
Mr Celebrity’s Hidden Wife

“I really want Diana to be my daughter_in_law,so am thinking of getting her engaged....”Leo cuts in “What to who?Liam,you know that guy is always busy and you’re arranging a fiancée for him”Leo chuckled. “Am not talking about Liam am talking about you,I want you and Diana to get married”. Making Leo’s face twist in anger and that was the beginning of an unwanted marriage. *************** DIANA, an orphan who knows nothing about her family suddenly became mr celebrity’s wife when she saved his grandma. LEONARD SMITHS,a famous rockstar and actor who love being a playboy but was suddenly tied in a loveless marriage. ******** Find out how they conquered all battles in the story.

Success_M_041 · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Chapter Nineteen.


I watched her as she passed out in my hands, I felt pained also, grandma means the world to me. I can't do anything without asking for her opinion first, and now she has left us, me especially I feel so empty, she has always been the pillar of the family. Now that she has gone, what's going to happen in the family. I dropped Diana in the back seat of the car I entered the driver's seat and drove home, getting home, I carried Diana upstairs to our room and dropped her gently on the bed, I sat at the edge with my hands on my head crying softly 'no Leonard you can't cry' I told myself, but it's hard to let go I still can't believe we've lost grandma.

After making sure Diana was comfortable I left the house to a club.

"I want a private room." I told the bar man as soon as I walked in, and he directed me to the room, I ordered a lot of alcoholic drinks and some girl because I wanted to get wasted and forget everything. I received a lap dance and a lot of pleasure from the girls before blacking out.



"Dad, dad! You need to see this." Derrick yelled, rushing into the room with a magazine.

"Bring your voice down Derrick, you don't want to wake your mum up, do you."

"Am sorry, but dad you really need to see this." he said, raising the magazine up.

"Alright, show me What is making you all worked up." he handed the magazine to me, and I was shocked to see the cover picture.

"What?.who's this Derrick." I stuttered still staring at the picture completely speechless, I was staring at Amelia, my Amelia but a younger version of her. WTF!

"Dad, this is Diana Jackson, she's a new rising model but popular in New York, why is she like mum?" Derrick asked, but I was still trying to take the information in, I was tongue-tied I didn't know what to say.

"Ben, Ben." I shouted, and my personal assistant came in.

"Your majesty." he bowed.

"Get me Cole, I don't care wherever he is, I want him in my office now." I said, still looking at the picture.

"Yes, Your majesty." he bowed again before leaving.

"Dad, is she my sister." Derrick asked, and I nodded.

"Yes son, am sure she's your twin, oh god am so happy Amelia I've found our daughter and very soon you will see her and become your old self." I said with teary eyes. I left her with Derrick in the room as soon as Cole came in.

"Your majesty." he greeted, and I handed the magazine to him.

"Is this Queen Amelia." he asked with furrowed eyebrows and I frowned my face, couldn't he see the person in the picture is younger.

"That isn't Amelia, that is a model in New York names Diana Jackson can you explain why she looks like my wife." I asked, and he looked at the picture for a while before replying

"There are only two explanations for this, one is either she's your daughter or two she is a doppelgänger,the reason I say this is that there are some people in this world who looks like another, so we need to confirm first before doing anything." he explained, and I signed.

"I want you to carry out an investigation on her and in any way you can, I want you to get a strand of her hair, I want to conduct a DNA test first."

"Yes sir." he said and bowed before leaving. I signed, please let this be my baby girl.



I woke up with a banging headache and in my bed, the last thing I remembered was Leo placing me in the car and speaking of Leo, where is he, maybe he went to the hospital oh grandma I can't believe I won't see her again, and she left after making a promise she won't leave me just like my foster parents, they all left me why is this world so cruel to me. I wiped my tears and walked to the bathroom to take a bath to release my sore muscles.

Few minutes later,

I came out of the bathroom and met my phone ringing.

"Hey Mony." I greeted lowly.

"What's wrong?, are you coming to the institute today, you know I've missed you so much." she asked and am sure she is pouting by now.

"I can't Harmony, I.. I just lost someone dear to me." I replied and my waterworks open.

"Are you okay Ana, you know what text your house address to me, I am coming over." she said, and I felt truly grateful because am not sure if I can stay alone.

"Okay bye" I hanged up and text the address to her and dressed up, after informing the guards to let her in if she comes I prepared a plate of cereal to eat, I didn't have the appetite, but I had to force myself.


The sound of the doorbell jolts me out of my thoughts and I stood up to open the door and smile lightly when I saw Harmony.

"Hey girl." harmony hugged me and I burst into another round of tears.

"Shhh it's okay, let's sit." she dragged me to the couch still holding my shoulder.

"It's okay." I pulled from the hug and cleaned my eyes.

"Want to talk about it?" she asked, staring at me with concern on her face,

"I…I just lost my grandma." I said, still sniffing,

"I'm sorry Ana and everything is going to be okay."

"She was the only family I had, she was the only one who had my back in that family. Now she's gone, I don't know what's going to happen to me or this marriage. I know she's the reason Leonard hasn't divorced me yet, but I don't want to be a divorcee at this age"

"Hold that thought Diana, you are in this because of your grandma, and now she's gone, don't you want her wish to be granted" she asked and I stared at her.

"She made you marry her grandson for a reason Diana and that why you must make your marriage work and this is the period you need to be strong, didn't you say your mother-in-law doesn't like you." she said, and I nodded.

"Where is your husband?" harmony asked looking around

"I don't know, I woke up this morning to an empty bed and house"

"Have you tried calling him." I shook my head, why didn't I think of that. She picked my phone from the table and placed it in my hand.

"Call him, call him to know when he's coming home." I reluctantly opened the phone and searched for his contact before calling. The phone rang, but no one answered. I tried about three times, the same thing.

"What's wrong?"

"He's not answering"

"Maybe he's busy, you know with the burial preparations" she said, and I nodded, I wanted to drop the phone but a new message from Leonard's page gripped my attention, even if we're (Leonard and I)not on good terms I still follow his page and fans page (THE LEONS)to know what he's doing.

(-VIDEO OF OUR FAMOUS SUPERSTAR LEO SMITHS GETTING A BL**JOB FROM A STRIPPER-) with a shaky finger I clicked the video, and I was shocked at what I was watching, Leo was sitting on a chair in a relax manner with a lady who was almost naked next to him both kissing and the other one was giving a BJ to him.

"Diana, Diana" Harmony yelled, and I raised my head from the phone.

"Why are you crying?" she asked, and I frown my face, crying? I'm not crying, I touched my cheeks and found it wet.

"Can you tell me why you are crying?" I passed the phone to her, and she gasped loudly.

"He just lost his grandma and the first thing he could do was clubbing, leaving me alone at home while he was giving those strippers his attention" I said bitterly and bit my cheek to stop myself from crying again.

"This is the reason I'm telling you to make your marriage work out, Diana he's your husband, your man."

"Don't you get it Harmony, I've lost even before starting you said he's my man and husband, which husband had s*x with his wife on their wedding night and gave her pills the next morning, telling her it was a mistake, and he wouldn't have touched me if he wasn't drugged and since then, he hasn't touched me. I've always wanted my first time to be special, but he made it a nightmare when he uttered those words." i wailed gosh I feel so bitter inside, all my life I've been in pain but grandma was my savior, and she made me achieve my dreams, and I've already promised to make this marriage work and I must do it.