
Mr Celebrity’s Hidden Wife

“I really want Diana to be my daughter_in_law,so am thinking of getting her engaged....”Leo cuts in “What to who?Liam,you know that guy is always busy and you’re arranging a fiancée for him”Leo chuckled. “Am not talking about Liam am talking about you,I want you and Diana to get married”. Making Leo’s face twist in anger and that was the beginning of an unwanted marriage. *************** DIANA, an orphan who knows nothing about her family suddenly became mr celebrity’s wife when she saved his grandma. LEONARD SMITHS,a famous rockstar and actor who love being a playboy but was suddenly tied in a loveless marriage. ******** Find out how they conquered all battles in the story.

Success_M_041 · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Chapter Twenty Two


The ray of sun lights penetrated into the room and I groaned at the disturbance. I woke up groggily with a banging headache and sore body, was strange. I don't remember doing any rigorous work last night, so what happened to me?i slowly sat on the bed wincing slightly when I felt pains between my thighs, what the fuck happened last night? Furthermore, I stared around the room and realized one thing; this wasn't my room then where the hell was I. I was in deep thought when someone spoke, turning my attention to the other side of the room.

"I see you are awake" a deep voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I gasped when I saw him in just his towel.

"What are you doing here and how did you get inside my house?" I asked, and he rolled his eyes.

"This is not your house, take a look around" he said, and I really noticed I wasn't in my house because this room looks more beautiful and furnished than mine.

"Where are we?" I asked,

"We got drunk last night, so I told my chauffeur to take us to the closest hotel." he explained nonchalantly.

"Then why are you in my room half naked." I asked that has been bothering my mind since I saw him.

"Because we spent the night in this room baby." he winked, and I flared up.

"What?, we slept together, oh gosh please tell me nothing happened." I bit my lip nervously.

"Something happened baby, a lot of sexy crazy things which I want to repeat happened."

"Stop calling me that and can you tell me what the hell happened." I yelled, standing up abruptly and hitch I immediately regretted because the pain became unbearable, and I felt the cold air on my skin, but I didn't care as I stared at the man in my front waiting for his answer and instead of replying me he was ogling at my body.

"The same thing you are doing now lead to what happened baby." that name again gosh this man has gone loco.

"I'm not doing anything." I replied with a glare.

"Look at yourself baby." he said, walking towards me with a What, is that a boner. Oh my gosh! He has a hard on then I took time to look at myself and I almost take not of that 'almost' screamed when I saw myself naked.

"What did you do to me?, why am I naked." I asked with moist eyes.

"I didn't force you Harmony, you gave your consent, and we did it, we had s*x." No, no it can't be, I know I have a huge crush on this guy but didn't warrant me having s*x with him,I barely know him.

"Remember what happened?" He asked. I tried to remember, still nothing, I can't remember a thing.

"You don't remember anything, the club, drinks." He suggested, and I got a glimpse of what happened.



After grandma was laid to rest, I turned to see Liam crying softly. I walked towards his side and held his hand.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, he raised his head and nodded.

"I'm fine."

They stayed like that for some minutes before Liam spoke up.

"Do you want to leave this place?"

"Do you have any place in mind?" I asked, and he nodded.

"This way." I followed him out of the cemetery to his car, he opened the front door for me and I stepped in, muttering a little thanks. He moved around and entered the driver's seat and ignited the car. We rode in silence and I didn't like it, when it became unbearable, I spoke up.

"What do you do Liam?" He removed his eyes from the road and stared at me, before taking it back.

"I'm a surgeon." I gasped.

"Really, that's cool, you must be a brainiac to be a surgeon." I teased, and he shrugged.

"You're into designing like Diana, right."

"Yes, and it has always been my dream." Silence ensued again.

"Tell me about your family Harmony."

"I don't really know my family." He faced me again, "really." I nod.

"I don't know my real family, but my foster family is still alive. I have a little brother, but he isn't here, he lives with my aunt abroad. I hardly see him." I said the last part sadly. I do miss Eugene, he was a like, a little fireball in the family. Always energetic.

"I'm sorry." I sighed and watched the trees as we rode by. He parked the car and alighted, then opened my door and urged me out also.

"Where are we?" I looked around and all I saw was trees and trees.

"Follow me." He took my hand as we walked down a narrow path, a house came into view and from where we were standing I could hear the loud music.

"Liam." "We are at a clubhouse Harmony." What!

I scurried behind him as he took long strides to the door, he opened the door and this time the music was louder. We wafted through the seas of people before getting to the counter. Liam ordered a martini and sex on the beach, whatever that was, and we drank. We talked about other things and one thing lead to another, we kissed and that ignited the fire in us. We kissed again, with more fervor and urgency. I let his hand roam around my body as I moaned.

"How about we take this to the nearest hotel." He whispered in my ear and I moaned. The last thing I remembered was us getting a room and ending up in bed having mind-blowing sex.


"Y…you you r*ped me,you r**ed me Liam." I said crying oh gosh I just lost my virginity last night to my crush without having any single idea if he was huge or not *seriously* my subconscious asked me.

"I didn't Harmony and I promise to take responsibility for it, I like you harmony I really do." he said holding my waist and looked in my eyes and I felt a tingling feeling that goes straight to my core, he brought his head down and kissed my neck, shoulders and my chin before claiming my lips and I kissed him back in the same fervor, and before I knew it, we were on the bed going for a second round or the third or fourth I don't really care as long as I have an idea how huge he is.



I snapped my eyes open and found myself alone on the bed huh Where is Leo, I checked the time on the alarm clock and I gasped 2:45pm was glaring at me gosh I slept in thank god I don't have any shoot today. I got up from the bed and entered the bathroom to freshen up. After taking a nice bath, I dressed up, putting on a bum shorts and a camisole without a bra of course, my seduction plan was still going on, I packed my hair in a ponytail and I smiled when I stared at myself in the mirror.

"You look beautiful Diana." I complimented myself before walking downstairs and the smell of bacon hit me, so I quickly rushed down to see Leo arranging the table.

"You are awake, good come let's have lunch." he said, and my stomach growled loudly, making me blush in embarrassment. I sat down and enjoyed my husband cooking for the first time, didn't know he could cook.

"Your food tastes great." I said to him, and he smiled.

"Thanks." we continued eating in silence, but I could see him steal glances at me once in a while.

After lunch, I offered to clear the table, I was in the kitchen washing the used dishes when Mr. celebrity walked in and for a few minutes he was quiet.

"Diana." he called out after gaining some courage and I faced him.

"Yeah." I replied and picked the towel to clean my hands.

"I…. I.. I want to apologize."

"For what?" I asked, arching my brows.

"For all I did at the beginning of our marriage, Am sorry if I slept with you and told you it was a mistake, and I'm also sorry I gave you the morning pills." he breathes out loudly before continuing "I apologize for not being the best husband or your dream husband you want, but I want you to know that I will change because of you, I... I will try my very best to make our marriage work." I took a long breath once he was done, that was a lot of apologizing he did, I walked closer to him and held his hand.

"I accept your apology Leo and I also want to make this marriage work." I said, staring at him for a long time.

"Thank you, Diana." he said and placed his lips on mine, oh god this was the second time I'm tasting this lips after months of marriage, so I closed my eyes and kissed him back with a lot of love and passion.