
Mr Vlad

In a mysterious palace ruled by vampires, Claire finds herself thrust into a world of darkness. Haunted by dreams of a enigmatic vampire figure, she grapples with her growing, inexplicable connection to the creature of the night. However, Claire's world is shattered when she is abducted by a vampire and thrust into a nightmare realm. There, she learns of her chilling destiny as a breeder, fated to bear an heir for the ruler of the night. With only her steadfast handmaid, Lia, by her side, Claire must confront the horrifying truth of her fate. Filled with gothic romance, suspense, and supernatural intrigue, "Mr Vlad" is a captivating tale of love, betrayal, and the quest for freedom. Follow Claire as she steers the hazardous palace life, fighting for autonomy in dark forces beyond her control. This evocative narrative blends elements of gothic romance, high-stakes drama, and thought-provoking questions about destiny, power, and what it means to be human (or inhuman). Readers will be enthralled by Claire's journey of self-discovery and survival against the backdrop of a hauntingly beautiful, perilous vampire kingdom.

Nikilov_Love · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter one - Sacrificed to the vampire ruler

Claire was walking along the peaceful shoreline, listening to the calming sounds of the waves. The sun was setting, painting the sky in gorgeous shades of gold, purple, and pink. It was the perfect scene for an evening escape.

As she strolled, the soft sand felt soothing under her feet, almost like a gentle massage. The rhythmic crunching of her steps blended with the distant calls of seagulls and the ebb and flow of the tide, creating a serene, natural melody.

Claire found herself mesmerized by the horizon, watching as the sun slowly dipped down, like an artist carefully brushing the sky with vibrant colors. The beach was quiet, with only the occasional seagull soaring overhead and the gentle lapping of the waves.

This peaceful setting allowed Claire's mind to find calm, as she became fully immersed in the beauty of the moment. The sights, sounds, and sensations all came together to create a truly enchanting experience, perfect for soothing the soul.

However, as the daylight waned and shadows stretched across the shoreline, a figure materialized from the periphery of Claire's vision. Intrigued, she turned, her heart quickening in anticipation as she beheld the silhouette of a mysterious stranger against the backdrop of the fading light. There was an otherworldly quality about the figure, as if he had stepped out from the realm of dreams, his movements swift and graceful.

As Claire ventured closer, drawn by curiosity and a hint of fear, the stranger's features gradually emerged from the depths of shadows. His eyes, pools of deep obsidian, held a mysterious allure, reflecting the fading light with an enigmatic sparkle. His countenance bore the marks of countless tales etched upon his weathered face, hinting at a life lived.

Time seemed to suspend its relentless march as Claire and the stranger stood face to face, a charged silence enveloping them. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring them together in this moment, a fleeting intersection of two souls traversing separate paths.

With a voice as velvety as the night sky, the stranger broke the enchantment of silence. "In the twilight's embrace, we encounter peacefulness, don't we?" His words, a whispered melody, caressed the air, carrying with it longing and hidden stories.

Claire's heart fluttered, a delicate butterfly taking flight within her chest. There was an inexplicable familiarity in the stranger's presence, as if he had been plucked from the pages of her cherished novels.

"Yes," she murmured, her voice barely audible above the gentle susurrus of the waves. 

The stranger's lips curled into a wistful smile, a glimpse into the depths of his enigmatic soul. "Ah, how rare it is to encounter a kindred spirit in this vast world. You possess a rare gift, Claire—a heart that seeks beauty and truth."

A shiver coursed through Claire's being, the words resonating within her like a symphony that stirred dormant emotions. She wondered how this stranger, with his ancient eyes and tender words, had unlocked a hidden chamber within her soul, a chamber she had long forgotten existed.

"Who are you?" she finally mustered the courage to ask, her voice trembling ever so slightly.

The stranger's gaze lingered upon her, his eyes holding a glimmer of secrets unrelenting. "Names hold little meaning, Claire, for they are but transient labels in the grand tapestry of existence. Call me a wanderer, a seeker of stories and forgotten whispers carried upon the winds of time."

A sense of longing swelled within Claire, a yearning to delve deeper into the stranger's enigma and unravel the mysteries that danced in his eyes. The beach, once a backdrop for her solitary contemplation, now felt like the stage for an extraordinary encounter—a meeting of two souls destined to intertwine, if only for a fleeting moment.

