
Chapter Five

Arabella's POV

"He did what!!!!???", Sasha exclaimed loudly.

"Asked me out", I blushed slightly.

"Details, I want details", she said pulling me towards the couch.

Couple Hours Earlier

"Well you could let me take you on a date", he smirked.

If I was drinking or eating right now I would have definitely choked, I was just sitting there looking at him as if he had grown a second head.

"It's not lady-like to stare Bella", he chuckled.

"Are you serious right now??", I asked looking him dead in the eyes.

"More serious than a heart attack

Bella, so... Yes??"

"Can I think about it??"

"Sure, you have until Thursday to decide and since today is Monday you have alot of time"

"Ok", I nodded my head and with that he got up leaving his number for me to call.

I watched him exit the cafe and just before he went out the door he turned around and winked before walking out.

Present Moment

Sasha squealed like a little piggy as I finished telling her about my encounter with Damian.

"You have to say yes Bella!!"

"I don't know, he gave me until Thursday to think about it and to give him an answer"

"The sooner you answer the more interest he'll have in you" she grinned.

"From his reputation I don't think I want him to have any interest at all in me Sasha"

"Oh come on we both know that most of those rumors are simply bullshit"

"Some but not all", she opened her mouth to retaliate but ended up shutting it when she realized I was right.

"Fine!! I won't pressure you any longer but I do hope you say yes", she grinned before getting up.

I sighed shaking my head in the process, checking the time I realized it was now 4:30 and I had to be at my parents house by 6.

Quickly getting up, I rushed to the bathroom, not spending as long as I normally do I quickly do my business before exiting and heading to my room.

My rush came to complete stop when I realized I had no idea what I was gonna wear.

"Sasha!!!" I shouted loud enough for her to hear, I waited for 2 minutes but she still didn't show up.

"Sash-!!", just as I was about to finish calling her name she entered my room.

"After that first call you think I wouldn't have heard you??", she said grinning.

"Well you took your sweet time getting here "

"I was on the phone with my mom", nodding my head I turned back to my closet.

"My dearest best friend, I cannot find anything to wear"

"Wait, tonight is your date with Damian!!??, you said yes!!?, how long was I on the phone for!??"

"Quiet down missy, remember we're going to my parents house for dinner tonight??"

"Wait that was tonight!!?, bloody hella I totally had forgotten, it's a good thing I already took a bath", as if remembering that I told her I can't find anything to wear she stepped around me and into my closet.

Five minutes later she came back with a grey crop top and grey skirt, I decided to pair it with my black heels.

"Ok girl, you be looking fine as hell", Sasha grinned looking at her accomplishment.

"Thank you, but you need to go and get ready as well Sash"

"Oh yes", and with that he walked out.

I decided to not do any make up, so brushing my hair, I sprayed on some perfume and went downstairs to wait for Sasha.

A few minutes passed and she finally came down the stairs,all dolled up.

"Damn Sash, it's just a family dinner"

"And I'm trying to impress your sister", she winked making me laugh.

"You wonna drive tonight or should I??", I asked her.

"You should drive, I'm taking my girl to the garage tomorrow", she says referring to her Mustang.

"Ok let's get going before mom calls, because we both know how she can get", we walked out the door locking it in the process.

We made our way over to my car, starting the car I pulled out of the drive way and onto the road.

It took us 15 minutes to arrive at my parents house, looking at the time it was now 5:45, early, as always.

Getting out of the car we made our way to the door, instead of knocking we just opened the door and went straight in.

"Mom!! Dad!! We're here!!", I heard mom answer from the kitchen and dad from the living room, looking at Sasha she knew what I was already thinking.

Whenever we came over and my parents were not in the same place we would split up.

Heading to the kitchen I saw my mom and my sister, hugging them both we started to talk about random things.

"By the way you're rocking that outfit sis", my sister said smiling.

"Oh thanks, Sasha picked it out for me", at the mention of Sasha's name I saw the way her eyes brighten a little more.

"She's here??", I could sense the excitement in her voice, they've both had a liking for eachother for so long and I'm confused as to why neither hasn't said anything to other.

"Yeah she's here, she's with da-", just as I was about to finish, in came Sasha followed by dad.

"Dad!!" I screamed hugging him.

"With that much energy in your greeting I'm surprised as to how you're always coming to me first whenever you visit", my mom said playfully.

"Oh dear you know the saying, ' always save the best for last', that's exactly what she's doing", my dad grinned making my mom roll her eyes.

"We're going outside, coming Bella??", Sasha asked me.

"No, you two go on, I'm gonna help mom", nodding her head she and my sister left the kitchen.

"Ok let's get cracking", as if on cue my dad cracks an egg.

"I didn't mean literally dad".

It's been an hour since we've been in the kitchen and we're almost finished.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back"

I made my way out and up the stairs, I walked a few doors down until I reach the bathroom opening the door I flipped on the lights but what I didn't expect to see was my sister and best friend making out.

"Really guys, the bathroom??", Sasha shrugged while my sister stood there shocked.

"It's ok Maya, I already knew you two had a thing for eachother", as soon as I said that I saw her release a breath.

Sasha and Maya??

As you all could tell from Chapter 1 that Sasha is bisexual, but so far she's taken a liking to Maya, Maya is Bella's sister.

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