
Mr Kingsley (paused but will start re writing soon)

"I should take you across my legs for what you wrote" he say moving back to the long table in the middle of the room that was surrounded with black leather chairs. "What" I say thinking I didn't ear him right "Come here Myra" my legs starting moving not thinking. He looked very pleased when he saw me walking towards him. "Why do you wear such ridiculous long skirts" he pulled at it when I got close to him. "Sir?" I asked confused, he didn't like my skirts "Mr Kingsley" he corrected me still holding my skirt in his hands "I would like to see what's underneath it" "What?" I whisper, he wants to see what's underneath my skirt? "I think I'd like that too" I whisper not thinking. Oh god did I just say that. He looked surprised but smirked. "How old are you Myra?" he hands moves to my arm stroking it slowly. My breathe hitch, I could feel butterflies in my stomach. "23, Mr Kingsley" "You are so young" he says looking at my face "Not really" I say breathing heavily. "Would you like me to punish you for what you wrote" Myra Williams is a younger newspaper editor, she loves her long skirts and sweaters. When she gets a chance to interview New York youngest richest bachelor, not expecting him to be ill manner and unpleasant. Ryan Kingsley is one of New York richest CEO at the age of 35. He is known to be a player and having a different woman at his side every night. When you Myra Williams walks into his office in her horrible clothes and messy hair for some reason he couldn't get her out of his head. Especially when she called him a sexist and an ageists.

cluelessgixl · Adolescent
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19 Chs


Myra Pov

It was night time when I was finally done with the column, I locked myself in my room all day writing it. I was done with Mr Kingsley and anything that had to do with him. I just have to think of a heading, I can talk too George about that on Monday morning. Right now I needed food.

Opening the fridge to heat up the food my mom cooked on Tuesday night. I stopped humming when I heard a noise coming for the living room. I couldn't see anything, the fridge was the only source of light. Looking on the counter for anything that could be a weapon, it might be an intruder.

I saw a figure getting up from the couch making me scream. I move to run back upstairs when the lights turned on.

"It's just me" Emma mumbles walking to the fridge

"What the hell!" I yelled at her "why were you sitting in the dark"

"I thought you left for your date?"

"He cancelled" she says

I took in her appearance she was dressed, her done and makeup. But her mascara was smudged underneath her eyes, oh no she was crying. Emma wasn't a cryer, she was the tough one. she must have really liked this guy.

"Oh Em, I'm so sorry" I whispered going to pull her for a hug "why did he cancel, I thought it was going well"

"I don't know" she hiccups "he said I wasn't ready for a relationship"

What the hell, how can he say that. Now I wanna meet him to give him a peace of my mind.

"Forget him, he doesn't know what he is missing out" I tell her "you are the best girlfriend anyone could ask for, if I was a guy I would date you"

"Em, don't cry. Please you know I don't do well with crying people"

"I'm sorry" she says between hiccups

"Why don't we have a girls night, we can go to the club. I'll even wear a dress for you" I say trying to cheer her up

"Really" she pulled away

"Yes, let's go out and have fun. Forget about men for the night" I have someone I wanted too forget about too.

Her eyes lit up, I knew she was happy that I was going out her with. She always begged me to go clubbing with her but I never went, I was always too busy to go out.

"Yes!, I bought you a dress that will be perfect" she pulls me towards her room "I have been waiting for you to say that, we are gonna to have soo much fun" she was smiling now.

"Wait you bought me a dress" I asked confused

"Yes, I saw it and immediately thought of you"

"And I'm weird" I say laughing at her.


"Quit blinking and it will stay on" she says frustrated trying to put on the lashes

I regret agreeing too this, after an hour of her pocking my face I wanted to change, wear my big T-shirt and stay in bed. But it was too late now. The dress and lashes was already on. The dress she bought me was neon green, it was short and very revealing. It literally stopped at the right place to cover my butt. I keep pulling it down as if it will magically grow longer. It was so tight, it felt like I was sucking in all the time.

"Let's go the Uber is almost here" I look away from the mirror as she said that

"Can I wear a jacket" I ask her, already knowing her answer

"No way, it will be hot in the club don't worry" she pulls me

"We are gonna so partyyy!" She yells happily like she wasn't crying an hour ago

"Emma, this heels are already killing me" I moaned

"Don't forget the keys" she say ignoring me

"Got them" I wave my purse at her.

"Remember don't collect drinks from anyone, don't leave your drink unattended and we are sharing a table with a few people from work" she says holding my shoulders

"Yes, yes, yes. I know" I tell her, nodding at everything she said

"Good-" she gets cut of by the sound of a car horn "Uber is here. Let's go"

I lock the door behind me, making sure all the windows was closed. We lived in Brooklyn, an opened window is an invitation.


