
Mr. Billionaire's Ex-Lover

Due to an incident of harassment by her superiors on her, Rachel Lee who worked in one of the branch offices had to be transferred to the head office. Rachel thought things would get better. But it turns out that working at the head office makes her meet her past lover, someone who just disappeared for ten years and made her unable to move on. When her ex becomes the boss where she works, chases her and wants to get back with her when the man has another woman he will marry, where will fate take Rachel's heart, which is now restless?

Missara08_ · Urbain
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156 Chs

Chapter 98

"That's up to you," said Doctor Juan disinterestedly. His mind was still on Rachel's condition.

"A real man doesn't take someone else's property." Arthur laughed softly and then walked away.

Doctor Juan smiled sarcastically. "Even if I wanted to snatch her, her heart would never be mine ... or yours," he said.

Arthur kept walking unconcerned. Of course he knew that clearly.




Xavier locked himself in the room. The man was still very shaken by the proposal Arthur had made at the party that night.

How could it be like this? When he succeeded in defeating his grandfather for the sake of his relationship with Rachel, fate had separated them again like this.

"Amnesia?" Xavier poured the alcohol back into the glass. Tears rolled down Xavier's cheeks without realizing it. "So you really don't remember me?"