

What happens when two individual who could not recognise each other from the past are brought together by fate's little tricks called the contract . (purple flower)

Beckyfaith · Urbain
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Mia quickly left there before he could harm her any further. She used her hand to stop the bleeding, her clothes was getting soaked with blood and her hand was also covered in her own blood. She was bleeding profusely and could tell Charles wasn't ready to let her go.

Her breathing turned heavy, and she stopped while trying to catch her breath. It was at that moment that mia sighted Ryan at the opposite end of where she stood. On sighting her, the man immediately rushed towards her before embracing her in a warm hug "are you alright?"

Mia nodded her head not able to describe how happy she was to see him, even though hours had passed it felt longer than that "I'm fine…I'm just glad that you are here" she replied.

Ryan pulled away and he took her hand only to notice blood on it, then his eyes fell on her wounded stomach "fuck" he cursed and immediately took off his coat before wrapping it around her to stop the bleeding "lets get you out" but mia was already exhausted as she lost her balance but Ryan caught her just in time, he was ready to Carry her just in time when she whispered "he-he killed out parents" tears filled her eyes as she said that, Ryan was shocked but his mind was preoccupied with getting her out and safe.

In that moment Jason appeared only to meet mia covered in blood, he immediately snapped out of it when Ryan Said "take her to the hospital now"

Apparently, ryan had sighted Charles coming from the other end and he didn't and he didn't want the man to take advantage of Mia's injuries to get him so it was better to get her out now than delay it

At the same time his uncle stepped into view while smiling like a crazy person. In his eyes the couple didn't deserve to live and after they are gone, the family would fall apart after that as they would be left with nothing.

"you won't be able to do anything to save her not when I'm here to finish all this" Charles

Standing up on his feet, he balled his hands into fists, remembering what mia had said "he killed out parents ". Even though Ryan knew his uncle was selfish in everything, he still found it shocking that all this time his parents and Mia's dad death wasn't just an accident but rather it was planned. The thought had crossed his mind after learning about the relationship of their families in the past but he needed a solid prove and had actually thought it was possibly because of his dislike towards his uncle but he wasn't wrong fjr thinking that.

Right now, all he wanted to do was to kill him "why did you do it?"

"I don't want to explain it again, I already told everything to that woman of yours "

Ryan let out a dark chuckle and questioned "how do you think your daughter would feel when she gets to know about what you've done?"

"it doesn't matter what she thinks, what does matter is the fact that you'd be out of my way, you won't be able to save mia and not even yourself and as for what happened to your parents,it happened because they deserved it and you'll loose everything you care about including…"

All of a sudden Ryan approached him at full speed and punched him squarely on the face. Charles stumbled backwards and dripped the gun in the floor. Ryan on the other hand was boiling with rage as the two engage in fierce hand combat.

There was once upon a time when Ryan wondered if he had done something wrong for his uncle to dislike him, somewhere in the past he had hoped to mend their relationship but soon realized that the reason was more than he thought

Charles was able to dodge and keep up with Ryan's speed but for how long?. Ryan successfully landed a kick and overpowered the man, soon Charles laid weakly on the floor but he continued to smile maniacally as he said "you are free to kill me ,it's not like you would survive as I've placed a bomb that would go off anytime soon "

Ryan stared at the man with a blank expression and his eyes cold. The man was Lucy's father, someone he considered dear and part of the family, he knew the pain of loosing a loved one and he wasn't the to kill the man with his own hands but he didn't want him to survive either. The man was going to fall into the pit he digged for himself.

Without wasting more time, Ryan left before the bomb went off with a big explosion as the building got damaged. His mind was filled with mia as he drove with speed, heading towards the hospital. He hoped Mia was okay . He remembered the blood and how she was bleeding profusely,she looked wealiand exhausted and at the thought his hold on the staring wheel tightened.