
Mr Lawyer, be careful with my heart

"I miss you" he said with his hoarse voice as he gazed at her. her heart was screaming I miss you too but instead she said. "It's okay, you'll get used to it".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantaisie
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62 Chs


Deon was about heading out when he noticed the pair who had just entered the hospital. And same with the rest he was shocked to find Aliya in the arms of their new manager.

He quickly rushed to their side and what he saw was the pale face of Aliya. He reached his hand to touch her forehead and he retreated it almost immediately.

"She's burning...I don't know what's wrong.....I just woke up...and.." Skyler tried to talk half stuttering with his face filled with worry as he looked at Deon for an explanation. He didn't seem to notice the attention he had gotten.

Deon who had already got a grasp of the situation just smiled and then greeted his boss.

"Good morning Mr Walker" Deon greeted as he looked at the expressions on the man's face.

Skyler didn't bother to respond to his greeting as he continued to look at Aliya.

"she'll be fine, it's just fever" Deon said as he tried to reassure the man but Skyler didn't seem to hear any of it as he continued to panic.

Deon then called out to one of his assistant to come take Aliya to one of the rooms upstairs but before they could reach to touch her Skyler looked at them with his eyes warning them to keep their hands off.

The two young ladies were scared to death when they saw the fury in those eyes and they quickly stepped back.

Skyler didn't bother to notice the audience he had gathered with his act and he then strode to the elevator.

Deon just followed behind him with a wondering gaze, as he tried to put in the pieces together to figure out what was going on.

The ride was quiet as neither of them was willing to talk. Skyler was still rubbing her gently trying as much as possible to keep her warm.

He had noticed that she had been quiet since and it made him worry, he then looked at her and noticed that her eyes were close, he slightly panic as he thought of what had happened.

"Aliya" He called out gently as he tried to feel her pulse, he sighed in relief when he felt her pulse.

"She's just resting, no need to worry Mr Walker" Deon said when he noticed the Man's expression

But Skyler didn't seem to heed to that and although Deon had said not to worry he couldn't help it. Seeing her in this condition was unbearable for him, he would rather wish to see her angry than to see her like this.

The elevator stopped and they both headed out. Skyler didn't bother to walk far as his eyes searched for the first vacant room.

He quickly placed her on the bed as he continued to hold her hand.

Deon was stunned with Mr Walker's behavior, he didn't understand why his manager would care so much about Aliya.

But he didn't want to ask, he quickly did a check up on Aliya and when he noticed the problem he sighed in relief.

"Mr Walker, it's just fever, she will be well after taking drugs" Deon said as he made his way out of the ward to go get drugs.

Skyler continued to caress her hand as he looked at her with a loving gaze. She was still sleeping and he could still see the red on her nose and pale face.

She was doing just fine yesterday and he couldn't understand how all of a sudden she was ill. He reached his hand as he rubbed her head gently, he looked at her face as he stared at every feature. Her lips were now purple due to the cold but that didn't have an effect on her beauty. Even in this state she was still the most pretty.

Skyler leaned his face closer and placed a kiss on her head gently.

Aliya twinkled her eyes slowly as she tried to get accumulated with the surrounding. The first thing she noticed was the pair of eyes that were looking at her.

"Hey" She heard Skyler call as he used his hands to caress her cheek.

Aliya tried to sit up but she couldn't as her body was still weak. Skyler who noticed her movements helped her to sit well by placing some pillows behind her.

"Hey, don't stress yourself" Skyler said with his hands keeping her steady.

"I'm fine...I can sit by myself" Aliya said when he continued to hold her but Skyler didn't listen and continued to help her. Aliya didn't want to talk anymore as she could feel her head begining to ache again.

When Aliya had finally settled down she then scanned the room and it didn't take long for her to recognize where she was.

"You brought me to a hospital?". Aliya asked with raised brows as she looked at the man beside her.

Skyler who didn't know why as was acting like this just replied.

"You were not well this morning, your skin was so hot and.....I .... didn't know what else to do so I....I just brought you to the hospital." Skyler answered as he continued to look at her face with his conflicted gaze.

Aliya tried to wrap her head around why he would bring her to the hospital but no matter how she looked at it, he was just overreacting.

Aliya didn't know what else to say anymore, she feared that if she continued this discussion then her headache would be severe.

Aliya sighed and then decided to lie down instead of continuing this discussion. Skyler didn't understand why she was reacting like this but still he helped her as he gently laid her on the bed.

That was the scene that welcomed Deon back into the ward. He contemplated for a while wether he should interrupt them or not. From his angle it looked like the duo were kissing. He couldn't resist teasing his best friend.

"Cough" He tried to make his presence known to the two love birds in the room.

Skyler who heard him didn't bother to turn and just continued with what he was doing. Aliya who heard the familiar voice just passed a glance at him and she could see the teasing grin on his face. Aliya didn't bother to explain herself to him and just rolled her eyes at his childishness.