
Ms. Heroine, please leave me alone!

What happens when a girl gets sucked into a game, becomes the villainess and accidentally interests the heroine when they're young? Siyeon gets sucked into an Otome game after a long day at work! She reincarnates into the 8-year-old villainess, Amethyst, and tries to fix things ASAP! But, what happens when she accidentally helps the heroine when shes in a hard position and the heroine becomes obsessed with her? Siyeon attempts to avoid the heroine at all times! But the cute and persistent heroine won't give up and ignores all the love interests just for Siyeon. Siyeon needs to do something about this immediately! "Ame~ Marry me!" Felicity said with a large smile on her slightly sun-tanned face, her eyes shone in such a blue radiance that Amethyst almost hesitated to reject this proposal for nearly the thousandth time "Eh?" Amethyst said with a confused tone in her voice, as if it's been the first time shes heard this, "I thought we already were though?" Amethyst said casually, looking down at the pale hand holding on tightly to her newly-sewn dress. A sigh escaped from the young girl's mouth, blonde hair intertwining with her fingers as she spun it around, letting go of Amethyst, "You don't get me...do you? I mean, I knew you were dense, but not this dense." Felicity jumped back, turning around like a disappointed father finding out you've been watching porn...And you're 10 years old. "Let's get married. For real, this time." Felicity said, turning her head around and leaving a flustered yet tired Amethyst wondering how to get out of this situation this time. -Yuri/GL -Author is a minor!!! Please refrain from inappropriate comments -First 'official' story -Only second story Author(me) wrote -Slight Smutt(?) Sister is hungry for power stones and votes!!! Feed me!!!

