
Mr Celebrity’s Hidden Wife

“I really want Diana to be my daughter_in_law,so am thinking of getting her engaged....”Leo cuts in “What to who?Liam,you know that guy is always busy and you’re arranging a fiancée for him”Leo chuckled. “Am not talking about Liam am talking about you,I want you and Diana to get married”. Making Leo’s face twist in anger and that was the beginning of an unwanted marriage. *************** DIANA, an orphan who knows nothing about her family suddenly became mr celebrity’s wife when she saved his grandma. LEONARD SMITHS,a famous rockstar and actor who love being a playboy but was suddenly tied in a loveless marriage. ******** Find out how they conquered all battles in the story.

Success_M_041 · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Chapter Twenty Eight


 We are currently on our way to the presidential house because that's where Cole said my daughter was residing and when he first said that it came as a surprise to me. I'm getting impatient to see her, I just want to take her in my arms and tell her all is fine now.

 "Are we there yet, Ben." I asked my P. A impatiently, I couldn't wait to see my baby girl.

 "We will be there soon, let's say an hour Your majesty." he replied, and I scowled at him.

 "I don't have an hour to waste so move this car faster." I yelled.

 "Calm down, dad, we will get there soon." Derrick said, placing his hand on my shoulders and I signed.

 "Am just worried, I have this feeling that something is wrong."

 "Everything is fine dad." he reassures and I nodded. *I hope you are right*.






 Opening my eyes slowly because of the excruciating pain in my head, I found myself in an unfamiliar room and the light that was bent on making my eyes blind was not helping at all. I took time to scan my surroundings and nothing much was in the room just a chair at the far end and the one am sitting on,*why am I here* I groaned slightly trying to get a hold of what happened, why I was kidnapped?, wait I was KIDNAPPED but why?, by whom and what did I do.

 I know very well am a good girl, I didn't do evil to anyone, so who on earth had the gust to abduct me.

 "Looks like the princess is awake." the man who abducted me said with that annoying smirk I so want to wipe off in his face.

 "What do you want from me?, please let me go." I begged and tried to move my hand but couldn't, so I looked down and that's how I found out my legs and hands were tied. *Fucking assholes*i cursed gosh! My body felt like it was run over by a truck, and hat did these dumbass do to me.

 "Oh princess you are in a lot of shit." my captor said before opening the door and walked out not without closing it behind him.

 Great now am all alone, I hope Leonard is okay oh gosh Leonard was shot, nothing bad should happen to him. I bowed my head crying softly when the door opened, and I didn't bother to raise my head because I didn't want to see that piece of shit.

 "Diana." a gruff voice I knew too well called, so I quickly raised my head and was shocked to see who was in the room with me.

 "Miguel." You called with disbelief. What on earth is he doing here, wait a minute don't tell me he's behind my abduction and as that thought came to me, I stared at him with wide eyes, and he smirked.

 "With that expression on your face, I'll take it you have figured everything out." he said with a sardonic smile on his face. He walked to the other side to grab the chair, he brought the chair and placed it in my front before sitting on it.

 "Why?" I asked, and he frowned.

 "Why what?"

 "Why did you do it?, what did I ever do to you, Miguel." I asked again lowly this time, and he chuckled.

 "Simple because I want a taste of that tight virgin pussy of yours which I doubt it's still a virgin." he replied, and I cringed.

 "And this is the stupidest and lamest thing you have ever done in your life Miguel, I can't believe you would stoop so low just to fuck me." I spat out, staring at him with nothing but complete disgust.

 "I agree, but what can I do when your stupid husband acts like a superhero when I wanted to get tight with you, so I got to do something." he moved his hand to cup my face, but I tilted my head backwards, and he chuckled dropping his hand.

 "Don't worry very soon you will be screaming my name as I am banging the living daylight out of you." he said and smiled which I would have said was beautiful in another situation but right now, it was irritating, I made a barf sign which didn't sit well with him because he grabbed my chin tightly.

 "Don't go about playing Virgin Mary with me my dear Diana. I know you are a slut and that cunt of yours has been fucked over and over by different men. Wonder how you got to marry the nation's superstar, hmmm." he placed his thumb on his cheek like he was thinking, then smiled before saying further "maybe your pussy was so good after all and all I'm asking for is just a taste hmm." he said with gritted teeth and I just stared at him. He doesn't know me, he doesn't know what I've been through, he can say whatever he wants, but am not going to play this sick game with him.

 "Speechless, guess am right then. You just have to wait for a little before I take you in different positions and a little secret, my cock is very huge."I cringed in disgust, and he laughed.

 The door burst open, and another new face walked in, the face looked familiar as he walked up to us gracefully with a dangerous aura around him.

 "Welcome boss." Miguel greeted, standing up from the chair and the *boss* nodded, just staring at me.

 "Diana." he called my name with his rough croak voice and I felt a tingling feeling of fear run down my spine. This man is dangerous.

 "I see you have been doing well these past few years." he smiled when he saw the confusion on my face, What's he talking about?

 "I see you are confused, let's just go to the point. What do you know about your parents?"he asked, and I froze. My parents, I know nothing about them apart from the fact that they left me at the orphanage when I was still a baby.

 "Do you know them." I asked, and I could feel my voice breaking.

 "That will be all for now, I don't want to spoil the fun. How are you holding up here?" he asked and tucked his hands in his pocket, bringing out a box of cigarettes and a lighter, he took a stick out of the box and placed it on his lips, lightning it up with the lighter before putting them back in his pocket.

 "I asked a question to Diana." he said inhaling the smoke then bringing it out from his mouth and nose and walk closer to me.

 "You are not expecting me to answer that, are you." I questioned back, and I shivered inside when I saw him smirk devilishly. *oh Diana, What are you doing, are you trying to get yourself killed*.

 He raised his hand and smacked my jaw hardly and my head turned to the side, I winced in pain and glared at him.

 "Feisty, I see." he said and faced Miguel. "I want you to duck this bitch before midnight because I don't have all the time in the world." What is happening at midnight, am I going to die. He faced me with that sardonic smile, and it's the same as Miguel's and rubbed my hair gently like he didn't hit me just now.

 "Am sorry little Diana if this would be your last day but look at the bright side you get to fuck a huge dick before dying." he laughed and Miguel turned to him instantly.

 "You are getting her killed boss, we didn't plan for that. All I want is to get Diana all to myself. I didn't ask you to kill her." he yelled, and the boss turned to him.

 "Why did you think I was so interested on getting your sweet little Diana." he asked with sarcasm. Gosh, I wasn't his sweet little Diana,*you shouldn't be thinking about that now when you will die anytime from now*.

 "Do you think I would have gone to the extent of rebelling against the president by abducting his daughter-in-law if I didn't have my own goal to achieve." he paused and let Miguel takes in his word and his (Miguel) eyes widen as if he has realized what he is talking.

 "Don't tell me she is the president son's wife and your case of twenty-three years ago." he asked in a low voice and if the room wasn't silent, I wouldn't have heard it.

 "Bingo." the *boss* laughed and walked closer to Miguel, he paced his hand n his shoulder.

 "I didn't ask Thomas to kill her on the spot because you desired her, that's the reason I brought her here for you to do whatever you want before midnight son." SON on my gosh!

 "But I don't want her to die."

 "You don't love her Mig,you are just obsessed with her body, that's all. Do whatever fantasy you have been having about her now before midnight." he tapped his shoulder and flashed me a grin before walking out.

 It's official, am getting raped and killed tonight.