"Tell me your tales," she entreated, her voice a gentle plea.

The stranger's smile deepened, as if her words had struck a chord within his very essence. "Ah, to share drapes of my existence with a kindred spirit such as you... It would be an honor."

 Claire awakened from the depths of slumber, a surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins, her heart pounding against her chest. The remnants of the dream, like delicate pile, clung to her consciousness, refusing to be forgotten. The peaceful beach, the enigmatic Silas, and the mesmerizing moonlit spin—they all seemed so vivid, as if they had been etched into the very fabric of her being. Yet, they slipped away like grains of sand slipping through her fingers, leaving her grasping at memories that eluded her.

But reality soon asserted itself, pulling her back into wakefulness. She found herself entangled in her bedsheets, a reminder of the disarray that lingered within her. The echoes of the night whispered in her ears, their ethereal presence lingering like a fragile mist, teasing her with glimpses of a world that felt simultaneously distant and achingly close.

Days turned into weeks, and the dream became an occasional visitor to her subconscious, a clandestine engagement between her and the enigmatic Silas. With each recurrence, the connection between them grew stronger, a feeling that wove through the drapes of her reality, leaving her suspended between two worlds.

In the light of day, Claire tried to reconcile the enchantment of her dream world with the comforting familiarity of her boyfriend, who brought warmth and stability to her life. His love was a beacon, radiating with tenderness and constancy. Yet, the phantom presents of Silas offered an intoxicating allure that stirred her soul. Her feelings becoming a silent struggle, hidden behind a mask of conformity. Claire's nights became a battleground between loyalty and temptation. The moonlit beach, the sound of waves, and the enigmatic figure of silas haunted her sleep, leaving her waking up with a sense of longing.

 Claire found herself torn. Her heart yearned for the ethereal embrace of Silas, for the moonlit spins and the secrets whispered in the night. But her conscience, tethered to the solidity of her relationship, tugged at her, reminding her of the love and devotion that graced her everyday existence.

She questioned the nature of these dreams, these ephemeral encounters that left her breathless and yearning for more. Were they a mere figment of her imagination, conjured by the depths of her subconscious? Or were they glimpses into a parallel reality, where fate and destiny converged.

In the quiet moments, she pondered whether revealing this supernatural aspect of her dreams would bring understanding or skepticism from those she held dear. The fear of being dismissed as fanciful or misunderstood cast a shadow over her desire to share the intricacies of her nocturnal encounters.Yet, a yearning for connection lingered, a desire to bridge the gap between the surreal and the tactile. The question of whether her best friend and boyfriend could fathom the depths of her dreams remained unanswered.

Claire wondered if one day the courage to share her extraordinary dreams would outweigh the fear of being disbeliefed, unveiling a secret that dwelled in the realm where the night and her heart intertwined.

Claire's mornings became a twirl between the lingering echoes of her dream conversations with Silas and the mundane rituals of her waking life. As she prepared for work, the ethereal whispers of the night's discussions still played in her mind, a symphony of words that lingered like a sweet melody.

The routine of her daily life offered a comforting stability, and she seamlessly transitioned from the dream world to the reality of her apartment. Each morning, the dream conversations with Silas felt like a distant memory, a surreal experience that existed on the fringes of her consciousness. After completing her morning rituals, Claire heard the familiar sound of her boyfriend entering the room. His warm presence offered a stark contrast to the cool, mysterious allure of the vampire in her dreams. As he gently carried her to start the day, a sense of security enveloped her, momentarily easing the inner conflict that had become an integral part of her existence.

Throughout the day, Claire returns to her professional responsibilities, the dream conversations tucked away like a cherished secret. The sunlight streamed through office windows, casting a different light on her reality. Yet, the residue of the night lingered, a silent tenor that added depth to her otherwise ordinary days. Evenings brought a return to the familiar routine— dinner with her boyfriend, the comforting embrace of routine, and the anticipation of another night's slumber. As nightfall approached, the dream world beckoned again, offering a sanctuary where she could explore the uncharted realms of her emotions.

Under the cloak of night, Claire returned to the beach, drawn by an irresistible force that seemed to echo through her veins. The moon hung low in the ink-black sky, casting an ethereal glow upon the restless waves. The calm scene from earlier had transformed into a mysterious nightly effigy.

