
Mr. Moon

Potential Revamp! Will be focused after the completion of my school~ "I am ready to cross the parallel door, just to see you waiting for me on the other side of the world!" ---- Excerpt: "What is this!" Throwing the papers on the table, Riley asked, his face burning with frustration. Looking at the papers, Moon just sighed and played with a fork, it was sure another round of nightmare! "I am asking you!!!!!" He glowered as she ignored him. "Why did you touch her waist? Why?" Riley asked, disappointed with the behaviour she was currently tormenting them with. "I held it firmly! Please mind your tongue!" Moon finally spoke, her disheartened expression almost urging him to fall off a cliff. Taking a deep breath, Riley closed his eyes. Her illness that even defied the medical world was sure getting scarier every day and he sure wanted to put a dot! "Okay! Then," Sitting on the chair next to her, he propped his arms and with a deep gaze, continued, "WHY THE HELL DID YOU KISS THAT WAITRESS THE OTHER DAY?" His voice almost freaked her calmness, that anger in his eyes soon formed very thin lines of sweat on her forehead. "That's because, that's because, she she smiled at me, looking right into my eyes," Moon replied, her eyes sparkling looking at the beautiful maid who stood between them, minding her business of arranging the plates. "How could you?" Riley wept, but her attention was somewhere else. Blinking her eyes, she looked back at him and then at the maid. And the very next moment, she got up from her seat and kissed the pretty girl's cheek. "Like this!" She added, her innocent smile paling the two victims of one more unpleasant scene. ---- Prince Harry was a tyrant rumoured of owning a harem filled with only beautiful ladies. He was the Queen's only brother, Her Majesty's pet what people called him as he strolled with the same pride. But now, he was forced to be a celebrity, the one who had no right to like women! Sophia Wright famous as Moon was a girl with a powerful voice! Her life was pretty simple yet sophisticated with zero stand for scandals to break her raising ladder. But a disaster threw her to another world, in a body with an immature brain and now, surviving in the royal palace was the only choice! What will happen when these two souls with thoughts barely alike swap travelling between two conflicted lives? Will they ever manage to get back into their own body, to the lifestyle they were completely used to? Add this book to your library for answers! And if you liked this, please don't forget to comment, vote as well as review~

Yuzi · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Prince to Princess?

Getting up, Harry looked at the general and then at the girls standing behind.

"I will make sure to rotten your life! Guards! Guards!" He called out loud but sighed when none replied.

"You guys kidnapped me! Didn't you?"

And when Azar shook her head innocently, Harry scoffed and crossing his arms he shook his head.

"Liars! Go, Go and beg my sister to leave you! It isn't late! Since I am still breathing, she will at least reconsider the thought of feeding to you to pigs!"

"Moon," Ara called out, her voice filled in pain.

"And stop calling me that! You are just some low grades and have no right to address me like that!" Harry rambled shocking all the four in the room.

Azar started crying again and ran outside for the disrespect her beloved Moon was throwing at her.

Whereas Ara was stuck in her place tagged along by Kimmy who had the same reaction.

The doctor looked at them and then at Moon who was behaving out of the world! Pinching his brow, he thought for a while and sighed hoping for the image to get a little clear.

"Look, we didn't do anything to you! We are just here to save you, at at the high higher-up's order. Please cooperate."

"Haha," Harry faked a laugh and glared at him, "Do you take me as a fool? Huh?"

Dr Derrick sighed and had no option but to use his last option. Taking a step forward, in one quick motion, he captured Moon in his traps and called his staff.

"Quick, get some valium!" He ordered to the nurse who entered while holding the wiggling princess in his arms.

The nurse immediately brought and at his nod, she injected it on Moon's shoulders.

"Ahhh! You moron! How can you, " Moon aka out Harry slowly fell asleep, and with the staff's assistance, she was put back on the bed.

"For the time being, please lock her room." He suggested looking at Ara, the eldest in the band who nodded holding back her tears.

"Can I look at that stage accident once again? I need that for research!" He requested looking at Moon, who completely turned his medical degrees upside down. Among all his cases till now, this was the worst, beyond his knowledge to explain about!

Zurie nodded wiping out her tears and guided him to the study room while Ara sat beside her little bunny, cautiously caressed her head lulling to sleep soundly.


Derrick watched the clip again and again, pausing and zooming where ever there was minories.

Moon lost her balance and tripped off the edge of the stage hurting her hypothalamus which in turn resulted in a year of coma but the wreck she was acting like was unreal even the people in mental hospitals behaved better than her.

