
Mr. Clark And ME [BL]

[ Warning: BL, DC and Marvel Fanfic, Self-Insert OC ] The fanfic about a man named Soren who transmigrated into another world full of superheroes from DC and Marvel. Note: 1. Superman (Top) x Soren (Bottom) 2. Slow paced story 3. Marvel And DC world setting

BLovers777 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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220 Chs


Northwest Alaska, underground base.

Almost all of the base's medical resources had been directed to the ward, pooling the efforts of top doctors from around the world to treat the severely injured Iron Man and Spider-Man.

Soren sat outside the medical area's corridor, looking as if his soul had been drained, like an empty shell.

His tears had dried, leaving only the redness around his eyes, like a puppet without strings, limbs awkwardly sprawled, curled up at the base of the wall, his gaze vacant and empty.

A pair of black boots heavily stomped in front of him.

"What did he do to you?" Batman's voice was as hoarse as flowing volcanic lava.

Soren stared blankly ahead, not speaking.


Batman's fists clenched and then relaxed, ultimately only tightening his lips, his entire demeanor brooding like a storm cloud.

"…Tony Stark won't die," Batman said, as if trying to reassure him.

Soren nodded blankly, his expression still one of emptiness.

"He said Clark was killed by me," Soren suddenly said.

Batman growled in a low, harsh tone, "Do you believe what he said?"

"…If I didn't believe it, then where is my Clark?" Soren murmured.

Batman grabbed him forcefully.

His piercing, deep blue eyes locked onto Soren's, as if trying to peer into his soul: "I know you don't believe it, and neither do I. Clark Kent is not dead, he can't be dead like this. He still has blood debts to repay!"

Soren bit his lip in Batman's grasp.

He trembled as he spoke, "Bruce… if you have any way, if there's any way to bring Clark back… please, bring him back."

"Bruce, go to Smallville, to the hillside near the Kent farm. There used to be a cat buried there… a cat that swallowed kryptonite. I hid all the kryptonite I collected in Smallville there, in a lead box…"

He was finally facing the thing he most feared and dreaded.

In those carefree younger days, he had scoured every corner of Smallville, finding all the kryptonite still left in the town.

He collected all the kryptonite—those he had swallowed, the piece Lana wore around her neck, the kryptonite from the pond, and the kryptonite in the nutrient soil.

Each piece was carefully stored in a sealed lead box and then buried deep underground.

He didn't want anyone to find it, whether it was Led Luthor or Clark.

Clark might be able to x-ray every corner of the Earth, but he would never check a cat's grave.

He never anticipated that he would ultimately have to use that entire box of kryptonite against Clark.

How painful that would be.

For Clark, who had once sweated under the targeted assault of a piece of kryptonite in the old days, how painful that would be.

For Clark, who still bore a cruel scar on his chest, how painful that would be.

For him, how painful that would be.

"You have to promise me, keep Clark alive."

Soren implored pale-faced in front of Batman.

Batman's Adam's apple moved slightly up and down, his steel-blue eyes behind the bat mask as cold as a glacier.

He seemed to want to raise his hand, but ultimately lowered it, staring at Soren.

His voice was deep but unbreakable: "I promise you."

"—And you must help us keep him alive too," Batman added.

Soren tilted his face upward, his reddened eyes wide open as if swearing an oath to Batman: "I will, Bruce."

Before they could finish their conversation, an alarm suddenly blared throughout the base.

The sharp, continuous ringing cut into their temples like a siren's wail.

The sound was persistent and unrelenting, unlike the usual three short and one long or two short and three long alarms; it was the highest alert the base had ever experienced.

—This meant that the underground base was under external attack!

All soldiers in the base immediately went on high alert, with no hesitation.

These battle-hardened warriors grabbed their weapons and donned their combat suits within seconds, waiting for further orders.

Steve immediately realized that Superman had discovered the base's location as soon as he heard the alarm.

Without time for further deliberation, he issued orders to the entire base to activate the sonic gate, relocate all personnel, and prepare the main fighting force led by the Avengers and the X-Men to confront Superman.

Outside the base,

On the vast sea, the deep blue waters rose like towering peaks, with waves roaring angrily.

Superman led the Justice League members—Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Raven, Hawk Girl, and others—directly above the base.

He hovered in the sky, surveying the vast ocean below like a deity surveying his creation.

The hideout of those rebels he had been searching for all these years was, in fact, so close to the Fortress of Solitude.

Lead layer.

This base was built in an abandoned lead mine.

From the moment the Avengers had "disappeared," he knew they must have found a shelter lined with lead.

But who could have the capability to construct such a massive base in such a short time?

And that person knew that his heat vision could not penetrate lead.

All the suspicions converged like streams, pointing to his most trusted comrade.


But at that time, he was still too weak and too nostalgic.

He needed a strong ally who could support him mentally and confirm beyond doubt that "you are right."

Batman's presence was that obelisk that established his position.

Whenever his rule was obstructed by the Avengers, he would think that at least Batman was still on his side.

Thus, he always turned a blind eye to Batman's actions.

But Batman should not have, should not have betrayed him along with Soren under his indulgence.

Now he no longer needed Batman.

Batman, like Soren, chose to side with the Avengers, choosing to stand on the opposite side.

They were no longer comrades, close friends, or the world's best team—they were now enemies.

If he saw Batman again, he would break every remaining bone in his spine.