"Everyone this is Myra!" Emma yelled at a couple of people sitting at the table

We just got in the club, I was worried that we had to join the line but apparently Emma knew the manager. So the bouncer let us in, it looked really packed. I could tell it was rich people who came here, we were in Brooklyn anymore. The cars packed outside gave it away.

"I'm gonna get us a drink what do you want!" She screams in my ear

"I don't know get me what your having!" I yelled back at her, she nods then leave. I couldn't even her myself think it was so loud.

"I'm Paul, this is Zoey and Shante" the guy on my right introduce the two dark skins girls on the table.

"And this is James and Omar" the Paul guy points to the other guys.

James was a blonde man with tattoos on his arms and neck, he looked big and scary but smiled at me. Omar looked mixed, I couldn't really tell but he had freckles all over his light skin.

"Sit down" Zoey said moving in from me

"Thank you, so do you all work with Emma" I ask trying not to be awkward

"No, only me and Paul works with her, the rest of us just met at the bar" she says

"Oh" I say trying not too look surprised. They looked comfortable for people who just met each other.

"I know crazy, but they won't have given us the table"

"Here you goo!" Emma shows up with two drinks in her hands. One glass was already almost empty.

"Thanks" I say collecting it,

"Let's go dance!" She yells jumping up "this is my song!"

The Song currently playing was a Nicki Minaj remix I think, I wasn't much of a dancer.

"Come on Myra" she pulls my arm but I shake my head at her, she pouts "fine Zoey, let's go!" She pulls zoey before she could protest. I watch as they walked to the dance floor pushing people out of their way, I watched them till I lost sight of them.

"So Emma tells me you work in Journalisms" the Paul guy opposite me says. I looked at the table as saw the others were gone as well. Just me and Paul, who eyes didn't leave my breast.

"Yes, I work with The call" I say drinking my drink, I closed my eyes tightly, the drink was strong.

"That's awesome, why don't you come out more. Your very pretty"

"Thanks" I say avoiding eye contact,

"I'm going to get another drink" I get up before he could say anything, pulling my dress down. I knew where the conversation was going.

I sat at a empty sit at the bar, making sure I still had my phone and purse with me. I could see Emma's blonde hair from here so that was a bonus.

"What can I get you?" I looked at the bartender that was smiling at me.

"Erm, shots" I say the first thing that comes too head. He nods and went behind the counter. I wasn't planning on going back too that table. Even his name Paul sounded like a creep.

7 shots later I needed too pee, I could still see Emma dancing, but now it was with a man. I couldn't see his face only his back, but it didn't look she wasn't enjoying it. Getting up from the stool, I almost broke my ankle cause of this stupid heels. I was a bit upset with Emma, I came here for her, so we could have fun together. I know it's her fault I was a party pooper, I didn't expect to spent my night sitting at the bar alone. But I guess her forgetting what happened was the plan.

"Hey you okay sweetheart" I felt a hot breath on my face

"Eww let me go" I pulled away alarmed, but he was just trying to help me as I stumbled through people.

Pushing people out of my way till I saw the bathroom signs. The long hallway looks longer for some reason, the bathroom was at the other end of the corridor. It was empty at least I won't have to wait in line to pee.

I pushed open the door, gagging from the smell pee and god knows what. The floor was sticky and filled with tissue, people didn't know how too clean after themselves. I pushed opened on of the stalls and gagged, the toilet was covered in vomit. Some people are just nasty. I didn't even want too open the rest, I will hold my pee till I get home.

Pushing the bathroom door opened so I can go tell Emma I was leaving, instead I hit a hard chest making me trip on my feet, but a hand steady me. "Watch where you're going" I moaned rubbing my head I think the shots were getting too me

"What the fuck are you doing here!" I freeze hearing the voice. My whole body stopped breathing.

"Ryan!" I jumped pushing away from him. What was he doing here? Wasn't he too old for clubbing?

"It's Mr Kingsley to you and I'm not that old" he says angrily pulling me back too him. Shit I said that out loud. He paused and looked down at my dress "what the fuck is this"

"A dress?" I told him confused about his question

"Where the fuck is your stupid long skirts"

I wince from the swearing, I wasn't use too this much swearing.

"At home in my wardrobe" I chuckle finding it funny

"This isn't funny Myra, do you know what can happen too you dressed like that!" He yells at me making me laugh "your asking to get fucked, if you want it so bad you should have just come to me!"

"Hey, I'm not asking for anything. Let me go" I struggle against him but he wasn't letting go.

"Your drunk. I'm taking you with me" he mumbles. I take in his appearance, huh no suit this time. He was wearing a grey long sleeve that was tight and showed off his big arms with black jeans. He looked sexy.

"Thanks" he smirked, did I say that out loud?

"You can't, I'm with a friend" I tell him remember Emma, I can't leave her here. We came together, we are going too leave together.