
Mr. Billionaire's Ex-Lover

Due to an incident of harassment by her superiors on her, Rachel Lee who worked in one of the branch offices had to be transferred to the head office. Rachel thought things would get better. But it turns out that working at the head office makes her meet her past lover, someone who just disappeared for ten years and made her unable to move on. When her ex becomes the boss where she works, chases her and wants to get back with her when the man has another woman he will marry, where will fate take Rachel's heart, which is now restless?

Missara08_ · Urbain
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156 Chs

Chapter 104

Nancy bit her lips slowly. "I'm not sure you have to see this, maybe ... you don't need to know? Maybe?"

Rachel folded her arms on her chest. "That means it has something to do with me," he made.

Nancy took a deep breath. "Promise you will not be angry or emotional? It won't be good for your baby's health," he said.

"Show me first," Rachel said. He tried to reach the cellphone in Nancy's hand but failed.

Nancy laughed and pointed at Rachel's stomach. "With a stomach like that you are not my match, Rachel."

Rachel smiled, he looked at Nancy with a sad look. "Aren't we friends?"

Nancy was silent. He then said, "But this is for your good."

"Only I can determine what is best for me, Nancy. You are someone who believes me the most and the most trusted," he said.

Nancy sat limp. "You won."

He also handed his cellphone to Rachel.