
marriage is not my thing

mother I'm not getting married!shouted Nelson at his mother.Nelson Kim ,a very young man ,tall and handsome and it's every woman's dream to marry some like Nelson.

Nelson even though came from a poor family ,he struggled hard to make his mother proud. He is the number one in the business world. He is twenty nine years of age.

My son I know it is because of that vile woman. I know what she did to u was not good and see I'm sure she is regretting her action now, said Mrs kim.

Cielo Kim is Nelson biological mother. she is a very beautiful woman someone can say Nelson took his features from his mother.

Mother you know I don't want to hear about that woman again,she betrayed my trust and my love for her, mother that is the main reason I cannot fall in love again because all women are the same,Nelson said with pain visible in his voice.

I know Nelson but that doesn't mean you will not fall in love again,you have to give me my grandchildren sooner or later,Nelson u are not getting any younger,Mrs kim started crying as she continues her word and you know I raised you on my own because your father left me for another woman and you are here feeling down because a woman left you,what makes us different tell me said Mrs kim as she continues to cry.

Nelson did not know what to do, he doesn't like to see his mother crying. Mother I have heard you and you know marriage is not my thing but I will try and do something, Nelson said. ok son do something and forget about that vile woman what's her name again ooo... Nelson stopped his mother from talking because he did not like hearing the woman's name.

chapter two - love at first sight

Ella smith with her friend