
Mr Celebrity’s Hidden Wife

“I really want Diana to be my daughter_in_law,so am thinking of getting her engaged....”Leo cuts in “What to who?Liam,you know that guy is always busy and you’re arranging a fiancée for him”Leo chuckled. “Am not talking about Liam am talking about you,I want you and Diana to get married”. Making Leo’s face twist in anger and that was the beginning of an unwanted marriage. *************** DIANA, an orphan who knows nothing about her family suddenly became mr celebrity’s wife when she saved his grandma. LEONARD SMITHS,a famous rockstar and actor who love being a playboy but was suddenly tied in a loveless marriage. ******** Find out how they conquered all battles in the story.

Success_M_041 · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Chapter Thirty Two


"We got to move quickly." Derrick said, and I couldn't help but agree.

"Dad, you and King Charles will stay here while Derrick and I will go with the squad." I instructed, and he frowned.

"But that's dangerous."

"I want to go, dad." I replied, putting a bulletproof jacket on and an earpiece.

"Alright, but be careful." dad said, and I nodded.

"Can you tell me the exact building she is in." I asked Cole, who was typing away on his laptop.

"The third building on your right, but it seems the signal is moving." he said with an arched brow.

"Sir, it seems they have gotten an idea that we are here." a soldier reported, and I frowned.

"How did they get such crucial information about this when we made sure to be careful." I pondered and one thought came to my mind *we have a traitor.* I stared at all the soldiers but stopped when I saw two men who were close to each other saying something lowly, I need to keep an eye on those two.

"If we have to start a gun fight then do it." I said to the captain, and he saluted before moving to the other side.

"Time to go." I called out.

"Take care, Derrick." King Charles said and hugged him.

"I promise to bring my sister out dad." they pulled apart, and we started walking to the buildings as quietly as we could, but that didn't last long because gun shots were being fired everywhere.

"Take cover." the captain yelled and all the soldiers laid on the floor, so Derrick and I didn't have to be told twice as we join them.

"Sir we need to crawl to the building." the captain said, and I gave him the go ahead. We crawled to an empty building that we could use as a shied to shoot back at the boys.

We took some boys down and our snipers took the ones on the rooftops down.

"Derrick, let's go." I took five soldiers with me as we walked to the third building, but more gun shots were heard, and we took cover in the building.

"You cover us." I instructed a soldier and turned to Derrick and he nodded. Good, let's go.

We came out of our hide-out shooting any soul on our way, and before we knew it, we were in the third building.

We walked in and met everywhere silent.

"Take the stairs." Cole voice came up in the earpiece and I followed his instruction with Derrick and the soldier walking behind me. We got to meet a very long hallway with lots of rooms. Guess we have a lot of doors to open.



I walked to the second building fuming in anger, how on earth were they able to find out about this place. I entered da.... boss's office and met him with some other boys in a meeting * seriously at a time like this, you are holding a fucking meeting.*

"What is going on boss." I asked and the next thing I know was getting punched by a hard fist on my face. I turned to see da... boss hard face.

"This is all your fault Miguel." he spat out bitterly, and I cleaned my blood stained lips.

"If you weren't so pussy whipped, I would have killed that cunt since day one, and I was a fool for listening to you son." he said and the boys gasped. This was the first time he was calling me his son in the presence of the gang, so I know why they were surprised.

"Timothy, Gerald go get the bitch ASAP." he ordered and the two bastards stood up.

"No one is touching her." I said in a stern voice that made boss face harden more.

"You are already out of your senses because you had a taste of her pussy right. Don't push me, Miguel." he said, staring at me.

"No one but me has the right to touch her." I said before storming out of the room angrily. I really need to thank the universe for giving me such a wonderful dad *note the sarcasm*. I walked fast to the third building, took the stairs, and opened the door to meet Diana still lying on the bed. I strode to her and grabbed her hair.

"What did you do, bitch? How on earth was he able to find you." I yelled, and she winced trying to take my hand off her hair, but I held more tighter.

"Stand up bitch. Just so you know if I can't have you then nobody will have you."



"Stand up bitch. Just so you know if I can't have you then nobody will have you." he said through gritted teeth, still holding my hair tightly, he dragged me from the bed and took me out of the room good thing I wore a shirt earlier when I heard Leo came.

Miguel continue dragging me out with my hair and as we got to the stairs, I saw two figures and one of them looks like my Leo and a surge of happiness washed through me, he is here

"Le...." my screams was muffled when Miguel placed his hand on my mouth still holding my hair tight.

"Fuck you bitch." he whispered in my ears and slapped me which made my head spine. He dragged me to another room and locked the door, he tossed me to the side of the room as he took the bedsheet and tear it like a beast before using it to tie my hands, legs and mouth.

"Let's see how you are going to scream again." he said bringing out a gun from his back trousers *oh god* I cried helplessly.

The sound of doors opening and closing was the sign that Leonard was looking for me, I can hear the sound of gun shots from the other buildings, but it wasn't as intense as before. My thoughts were cut off when the knob of the door twisted as someone tried to open the door.

"What's wrong." I heard a male voice ask.

"This door is locked." Leonard said in a huff and I smiled at last I've heard his voice.

"Stand back sir." another unfamiliar voice spoke up and the sound of footsteps was heard, Miguel walked quietly to the side of the door and I wanted to shout, to warn them of the danger, but I couldn't.

The door was hit over and over until its burst open and someone walked in and Miguel pulled the trigger.

"Leo." I cried bitterly, closing my eyes. No, nothing should happen to him, he's the only one I have got. He is my first love and preferably last.

Someone grunts in pain and I snapped my eyes open to see the dead body on the floor and Leonard and the other guy were fighting with Miguel. He's okay. I smiled out through tears.