
Mr Lawyer, be careful with my heart

"I miss you" he said with his hoarse voice as he gazed at her. her heart was screaming I miss you too but instead she said. "It's okay, you'll get used to it".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantaisie
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62 Chs


Aliya left the man lying on the floor and she then made her way to the door.

As her mind devised another plan, she could just take the two of them but she didn't want to alert anyone and so she choose to do it inside.

"Help help" Aliya screamed on the top of her lungs in a panicked voice enough to alert the man outside.

"Are you alright madam?" The guard asked immediately he entered, he didn't know what would happen to him if he was to let any harm befall on this miss. His boss for sure would kill him.

"He's.... He's dead" Aliya said half stuttering as she pointed to the man lying on the ground. The other guard looked in the direction she was pointing and he saw his mate lying unconscious on the ground.

He rushed to his side and then he reached down to feel the man's pulse and he noticed the shards of glass on the ground. Before he could confront the miss he felt two fingers on his neck and he too fell unconscious

Aliya looked at the two guys laying unconscious on the floor, Aliya made sure that they were both unconscious before she then left her apartment.

She grabbed her keys from the counter as she made her way out the door, her steps echoed in the silent corridors as she entered the elevator.

Aliya entered the parking lot as she searched for her car but she couldn't find it. Her gaze hardened when she realized who had taken her car, Aliya took a mental note down to confront him but for now she needed to be somewhere.

"What's a lady like you doing outside by this time of the night"

Hearing that voice, for the first time Aliya was actually happy that he was here, not that she couldn't meet anyone else for help but they would ask questions and it would alert unnecessary people.

"Mr Lee" Aliya greeted as she made a turn to see the man behind her. He had a smile on his face as always and he still looked charming.

"Miss Aliya, what are you doing standing alone in the parking lot at this hour?" Lim asked as he threw a questioning glance at her.

"I believe I'm not alone Mr Lee, you are also here with me" Aliya replied to his statement.

"But mine is different, I just got back from work" Mr Lee replied as he pointed to the direction of his limo.

"I need to go somewhere but my car is missing" Aliya said as the thought of who took her car crossed her mind, she was getting angry again.

"I'm sorry about that, Do you want me to fill a missing report for your car?" Lim asked offering his services like a gentleman.

"That won't be necessary, I already know who took it" Aliya replied declining his help.

"Really, who?" Lim asked .

"Nevermind Mr Lee, if you are not busy would you pls give me a ride?" Aliya asked to which the man answered without hesitation.

Aliya walked behind him as they both reached his car, she noticed the continuous stare she was getting from the driver, it was like the man knew her. Aliya couldn't recall if she had seen him before and with the way he looked at her Aliya feared that she would pluck his eyes out if he continued.

One of the men opened the door for them and Mr Lee being the gentleman helped her get in first before he joined her.

"So Miss Aliya where am I taking you" Mr Lee asked as he turned to face her.

"It's not far, just down the street" Aliya said

Mr Lee just passed a look to his driver and he began to drive. The car was silent for sometime before Mr Lee began to ask her questions which Aliya would reply with little to no interest on the subject.

"We are here boss" The driver said as he looked at his boss through the mirror, he didn't waist the opportunity and he also spared a glance at Aliya.

"Thank you very much Mr Lee" Aliya said expressing her gratitude as he was indeed helpful to her today.

"No need to thank me, but if you really want to thank me how about I pick you up for lunch or even dinner whichever you are available for." Mr Lee said trying his luck again.

"You pick the time and you know where to find me" Aliya said, it was the least she could do as he had helped her tonight. The least she could. do was to accept his invitation.

"I must ask miss Aliya, what are you doing in this kind of place at this hour?" Mr Lim asked with his eyes looking at her with curiously.

"I just want to collect something I had left the last time I came" Aliya replied and was about getting out when the man asked again.

"In that case then I'll wait for you" Mr Lee offered his help again.

"That won't be necessary Mr Lee, I'll call a cab. Good night" Aliya finished her sentence as she left the limo, she then entered the street and behold the gold she was looking for was there.

She had remembered leaving her bike here when Skyler had come to get her, she could still remember the menace in his eyes and on this very ground she shivered again.

Aliya hopped on her bike as she placed the helmet on her head while letting a few of her hair down.

Aliya zoomed off as she took the same route she had taken when she came here, she passed by the limo that was still in the place she had left it.

Inside the limo Mr Lee was still enjoying the silence when he heard the sound of the bike moving and a smile curved on his lips but not the time that he would usually show around Aliya.

"Should we follow her " The driver asked when he saw the lady on the bike.

"No" Skyler replied to his question as he then closed his eyes again.

Aliya rode her bike in the quiet road as the stars began to come out. Aliya looked up at the sky and something flashed in her eyes but she quickly blinked it away.

Aliya's hair continued to blow with the wind she drove with speed, she had been driving for minutes and she had now gotten to her destination.

Aliya parked her bike and she got down, she looked at the building to check if she had come to the right place. The building was an old abandoned house that no one had entered in years or so they say. If one was to make a movie about haunted houses then this would be the first on their list.

Aliya opened the door and what one may find inside could be called shocking.

Inside the building was a bar, the place was filled with loud music and girls lots of them. Aliya looked around as she scanned all the faces present, she had recognized some of them. These were the high elites in the city, by day they talk about how they are going to help make the city grow and by night they come here to drink and have fun.

If the news was to get out all their image would be tarnished.

Aliya didn't bother to talk to anyone as she scanned the room looking for the person that made her come here but as soon as she got sight of him the man seem to have seen her and he stood up preparing to leave.

Aliya followed him, as she made sure not to remove her eyes from him, the room wasn't bright and if she was to

loose sight of him then he would use the opportunity and get away.

Aliya followed him through the emergency exit door and when she came out he was gone. it was like he had disappeared but Aliya was sure that he was still around she just didn't know where he was.

Aliya continue to walk gently as her eyes scanned the surrounding.

"With the way you follow me around Aliya I'm beginning to think that I might have left an impression on you"

Aliya heard his voice and without turning around as she could already tell who had that voice.

"I don't have time for your silly jokes Harry" Aliya said as she turned to look at the young man in glasses.

"What is that you want then, I'm on the clock so hurry up" Harry said as he looked at the sky, normal people would check their watch to know what the time was but Harry had choose to use the sky to check the time.

"I need your help" Aliya said to which she received a chuckle from the man.

"The last time you asked for my help, I tried to kill you. What makes you think I won't do that again?" Harry asked as he looked at her.

"That's the thing, I want you to poison me"