
Chapter 1

A bell would start to ring as it sounded suspicious and loud but also hallucinating. In a garden full of different types of flowers and some unknown drenched with the color of blood. The sun has stopped at midpoint causing a bright yellow and pink with a hint of purple sunset, as the wind would gather blowing in different directions from east to west, north to south. I suddenly woke up in the middle of the windy beautiful mysterious garden not knowing how I got here with a hint of panic began to arise from the bottom of the heart, my eyes would slowly open as I was inside a tub filled with blood and hooked to a different unknown IV's in my arm, I couldn't move much the only thing that moved was my eyes. From a distance I see a huge hospital that seem to be abandoned without a soul in sight, I'd swallow the saliva that I had trapped in my throat and randomly begun crying out of no where. My body would give me the urge to start hyperventilating as I couldn't breathe trying to calm myself down, it seemed like my whole body has been drugged. I was at school and the next thing I know the bell went off and I passed out. I just really wanna go home, I don't know why I'm here, did I do something wrong? Did someone kidnap me?..but why me? I've done everything right. I bit my lip gently and forced my body to move picking myself up as all the blood from my clothes dropped down to the tub, I stepped out and my body tilted to the floor, I held on tightly to what was around me to support my balance. My hair was completely drenched and reeked of the blood which slightly made me gag. I sighed heavily and looked to my left and saw a stick that looked strong enough to support my weight. I slowly reached over and picked it up, I leaned all my weight onto it and decided to walk towards the abandoned building as my thoughts completely filled my head, I grabbed tightly to the stick and almost fell over, the garden looked beautiful and romantic but also isolating and strange. I leaned against the outside of the hospitals door taking a small break, my hand had reached for the doorknob and twisted it, I walked into the building, it looked fancy and rich but why is it abandoned? Who brought me here and for what purpose?..I heard footsteps and a deep voice of a man humming a tune. As quick as I could be I hid myself. The man was standing in a dark hallway across from me, his humming and footsteps kept getting closer and closer as my heart started to beat faster and faster per second, I held my breathe and stayed as still door taking a small break, my hand had reached for the doorknob and twisted it, I walked into the building, it looked fancy and rich but why is it abandoned? Who brought me here and for what purpose?..I heard footsteps and a deep voice of a man humming a tune. As quick as I could be I hid myself. The man was standing in a dark hallway across from me, his humming and footsteps kept getting closer and closer as my heart started to beat faster and faster per second, I held my breathe and stayed as still as I could, the man soon came into the light and saw a track of blood footprints on the floor, he kept still as his face got intense and a smirk appeared in his face, his eyes widened with darkness and a twisted joy inside them. He laughed and hummed some more, he begun to get closer and closer as I walked to find a exit, I speeded up my pace and touched the door, I walked into the room as I felt a hand on my shoulder and nails dig into my skin little by little and another hand covering my mouth and caressing my neck gently, the man came closer to my ear, as his humming had stopped.