Leaning back on the chair, he joined his fingers and thought in every possible way he could. And split personality was the only thing that appeared in his mind.

"I should as Dr Jefferson!" He mumbled before walking out of the room where everyone including Riley, Moon's assistant impatiently waited for him.

"I heard she," Riley gulped the next words, his worries making him take a long breath.

"It may be Multiple Personality Disorder. I am not sure yet but it seems the same."

"But she never had any mental trauma!" Riley who himself had a degree in medicine asked mostly concerned about the severities this disease victimized a human.

"10% of cases are rare which may occur due to injuries. And since she injured her main parts, it sure a bad bane!" Derrick replied and patted his shoulders before walking out of the house.

While Ara sat back on the couch, her world almost collapsing hearing the curse God blessed them with.

"Calm down. We cannot lose hopes." Riley confronted though deep inside he was already dropping all his hopes, packing back the dreams they all dreamt together.

"Will she get better?" Azar asked crying in Zurie's arms who just patted her head, words falling short to answer.

"She should, at least for us!" Ara replied wiping away her tears and took a long breath, it was not the time for a mental breakdown.

"Rey, just go and inform the company that we will be on a long break! Pay them the contract money by taking loans from where ever you can!" She ordered almost rising his heartbeats.

"I don't care even it is shark loans! Tell them we won't sing nor disband breaching the 12th condition of the contract." Ara added walking upstairs and the other two followed her.

While Riley sat on the couch happy as well as sad for the disaster Ara as just demanded him to create.

"Why it has to be us?" He cried in frustration and sighed later.


Next Morning.

Harry woke up his head still dizzy, somnolence still blurring his vision.

"Argh, my head!" Holding the same, he groaned in frustration.

Taking a moment to relax, he recalled everything his anger almost pumping at it's highest levels.

"Those bloody shits!" Cursing under his breath, he scoffed recollecting how weak he was in that general's hand, like an ant crawling from the elephant's foot.

"Maybe they have injected some potions in me!" He grumbled getting down the bed and looked around the darkroom.

"I am not sure what they did to my handsome face!" He huffed again and walked around like a blind man.

"It's fine if it was just my little friend, I can at least show my handsome face and act all Manly!"

His level of thought process was sure beyond crazy and stupid enough for people like us to digest!

And as he cautiously moved around his hands and walked as carefully as he could, he found something like long, cylindrical cold metal which he tried to pull but it slid aside almost shocking him to death.

"Gosh, is this some witch house?" He thought peeking inside only to witness pitch darkness again.

"Why aren't there any candles?" He thought walking inside and unintentionally touched the wall beside and the next moment jerked behind as a weird sound of tak tensed up his nerves.

"Omg, what was that?" He gasped holding the finger which collided with the power button but he had no time to calm down as the whole to finally lit in a dim colour of gold.

His eyes first landed on the button, which he hesitantly pressed again, this time using all his fingers. The lights turned off covering the room again with darkness, piling up his excitement

With a small smile, he pressed the button again and the golden light widened his smile, fascinated by that little power system.

"There is no need to lit and blew off candles." He grinned playing with that small button to his heart's please.

"This is really amazing!" He commented finally pausing his playtime and kept it on, looking around the bathroom, amazed third time in a row after his transmigration.

"It looks like a bathhouse!" He mused scanning every little thing, his eyes landing on the western commode!

He bent down and opened the lid and looked inside and then closed it.

"Oh, is it a toilet?" He gauged immediately taking his hand off and looked around for water.

He walked towards a shower chamber thinking that was a small pond and when he did, the mirror hanging in front of the basin caught his eyes.

Taking three steps back, he turned towards the mirror and blinked in surprise.

'Maybe, I am dreaming of a woman!' He thought and patted his cheeks to wake himself but seeing the reflection of same in the mirror, he paused his eyes widening to it's largest angle.

He immediately bent down and got up, did the same by moving left and right but that delusion of a pretty woman didn't fade out sweating him down in tension.

"Wh-Wh-What is this?" He stuttered and pulled out the medium-sized mirror with three hard attempts and looked in it, zooming as much as he can.

He moved it a little down and those little cups on his firm chest almost stumbled in terror.

The mirror fell down, as he guessed the worst reality and he hesitantly touched them, immediately removing back only to collapse on the ground.

"I-I-I am a woman now?" He waned, the world seeming very new to him.