As she walked along the deserted shore, the rhythmic crashing of the waves intensified, creating a haunting melody that resonated with the pulsating energy of the night. The moonlight, playing hide-and-seek with the clouds, cast intermittent shadows on the sand, adding an eerie touch to the surroundings. It wasn't long before the familiar figure of silas emerged from the darkness, his form a silhouette against the shimmering water. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy as he approached, his eyes reflecting the moon's silver sheen. Claire felt fascinated, the allure of the night pulling her deeper into its enigmatic embrace.

The beach, once a haven of calmness, now radiated with a quiet intensity. Silas, with his charm, led Claire into tales of centuries event that seemed both fantastical and hauntingly real. The scent of salt hung in the air, blending with the subtle aroma of something altogether more supernatural. As the night unfolded, Claire found herself captivated by the mysterious allure of this encounter. The waves, crashing rhythmically, mirrored the ebb and flow of emotions within her.

The moon reached its zenith, bathing the beach in an otherworldly glow. In that moment, as the waves whispered their secrets and the wind carried echoes of ancient tales, Claire stood at the water's edge, teetering on the precipice between this world and the waking world.

Claire cherished the beauty of her conversations with Silas, the moments when words flowed effortlessly, transcending the limitations of the dream realm. Yet, she couldn't escape the reality waiting for her each morning—a boyfriend who cared for her and a life that demanded attention beyond the confines of her dreams.

In few months Claire dreams took an unexpected turn as silas, the mysterious vampire who had been a recurring visitor, materialized into her waking life. The transition from the dream world to reality, and she found herself face to face with the enigmatic figure who had been the subject of her nightly musings.

 Claire, caught in the string of her own imagination, found herself grappling with the haunting consequences of a dream bleeding into reality. The vampire who had once captured her imagination now held her captive within a narrative she had never intended to live. What had initially been a fascination had transformed into a nightmarish existence, and the echoes of her longing for the dream world had morphed into desperate pleas for release.

Silas, the vampire who had once been a figment of her dreams, now stood before her, leading her away with a confidence that sent shivers down her spine. He called her by a name that felt foreign and unfamiliar, further entangling her into more web of emotions she couldn't escape. Claire was trapped, one that forced her to question the nature of her dreams and reality and face the consequences that had taken a life-altering turn.

Her heart, once torn between the allure of the dream vampire and the familiarity of her real life, now beat with foreboding. This very day became a pivotal moment, a part where mundane and mortals collided. Claire was left to grapple with the aftermath of a dream that had transcended the boundaries of her imagination, leaving her bewildered and searching for answers.

Silas, who had once charmed her with words, now revealed a chilling motive. The man she had felt an inexplicable bond with had transformed into a stranger with a sinister agenda. With each step he took, leading her away, he called her "our procreation," a revelation that sent shockwaves through her entire being.

 Claire realized that she had become an object in a game she never agreed to play. Her dreams and reality now clouded beyond recognition, and she was left to the faithless path laid out before her. Her once innocent fascination had turned into a fight for her own existence, forcing her to summon every ounce of strength and resilience she possessed.

 Claire vowed to reclaim her bureau and uncover the mysteries that bound her. She would confront the darkness that had invaded her life, face the demons she had unknowingly unleashed, and find a way to break free from the nightmare that had ensnared her. 

In the eerie journey into Silas's world, the vampire revealed his motive with an unsettling calmness that sent a chill down Claire's spine. He needed her to fulfill the role of a breeder, to bear an heir for their vampire king. This revelation pressed upon her, and the dreamlike romance she had once cherished shattered into a nightmarish reality.

Struggling against the cruel fate that awaited her, Claire grappled with the horrifying realization that the vampire she had once admired harbored a much darker purpose. The dream world, which had been her sanctuary, now revealed its sinister underbelly, leaving her with a sense of deep betrayal and foreboding awareness of her impending role in this mortal drama.

The journey to Silas's world became a descent into a nightmarish reality, where Claire's hopes of a love that transcended worlds transformed into a desperate plea for escape. The revelation of her intended purpose as a breeder, a mere puppet in their twisted pursuit of lineage, marked the lowest point of her harrowing ordeal.

As she faced the fate that awaited her in this unfamiliar world, Claire clung to the memories of her dreams, the gentleness of the vampire who once spoke to her kindly. Now, trapped in a dark narrative not of her choosing, she grappled with the haunting truth that dreams could be a double-edged portal, where the sublime could seamlessly transform into the macabre.


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