
Life of the Party

Zuri had her head down as she walked towards the path to the wharf. She couldn't deny that this place was the perfect venue for an exclusive Halloween party.

It was dark. Torches lined the path. And the weather on the island was unusually warm, warmer than how it usually is a few months before the first snowfall.

Occasionally, a gentle wind blows and the trees which are almost devoid of leaves shook gracefully.

In the dark of the night, the naked twigs appear like they will come alive.

With the full moon in the background and no one in sight, anyone would have freaked out but not Zuri.

What she hated the most was the silence. She felt that it was silent ---too silent.

There were no hooting sounds.

No rats scurrying, or random cats staring at her.

It was too quiet.

The place seems to be devoid of any person. With each step, she could hear the sound of dirt hitting her shoes.

She has never been afraid of the dark or being alone. But the deafening silence always grated on her nerves. If a werewolf appeared out of nowhere and howled, she would feel better. She would probably find the sound of flapping wings comfortable.


Anything but silence.

A gentle wind blew again and Zuri heard a light shuffling behind her.

She finally felt relieved to hear something.

Looking behind her, the first thing she saw was a torch that illuminated a hooded figure.

She waited for the figure to come forward, wanting to strike a conversation to learn something more about the island.

When the figure was close enough, Zuri raised her hand to call out to the person coming her way.

The figure slightly raised her head but the light from the torch was not enough to illuminate the face of the hooded person. The figure nodded in acknowledgment and stopped a few feet away from her.

"I saw you back in the wharf."

Zuri could barely make out if the one who spoke was a man or a woman. The blanket of darkness and the hood provided enough cover for the stranger.

There was nothing notable about the voice. Zuri tilted her head towards the hooded person. She remembered someone gave her directions when she arrived and that was how she ended up in front of the man's mansion.

The hooded figure did not give her an introduction and she actually felt relieved. She was not in the mood for introductions either.

No one said anything for a few minutes. Just when Zuri was about to walk towards the wharf, the hooded figure spoke in the same unnotable voice.

"Would you happen to know where they're holding a party tonight?"

Wishing her luck will tide her through the night, she asked despite many hesitations. This was not the time to be weak.

She had something to do. And, she had to do it tonight.

Hidden by the cloak, Fate hid a large smile while observing the human.

"A party, you say?"

Zuri noted the curiosity in the person's voice. She nodded slowly.

"I know just the place. In fact, I'm headed that way."

Zuri concealed her relief. She was lucky to run into someone who knew the way around this remote place. Otherwise, she could be lost and all the effort she did to crash this party will be for naught.

"It's this way." The hooded figure took a few steps forward towards another path. Zuri noticed how the cloak reached down to the ground. The figure walked so gracefully that it appeared to be floating.

Could this person be a world-class performer? Perhaps it was a famous ballet dancer. She couldn't help but wonder.

This party required several security checks. Only the wealthiest men received the invitation and it was on a remote island.

With the care that went to organizing the event, it wouldn't be shocking to see the president of some foreign country in the gathering.

Important people would be in this event and Zuri knew the consequences were dire if she messed up.

She had to act tonight or she will lose her chance.

Zuri followed the figure in front of her without another word.

No one should know about her presence here. She's bound to commit more mistakes the more she spoke.

The last thing she wanted was to offend someone by saying the wrong things.

Like the path she took towards the manor, the way to the venue was shrouded with darkness. Zuri simply trailed behind the hooded figure.

She was about to take another step when she noticed something in front of her. When she looked up, she could see the back of the hood and she instantly took a step back.

"We're here."

The hooded figure said the two words without emotion. Zuri saw the robe's long sleeve raise towards a door. Surveying the area, Zuri realized that this was most likely the venue. There seems to be a bonfire in the yard where several hooded figures gathered around. The person she followed could blend in with the rest of the guests near the bonfire.

The manor was larger than the one she had been to before.

Every window seems to have a fire burning and there were several people lining up to enter the door.

Zuri was about to thank her guide when she realized that she was standing alone. She took a deep breath and headed towards the path which seems to be flanked by a fiery blaze on either side.

With each step, she felt as if she was getting closer and closer to hell but she didn't even flinch. Instead, she felt the drive to get her job done.

When she saw two bulky figures guarding either side of the door, she couldn't help but feel impressed. The men had their shirt off and their tattoo appeared so real it seems like the mark on the chest of both men was branded with fire.

Every guest who arrives on the door enters without care and they seem to appear out of nowhere. She was the only one who took the fiery path.

Everyone she saw wore a hood or was dressed like a demon.

There were no princesses or fairies.

No Playboy bunnies either.

Zuri smirked.

All the powerful figures tonight were dressed in their most realistic costume — as the evil or shady creatures that they were in real life.

The disparity between her costume and their's were clear. She couldn't help but smoothen her ragged clothes. She appeared like she had a rough ride to this place. Like some shipwreck survivor.

And in real life, she was actually one.

A wreck.

But she would not let her status top her now.

After smoothing her clothes and running her hands over her hair, she took stepped on the manor's receiving area and went face to face with the hulking guards.

Drawing courage from her desperation she entered the door and walked past the guards.

What she saw surprised her.

There were several figures milling all over the floor but when she entered, the energy changed.

Everyone stopped talking.

It was so quiet for a few seconds until the sound of overflowing liquid, probably wine, disturbed the silence.

A piece of silverware fell off right after and made a loud clanging sound.

The next audible sound was that of hills hitting the floor and Zuri stared towards the direction from which the footsteps were coming from.

A lady wearing a mask cut across the room and appeared in front of Zuri. She had a black, fitted, leather dress with a mermaid tail. It flared out with specks of red. The gown had a low but decent neckline.

Zuri felt awkward standing in front of the open door. Everyone was still looking at her and no one dared to step inside.

"To what do we owe the pleasure."

The lady's pleasant voice echoed in the hall, breaking the ice.

Zuri had no idea how to reply and blurted the first thing that she could think of.

"I lost my invita---

The lady waved a graceful hand as if to shush her and said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"We are all friends here." Motioning towards the guards who had a ferocious look on their face, she continued, "Those hulking figures are not meant to keep you out, my dear."

Placing one hand on her back, the lady guided Zuri towards one group.

"Welcome to my party. Everyone is excited to meet you."

Zuri was surprised by the kind of reception she received. She looked around and noticed the dim lighting. There were more torches outside and she couldn't help but mention it casually.

"This place is too..."

"Dark?" Zuri noticed how one side of the lady's lip went up in a half-smile while revealing her thoughts.

"My darling girl, today it's Halloween."

The woman then looked at the two guards near the doorway before adding, "You arrived just in time."

When the host mentioned those words, the door moved and closed with considerable force.

With enthusiasm, she raised a glass of wine before making an announcement for everyone.

"Let the party begin!"

After handing Zuri a glass of red wine, the lady smiled to the crowd before looking at Zuri warmly.

"I hope you have an unforgettable time."

Music started and guests mingled with each other. And Zuri had to start making plans.