
Selling stuff (2)

"Haha, It's just that I thought I have seen you somewhere before" Her eyes were scrunched in confusion as she looked at Jacob.

'Is it because of news?' 

He ignored her question and returned one of his own.

"Are you willing to buy the weapon?" His tone showed that he was not in the mood for a talk.

The woman went quiet and started to examine the sword. He places her finger on the blade and it dripped blood.

She pinched the metal then placed it back on the table.

"What you have here is a normal super rare weapon. The built quality is average, however, it's super rank nonetheless. I would say it's worth about Fif—"

"Pumpkin come look at this!" A rough voice bellowed from behind the shop. "Pah! not right now!" The woman shouted in return, however, the man walked out in his stained T-shirt and a beer bottle in his hair.

"Father what are yo—"