened showing Lynn, she was wearing a sleeveless black shirt and a pajama. She seems to be not wearing anything underneath it.

"Carlo, what are you doing here?" Lynn was not expecting to see Carlo at all. Then she notice him staring somewhere below her neck. She followed where he was staring at, and when she realized it, she immediately covered herself with her arms.

She cleared her throat. "What do you want?"

Carlo raised his head. "You can't open the door looking that way!"

Lynn wrinkled her nose. If she didn't know that he lost his memory of her, she would be happy to hear those words from him.

"None of your business. What do you want?" Lynn answered, she noticed that he looks flushed. "Are you alright?"

"No, can I come in? I have a terrible headache!" Carlo said weakly.

"No! I'm busy. If there's nothing else, I'll close the door now!" Lynn was worried that Carlo will meet baby Carl. She can't risk it.

Carlo stopped her from closing it. "Don't be heartless, I'm not feeling well, let me in!"

"Look Carlo, call your fiancee. We have nothing to do with each other so I'm not in any obligation to you." Lynn tried to close the door, but Carlo's foot was in the way.

"Remove your foot or I'll shut the door with it!" Lynn warned.

"Sure you can!" Carlo mocked.

Lynn sighed. "What do you want?"

"I need to talk to you!" Carlo exclaimed.

Lynn laughed. "About what? We're divorced?"

Carlo hesitated. "About our son!"

Lynn's face lost it's color. How did he find out about Carl?