
CHAPTER 21 Scandals after Scandals!


  Los Angeles

  Frustration and anger boiled within me as I watched the television screen, I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. "What the hell is wrong with this guy!" I yelled, unable to contain my irritation any longer. With a swift and furious motion, I threw the remote control at the TV, the impact causing a loud crack and shattering the screen.

  My phone, which had been constantly ringing throughout the evening, now buzzed incessantly. I grabbed it from the coffee table and saw that it was my father calling. Of course, it was him.

  I rolled my eyes in frustration before swiping my finger across the screen to answer the call. I knew exactly what was coming - another lecture, another tirade about the never-ending scandals that seemed to follow me like a dark cloud.

  "Scandals after scandals!" my father bellowed in an angry tone as soon as I picked up. "What do you have to say about this, Sebastian?!"