
Mr Celebrity’s Hidden Wife

“I really want Diana to be my daughter_in_law,so am thinking of getting her engaged....”Leo cuts in “What to who?Liam,you know that guy is always busy and you’re arranging a fiancée for him”Leo chuckled. “Am not talking about Liam am talking about you,I want you and Diana to get married”. Making Leo’s face twist in anger and that was the beginning of an unwanted marriage. *************** DIANA, an orphan who knows nothing about her family suddenly became mr celebrity’s wife when she saved his grandma. LEONARD SMITHS,a famous rockstar and actor who love being a playboy but was suddenly tied in a loveless marriage. ******** Find out how they conquered all battles in the story.

Success_M_041 · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Chapter Thirty Four


"Have it your way then."he pulled the trigger and everything happened so fast that the next thing I know was seeing Derrick on the floor with blood coming out of his stomach and mouth and the man being apprehended.

"DERRICK!."I yelled running to him,I squatted on the floor and held his hand.

"You will be Fine."I said and turned to the soldiers.

"Lift him up,gently."the two soldiers held Derrick gently as we walked to the helicopter.

"Hurry up."I na Jed at the soldiers as they carried Derrick into the helicopter and as soon as dad saw us he gasped.

"What happened?"he asked worriedly,I shook my head before walking in still carrying Diana who has fainted.

"Let's go."the captain yelled closing the door and the pilot nodded,I turned to see kind na Charles holding Derrick's hands whispering words to him.

* he's going to be fine* I thoughts the helicopter took off.


I was pacing up and down in the hospital hallway impatiently,the doctors had been working on them for the past two hours and there hasn't been any news from them. My thoughts were going haywire,what if something happens to me?, King Charles can't lose his two children after meeting his daughter.

I sat on the chair with my elbows on my knees and hands on my head still thinking,am trying my possible best not to break down in front of my family. What am I gonna do without my Diana?. The last time I was in the hospital was when grandma was sick and she still left us after making a promise to always be by our side,am scared of loosing her,please nothing should happen to her. A hand squeezed my shoulder and I raised my head to see Jeanne.

"They are going to be fine."she said with an assuring smile but I can still see a glint of tears in her eyes,I nodded breathing out loudly.

The door to the E.R opened and the doctor walked out with a grim look. I stood up quickly so as everyone else as the doctor walked closer to us.

"Family of Miss Diana."he asked and we all nodded.

"I'll be honest,Miss Diana isn't too fine. The bruises were much on her skin and some has gotten infected due to lack of immediate treatment but don't worry we've treated her and she will be fine if she visits a dermatologist. I would advice you to get or book an appointment with a psychologist once she's awake because she might need one to help her recover quickly."he said and I frowned.

"What does she need a psychologist for?"I asked making him sign.

He adjusted his spectacle before speaking "you see Miss Diana was assaulted and also raped,she was raped repeatedly for the past few days and it might cause a trauma for her."I zoned out after hearing the word * rape*, the motherfucker raped her,he touched my wife. Jeanne hugged mum who was crying bitterly,same with harmony and Liam.

"But she's fine right?"King Charles asked and as the doctor stared at him,his eyes shone in recognition.

"Your majesty."he bowed but King Charles waved it off.tch even doctors know him and I couldn't recognize him when I met him.

"No need to be formal,all am asking is if my daughter is going to be fine."

"Yes she's fine only in a coma induced sleep,we noticed some changes in her body but we can't tell yet until the results are out."

"What changes?,a good or bad one."I asked.

"Well I.... I think Miss Diana might be pregnant."he dropped the bombshell and everyone became silent,pregnant,Diana is PREGNANT,that's the only word chanting in my head.

"We don't know how many weeks,months or days but we'll find out when the test is out,if you will excuse me."he bowed before leaving. I slumped on the chair tiredly thinking about all Diana went through in the hands of that bastards and now she's pregnant. Am gonna kill that monster slowly,I'll make him feel Diana's pains In tenfold.

The doctor who attended to Derrick came out with a smile,he told us Derrick was fine,that he was lucky to be brought in on time and no organs was touched. I breathe out loudly when I heard the news.




I snapped my eyes open only to close it back because of the bright light in the room,I stared at the white ceiling and wondered where I was,I took my eyes from the ceiling and turn to the other side only to see someone resting his head on the bed sleeping. I took my hand free from the IV tubes and touched his hair which made him stirred and frown before opening his eyes,he stared at me like he has seen a ghost sitting up.

"D... Diana."he called out in a gruff voice and I gave him a small smile. I stared at him form his head down to his body,he looks different with those eye bags under his eyes,his over grown beards and mustache and he's more thinner and ugly.

"You look ugly."I said with my dried throat and it came out more rough than his own voice and he did the most surprising thing by bursting into laughter with tears coming out of his eyes.

"Was That all you've been thinking about while sleeping,hmm,my handsome face that the first thing you said to me was how ugly I am."he teased cleaning his eyes and I blushed.

"Where am I and what am I doing here?"I asked the question on my mind and his countenance changed. What happened? I remembered being rescued by him from.......

"MIGUEL."I half yelled with fear breathing heavily.

"Hey,hey,you are fine and Miguel is not here. You are safe with me Okay."Leonard said placing kisses on my hand and I cringed taking my hand from his quickly like his touch burns and as I did that I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"A.. Am sorry I....... I..... did.."I stuttered and he shook his head with a smile.

"It's fine,want some water."he asked and I nodded like a toddler. He filled the glass with water and brought it closer to my mouth with a straw on it,I sipped everything and signed in contentment,didn't know I was this thirsty.

"I'll go call the doctor."Leonard said and walked out. Guilt charged at me,I hurt him and I know but I couldn't help but feel scared when he kissed me,Miguel did that to me a lot of times. Goosebumps grew on my skin when I thought of Miguel.

The door burst open and Leo,Mum,dad,Jeanne,Harmony,Liam,another man,a boy and the doctor walked in with happy faces.

"I see you are awake Mrs Diana."the doctor asked and I cringed hearing him call me Mrs. I nodded and he asked some questions,did some test before walking out and that gave everyone the opportunity to meet me.

"Diana how are you feeling?"Jeanne asked.

"Are you hungry?"Mum asked.

"Are you feeling sore." "What do you want to eat,I'll go get it for you." And more questions rushed in.

"Guys please let Diana rest."Leonard said standing at the other side of the room and although he was talking to them his eyes were on me the whole time. Why is he standing there?,is he still hurt about earlier and as if he heard my worries he walked to the bedside and sat on an empty chair. I turned to the two other unfamiliar face.

"Who are you?"I asked but paused when I saw the boys face "I know you,you came with Leo right."he nodded while crying.

"My baby Diana."the older man said crying and I felt bad for making him cry.

"I'm sorry if I said something wrong?"I apologized but he shook his head. "No dear you didn't do anything wrong,Am just being emotional that's all."He said and I nodded before looking at Leonard for his help.

"Diana,this is King Charles of the United Kingdom and prince Derrick,your father and brother."Leonard said and I paused. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!