
Mr Lawyer, be careful with my heart

"I miss you" he said with his hoarse voice as he gazed at her. her heart was screaming I miss you too but instead she said. "It's okay, you'll get used to it".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantaisie
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62 Chs


Skyler continued to hug her as he tried to keep her calm, his heart was in pain seeing her like this and hearing all the things she had to go through because of him, he didn't know what to feel right now but one thing was sure, he was feeling double of her pain.

He had left her but he had reasons, he had his reasons for leaving and he wished he could tell her but he didn't want to take the risk of loosing her again. Sure he had his own share of hell when she left but hearing her side of the story he didn't even have the heart to say anything.

"But it's okay" Aliya said as she raised her head from his chest, she then downed the whole bottle at once and dropped it at the terrace.

"You didn't miss me, you never did huh?" Aliya said as she hiccuped while taking few steps back.

"I miss you" Skyler said with his hoarse voice trying so hard not to let his emotions out.

Aliya could hear her hearts screaming I miss you too but instead she said.

"It's okay you'll get use to it" With a heavy heart.

"I'm already use to it, infact you should come meet me for lessons" Aliya said with her voice a little tipsy.

Skyler could hear the hurt in her voice and even in her drunk state she still refuse to be vulnerable, it made him wonder how strong her resolve was.

He tried to reach his hands to hold her but Aliya pulled back.

"Stay away...fr..from me....I don't like you, I ha..hate you" Aliya said as she pointed her pinky finger at him, Her steps were tipsy as her eyes were getting weaker.

Skyler didn't retreat his hand and still tried to reach her and when his hands reached her flushed cheeks and immediately her eyes shut and she went to sleep.

"I know....but I'll always Love you Aliya, no matter what. I wish I could explain things, I wish I could tell you my reasons for leaving but I can't, I've hurt you too much and I'm not willing to hurt you ever again. I'll do everything in my power to fix my past mistakes, I'll replace your tears with laughter, I'll make everything perfect again like it once was, and I won't stop loving you, I promise." Skyler muttered as he rubbed her cheeks with his eyes looking intently at her. he didn't know how many times he had made that promise but it didn't matter to him as he was going to make everything right.

He continued to stroke her cheeks that were now red due to all the alcohol she had taken. Skyler shifted his gaze from her face and looked outside, the day was getting dark and the evening breeze blew through the terrace touching both him and Aliya. He wanted to go back but he then realized that if he was to go back down then Aliya would wake up and he wanted her to rest.

Skyler immediately took Aliya in his arms and he then looked down from the open terrace, his eyes then shifted to the sleeping girl in his arms and then he made sure she was tightly secured in his hands.

Skyler jumped down the terrace and landed on the hard floor by the parking lot, he looked up and saw the distance he had jumped. He checked both sides with his scrutinizing gaze and then focussed his attention back on the girl when he felt her move a little.

She was still sleeping and her brows were furrowed, he then used his fingers to lightly massage her temples and soon her face was now back to normal.

Skyler moved slowly as he made his way to his car, he had reached it when all of a sudden he halted, he had sensed someone's presence. His hands immediately tighten around Aliya securely as he turned to face the unwanted visitor.

"What is it?" Skyler asked as his gaze on the stranger intensified, his aura had changed again but still he tried to control himself as he didn't want to wake her up.

The stranger then walked out of the shadow and Skyler was able to see the stranger's face more clearly not that he didn't before as he had great eye sight.

"Good evening young master, I'm here to remind you of the..."

"I do not need you to remind me of anything" Skyler said without letting the stranger finish the sentence, his eyes were glowing with fury as his gaze intensified on the stranger.

"I'm sorry young master but he had told me to inform you that drastic measures will be taken if you fail to comply to..."

"Leave" Skyler ordered coldly with his eyes filled with rage.

"Young master I...."

"Now" Skyler said without sparing another look at the stranger he opened the back doors and placed Aliya inside securely. He then turned around and looked one more time at the stranger with his eyes saying the unspoken words.

Skyler entered the car and then drove out of the parking lot into the busy streets, his hands were gripping the staring wheel tightly as he tried to keep his mind intact.

He heard some noises coming from the back and his attention was drawn to the girl behind him. Her face still had shades of red and her hair was let loose down her shoulders. Skyler took his phone from his pocket and then took a picture, he couldn't resist as he wanted to capture this moment. Just seeing her like this had calmed him down.

Skyler then found a space nearby and he packed the car there. He turned off the car and came out, he glanced at the girl one more time before he quietly closed the door. Skyler then rested his back on the door while he looked up at the sky with a lost gaze.

The things that had happened tonight were too much to take in, first Aliya confessing about how her life had been when he left her, hearing her say everything to his face like that, there was nothing more painful at that moment. The way her eyes were filled sadness and how she would quickly mask it before he could get a glance. She had been hiding all this sadness for years now and if not for the fact that she was drunk he was sure that she won't be telling him.

He had got a good look at her when she was still drunk, her giggle were light and he could clearly see the many emotions that flooded her eyes but when she was confessing, he couldn't see anything. It was like she had learned to hide her pain for years now that it seems almost impossible for her to show it to anyone. She didn't want people to see her vulnerable and he knew why....it was because she had once been vulnerable to him and he let her down..he was suppose to be her shoulder to cry on...but all those nights that she was alone on her room crying...he couldn't do anything to help her. He was aware that she cried....he had watched her cry every night since the day he left but he couldn't do anything to help her. He was hopeless at that time.

He had to watch her cry her hearts out, she would scream and curse herself several times for ever letting herself love like that. The night she had tried to kill herself...he was there, he saw everything. He was the one who alerted the maid about it, he wanted to swoop right in and save her but he knew that it would only cause her more pain. After that night he watched the love of his life endure through the worst of the worst. He saw how her mom would lock her up in the room and how she was force to take homeschool. Her room was cleaned and all that was inside was soft and fluffy pillows. Aliya would pick one of them every night and squish it till it burst.

He remembered a particular night when he had stayed by the window.


He had come in the night to check up on her like he mostly did when he saw her drinking. It was the first time he had seen her taking Alcohol and at that time she was new to it so her tolerance was very low. She hadn't taken up to half of the bottle when she began to feel tipsy.

She walked around the room while mumbling incorrect words but when he listened closer he could hear exactly what she was saying.

"I hate you.....I...hate...you" He heard her murmur as she dropped the bottle and picked one of her many fluffy pillows.

She was about to squish it but she stopped. Her eyes watered and tears threatened to fall. Aliya grabbed the grey pillow and hugged it while crying her hearts out.


That was the first time he had seen her drink alcohol and that was also the first time he had heard her say the words I hate you. But he didn't mind as he knew that his action must have hurt her a lot but now....he was going to make things right

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