
Mr Celebrity’s Hidden Wife

“I really want Diana to be my daughter_in_law,so am thinking of getting her engaged....”Leo cuts in “What to who?Liam,you know that guy is always busy and you’re arranging a fiancée for him”Leo chuckled. “Am not talking about Liam am talking about you,I want you and Diana to get married”. Making Leo’s face twist in anger and that was the beginning of an unwanted marriage. *************** DIANA, an orphan who knows nothing about her family suddenly became mr celebrity’s wife when she saved his grandma. LEONARD SMITHS,a famous rockstar and actor who love being a playboy but was suddenly tied in a loveless marriage. ******** Find out how they conquered all battles in the story.

Success_M_041 · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Chapter Thirty Three


I sat on my chair with hands on my hair,how could I let this happen. Shit! I hit the table angrily and breath out. The sound of a home ringing blared in the room,he's calling. I picked the phone up from the table before answering.

"Boss."o called in a fearful tone.

"I want to assume you have taken care of it ya."his cold voice asked from the other side of the line and I gulped down nothing.

"I... I've gotten it but there is a slight problem."I stuttered holding my hair tightly,the line was silent for a while before he spoke up.

"What problem."he asked.

"There..... is... no....... some..one."I stuttered,I couldn't form a single word correctly.

"Shut the fuck up Michael,you better get the fucking job done before the end of today or else,ya know what's gonna happen to ya son huh."he said calmly and I know he's snickering at the other side and I gulped nothing down again.

"Yes boss."he hanged up and I threw the phone on the floor and watched as it shattered. * I got to do something* I thought. Bingo. I took my gun and walked out.



We searched all the rooms but couldn't find Diana,what's going on?,where did that scumbag take her. I was about losing hope and walking but stopped when I saw a door which wasn't open,so I walked to it and tried to open it but frowned when it didn't open which means it was locked by someone.

"What's wrong?"Derrick asked as he walked towards me.

"This door is locked."I said still trying to open it.

"Stand back sir."the soldier said and dropped his gun on the floor,he moved back and hit the door again and again with his body until it finally burst open and he walked inside but got shot by....

"Miguel."I whispered underneath my breath when I saw him pointing his gun at us. I looked around the room for any sign of Diana and smiled when I saw her but that smile quietly changed to a frown as I saw the state she was in. God! What did that bastard do to her?. Her hands,legs and mouth was tied,there was bruises everywhere on her skin,she looked hungry and malnourished. Anger,that is the only thing I'm feeling in my system right now so I charged at him kicking his gun from his hand to the end of the room.

I hits his stomach and Derrick hit his leg and and slumped on the ground groaning in pain but he burst into a maniacally laugh still lying on the floor.

"I told you didn't I,I told you that am gonna have a taste of her pussy didn't I and I did gosh she was so sweet and responsive. My sweet sweet Diana."I saw red and hit him again more harder this time. No he didn't sleep with Diana.

"You can't fight with a fellow guy like you but you can hit a woman." I spat out and charged at him again hitting his face with my fists over and over again until he passed out. I just stood there staring at him with a killing intent glare.

"Diana,Diana are you okay?" Derrick asked loosing her hands and legs while I stood in my spot staring at her. I've failed her, i failed her, I promised to protect her but I couldn't do it.

A soft palm touched my cheek and I stared at her standing in front of me, she was staring at me with happiness in her eyes, What's she happy about?. I'm such a failure. I couldn't protect my wife.

"It.... it isn't your fault Leo."she said with a tired voice shaking her head and I looked at her again before pulling her into a hug and she winced.

"Am sorry." I apologized and pulled out from the hug,I pecked her cheeks.

I took my jacket off and wore it on her half naked body.

"We need to go." Derrick said and I nodded before carrying a crying Diana in my arms.

"I can walk Leo." she whispered and sniffed adjusting her face on my chest.

"I know but I just want to carry you,I've missed you." I carried her out of the room and met the other soldiers walking in.

"Sir, everything is cleared." the captain said and I nodded.

"Take the son of a bitch inside and make sure he's alive." I ordered and two soldiers walked into the room.

I carried Dian down the stairs and out of the building with a tense shoulder. *did that bastard really touch my Diana*. We passed the second building and a gunshot from nowhere was heard taking one soldier down.

"Cover." the soldiers covered us until we got to the building and I was beyond pissed.

"You said everything was cleared." I whispered yelled at the captain trying not to wake Diana up.

"Yes sir." I signed. "Take care of that nuisance."

He walked out with a taser gun and three other soldiers followed him. The sound of gunfire and groans was all I could hear before everything went silent, the captain came back and signaled for us to move. We stepped out and I saw those two men from earlier walking slower at the back and I wanted to tell them to move to the front cause I didn't trust them but before I could say anything, they opened fire shooting at the soldiers leaving just me, the captain, Derrick and three others.

The snipers from up took them down before they could open fire again and I almost breathe a sigh a relief but someone came out pointing a gun at me no not me Diana.

"Don't move." the man ordered still pointing his gun at Diana. I paused and looked at him, his face was rough and filled with scars, he had a lengthy hair that was packed in a messy bun.

"What do you want?" I asked and he laughed still pointing his gun at Diana in my arms.

"What do I want? I want a lot of things, if I tell you can you give me."he snorted.

"Tell me what you want." I asked getting impatient of speaking to him.

"Let's see hmmmmm" he placed his fingers on his chin in a thinking manner. I looked at the captain and instructed him with my eyes to take him down.

"Ah aha, not a single movement." he said when the captain intends to bring his taser out. Why on earth isn't the snipers shooting this scumbag already.

"Don't worry your pretty brain about your snipers boy, they are already taken care of, So about your question hmmm I want the girl, give me the girl and I will be kind enough to let you guys leave here alive." he said with a serious face and it was my turn to laugh.

"You think we risked our lives just to handle my wife to you, think again scar face." I said and he fumed.

"Have it your way then." he pulled the trigger and everything happened so fast that the next thing I know was seeing Derrick on the floor with blood coming out of his stomach and mouth and the man being apprehended and shocked with the taser. "DERRICK!" I yelled and ran to him.