
Chapter 138 Evil thoughts

Mrs. Ren Xin stood directly in front of the car, her body blocking the driveway with a deliberate and unsettling ease. 

Dressed in a finely tailored dress of deep red, she radiated a false warmth, her smile stretching across her face with a practiced, unnatural perfection. 

It was the kind of smile that seemed too good to be real, an expression that didn't quite reach her eyes, making it impossible to discern her true intentions.

Inside the car, Jin Xu sat in the driver's seat, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. His face was a mask of cold indifference, his sharp jawline set with tension. 

He had seen this woman many times before—Mrs. Ren Xin, the stepmother to his young master, and the source of much chaos in the family. 

Jin Xu knew better than to be fooled by her seemingly gracious demeanor. He knew the truth behind that polished smile, the trail of deceit and manipulation that she left in her wake.