
chapter One:The kidnappers part one

A woman was suddenly walking and wanted to cross the road but never expected that a taxi would stop in front of her and then she saw a gun pointed at her and the it was a surprise to her unexpectedly it w ould stop in front of her and pointed a gun at her, she was surprised and her hand slipped and the fruit in her hand suddenly drop down and landed on the floor, she followed his instruction and enter the taxi car,when she entered the taxi car she saw two masked person in the car,one was driving and the other one was in the beck seat while the other one was in the backseat with her,but was holding a gun,after thirty minutes they reached an unconstructed house and they suddenly started moving towards the uncomlete building,when they entered the uncompleted building,she suddenly saw people resting on the walls some were smoking while some were smoking,some were sniffing something that look like pieces of chalk,it wouldn't take an idiot time to figure out it is cocaine,the people who kidnapped her suddenly turned around and lead them towards a corridor she followed them being scared they suddenly opened the door and shouted boss we are here,we are sorry we took so long but this woman stays too long in the supermarket, hahahaha what a foolish woman he laughed,can we come in boss,well yes you can enter,as they enter she was suddenly hit dumbstruck because she saw a man in a black suit but almost all his body there was tattoo all over him there was countless scars on the man body especially his face they were so many scars on his face that he looked like the devil himself,she was scared silly,he suddenly started laughing hahahaha,see her face boss she is scared silly,he suddenly started speaking do you know why we kidnap you,we have been paid for your life hahahaha,please leave me the woman suddenly said, please leave me I would give you two times the money they pay you for please leave ma alone,I will do whatever you say,please leave me alone,please do not kill me I will anything don't kill me please, hahahaha do you know who send us to kill you,it is your twin sister that send us

i do not believe you,it can't be my sister,well your sister said you are trying to take her fiance away, hahahaha she also said you do not love that guy that you only want the guy money her heart was broken into two,when she and her twins were young she always did everything for her like now when they were five her twin sister lost her lollipop and she started crying but she gave her her lollipop,she loved her sister even when her sister said she should stop being friends with him and that she should leave him because she likes her friend,she did it without hesitation,she suddenly heared boss say,say your last prayer,they suddenly heared a police horn and they spoke through a mic and they said everywhere has been sorrounded

On the road, a man was inside a car and was pressing phone, suddenly the phone fell down and suddenly the driver stopped,Mr Mo are you alright,Mr Mo ,Mr Mo are you okay should I call the personal doctor,and suddenly he heared his boss say drive towards that uncompleted building be quick,the driver was confused because he could hear from his master voice that his voice was shaking like he was scared,so he was rather quick and they quickly arrived at the uncompleated building,he suddenly heared Mr Mo say call the police and he suddenly entered the uncompleated building after he entered

The present

as they heard the voice he quickly pointed the gun at the woman, suddenly he heared a voice that that sent chills to even him without hesitation he shoot the bullet towards the woman and suddenly the bullet entered her body and then she blanked out but before she blanked out she saw a man a man dressed in black suit and then she blanked out before she could fall down someone suddenly caught her,and brought her down safely

they suddenly heared a voice that say you want to kill the devil woman,then go to hell

the boss and his two goons fire suddenly appeared around the three people and they turn into dust,from now on they have disappeared from the world, suddenly the man eye on red,she has die,he could not feel any heartbeat again,he suddenly shouted death, how dare you take my woman under my nose,how dare you take my love from under my nose come out death suddenly there was an hoarse voice that said,I am right here be suddenly come out from the wall

He suddenly said,how can Satan give birth to such a weak demon,you stoop so low to fall in love if dad knows about it you will stop this your vacation,and directly go to hell so that is why,after all you are the successor of father,

when father retire,you would be the next king of hell,you may be Mr Bo to mortals but demons sees you as the demon king,daddy gave birth to thousand of or even millions of children but you are the most powerfullest of all of us ,but It isn't time. give me my woman

and I won't kill you,keep her safe and you know that she is special,she is more than a mere mortal and oh, don't make her die again or I would never give you her soul after she die have you hear,just wake her up,okay remember protect her and don't make me regrets my decision to wake her up,

suddenly something glowing suddenly came towards death hands and he put it into the woman and after putting it,then suddenly wings came from his back, goodbye I will see your woman later,the suddenly he checked her heatbeat and it was beating, although it was little heartbeat but it was still enough for now,