Estrella_xo · LGBT+
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6 Chs

Ms. Heroine, Please Leave Me Alone!; Lets Head Out

Amethyst walked out of her room, two maids followed behind her tentatively. "Call a knight. I'm going shopping" Amethyst said to her maids as she continued to walk down the seemingly long hallway. "As you wish, my lady." The more serious brown hair maid said nonchalantly as she urged the more bubbly maid to call for a knight. "Not that there is a need for one though." Amethyst mumbled as she looked in front of her. There stood a wide blue screen, showing Amethyst's stats. A status window. Soon after Amethyst had finished getting dressed, she had wondered to herself if she had a status window.After all, she was a transmigrator and had read in the novels she'd always read when she got home till the sky turned back to its marmalade-like color that transmigrators would usually be accompanied by a 'system' of some sort.Amethyst discovered that she could see the stats of others and herself as long as she snapped her fingers. Click The lavender-haired girl snapped her fingers tenderly, and, as expected, a status window was shown in front of her.The status window in front of Amethyst showed her stats;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Amethyst RosethornePosition: Northern Duke Rosethorn's beloved daughterHP: 1000/1000Strength: 999999 (Maxed Strength)MP: 999999 (Maxed MP)Knowledge: 1000Age: 8Skill(s): Wistful Wishing of the Goddess, Estrella- Blessing given by Goddess Estrella, Goddess of all Dimensions and creations. Allows user to have whatever she wishes for, as long as it is accepted by the Goddess (Basically being her 'saint')A Saint's Immunity- Allows you to be immune to anything that might harm the user. If harmed, the part harmed would be manifested back in 1-7 days depending on the damage taken, no matter what had happened. (Given from being blessed by the Goddess Estrella)Blessings: (1) Blessing of Estrella(Maxed)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Isn't this too OP?!?!? Even the Main Character wouldn't be able to have these abilities! How do I ha-" Amethyst's thinking was interrupted by a pink screen suddenly appearing in front of the status window. "Because I blessed you, duh (◠‿・)—☆ -Goddess Estrella" The screen stated, causing Amethyst to freeze up. "My lady, are you alright?" The stern maid asked cautiously. "Ah- no, I'm alright." Amethyst said softly as her expression relaxed, calming down the worried servant. Amethyst was surprised because the Goddess should have been the most powerful being in the universe and should've been watching over the main character, Felicity, by now.In the game, the Goddess was usually shown when the main character used divine magic, which was the symbol of the goddess. Long story short, one day the Goddess, who was known for her beauty and charisma--with blue moonlight eyes and pink hair that resembled cherry blossoms--descended on the "world" and rid the world of demons along with sealing away the demon king. She left with a prophecy, stating how one day the demon king would return and on that day, a young girl that she'd blessed with her magic would get rid of him once and for all. Why didn't she just kill the demon king back then? Well, obviously for the plot!"Goddess?" Amethyst whispered to the pink screen, "Just talk in your head, I'm a Goddess, I can hear your thoughts -Mother" The name suddenly changed. "Mother? Why does it say mother?" "Because I've adopted you, and no, you've got no say in this. -Mother" The pink screen replied hurriedly"Oh...I mean, I grew up as an orphan anyways, so I don't care much, but, Godde--ahem--Mother, did you bring me into this world? And why? Also, were you that voice?" Amethyst thought with a salty expression, bombarding the divine being with questions. "Yes, I did. I was bored and needed some entertainment, also, I don't like weaklings, and you're extremely cute, in your past life and now too. That's why I chose you, you were also pretty strong in your past life, right? -Mother" The pink screen inquired gently. Amethyst couldn't refute that. Although in her past life, Amethyst was an orphan, she was the orphanage owner's favorite, with her gentle brown eyes, innocent look, and dark-brown hair that made her look unknowing and naive. Being the orphanage owner's favorite was hard, the children were jealous and would often tease her.Wanting to be independent and not burden the owner, Amethyst would never snitch or tell on the naughty children, often just taking the beatings.Amethyst realized just taking the beatings was stupid and hilarious of her. Needing a way to defend herself and let the other children know not to mess with her anymore, she resorted to asking the orphanage owner to allow her to do aikido and take boxing along with kendo lessons. This tactic worked perfectly, as she was feared through the rest of her years living in the well-kept orphanage.However, the kind owner died shortly after Amethyst turned 17 out of a heart attack and the new owner didn't take so kindly to Amethyst, nor the other children, leading her to run away from there."How do you know this?" Amethyst mumbled quietly, not knowing what to expect with a curious expression. "I've watched over you for a while now. Otherwise, why would I transmigrate you? I've seen your every move and know everything about you. Oh! Don't worry though, I'd never hurt a feeble human, like you-Mother" "Ah- Alright then," Amethyst replied, curious if she should take that as a compliment or not.Amethyst's thinking was interrupted by the soft sounds of footsteps and a sweet honey-like voice calling out to her."Little duchess!" The young maid from before with peach-colored hair and lovely emerald eyes called out as she ran to the delicate girl looking at her with confused eyes. "Manners." Amber, the older maid, said as she smacked the bubbly maid with her hand. "Ouch...That hurts!" The bright maid complained, giving a look of playful anger at Amber. "Apologize to the young lady before I make you bite the curb." "I apologize from the bottom of my heart, what punishment shall I take this time?"Amethyst stared at her with a look mixed with pity and confusion."The original body's owner would give the servants severe punishments for every slight thing they do -Mother""Oh...So that's it." Amethyst said, rubbing her temples slightly, "Yet they're still so kind and loyal...Hah...What shall I do..."Amethyst looked down at the shivering maid kneeling down before her, reaching out a hand. The gossiping of the servants watching with pity around her had gotten to her, who would want to be stared at while getting hurt or scolded?"That's not necessary, get up. What should I do if your blood gets my clothes stained?" Amethyst replied suddenly coldly, trying to keep up her persona as she avoided eye contact, her face slightly flustered as a pink color flushed through her cheeks."Ah! You're right, Missus! Please forgive this lowly servant for her grave mistake"Confusion spread throughout the brightly lit manor quickly;"What? The young lady didn't punish her this time?" "Has she grown soft?" "Is she in a good mood?" "Its like the calm before the storm..." "Maybe shes deciding to mature!"All sorts of rumors were spreading about this already, the good thing was they're good rumors, though. "It's alright. Don't do it again." Amethyst said tiredly, attempting to ignore all of the shining and bright eyes around her, looking at her with admiration.The young maid's face lit up, "Uhm!" The young maid nodded happily, "Is it just me, or does the young miss seem more forgiving?" The servants continued to gossip, "If so, I think I can live another day, this is for the better, right?" The other servants agreed. "Nevermind that, where is my knight? I must prepare for departure immediately" Amethyst demanded, tilting her head. "Here I am, young miss." A knight who seemed to be 50-60 years old showed up, he had a grey beard with tanned skin along with grey hair. The most recognizable feature of his was probably the large amount of scars on his face. One could not imagine the amount of scars under the heavy silver armor he would always wear. "The duke sent me." The knight said. "Father? Then you must be trusted.""Yes, Evergreen, Captain of the knight squad at your service." "Captain?!" Amethyst yelled. "Then you must be very busy! To think that the Duke would go to this extreme for his daughter, I mean I know she was spoiled, but still..." Amethyst mumbled "I am busy, but pay it no attention for this knight would throw his life away for the young lady." The Captain said with a large, hearty smile. "But still! If you are busy then you should go do it! This young miss is just going for an outing after all!" Amethyst scolded"But the young lady is priority." The Captain said kindly, "Jeez...There is no stopping you, is there?" Amethyst sighedThe servants surprised at her cute and child-like demeanor, making some of the female servants laugh and almost think that maybe the young miss could be child-like and merciful sometimes.There was no doubt that Captain Evergreen did not expect Amethyst to act like this, he had met Amethyst once when she was 3, but Amethyst was always hiding behind the duke. Plus, based on the rumors wandering around the large palace of the duke, Evergreen expected Amethyst to be rude and a brat--Not that Evergreen was the type to trust such rumors, of course.If it was the old Amethyst, she probably would've acted rudely, but she has been possessed for the greater good and acted appropriately instead. "Why do you need a knight? I'm right here!(눈‸눈) -Mother" Goddess Estrella pouted behind the pink screen. "Calm down, it's not like I have a choice, Godde--cough cough--mother," Amethyst replied in an attempt to calm down her Goddess. "Alright...-Mother" The pink screen said, obviously sulking, making the young girl sigh. "Alright then, let us head out."


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