
Mr Arrogant Protect Me For 100 days

In the mystical land of Veridonia, the town Luna ridge, where supernatural beings such as werewolves, vampires, and witches coexist in a fragile balance, Gloria Hawthorne, a young witch, faces a dire fate. Born into the powerful Hawthorne family of Moonvale, Gloria is cursed to die on her 25th birthday, which is now just 100 days away. Alex a young heir to the Silverwood pack her only saviour, as standing close to him create the protective ring that can save her from the hands of the spirit who comes for hel life. But he is Uncut, annoying and extremely arrogant. Desperate to break the curse, she turns to her best friends, Luna, a spirited werewolf, and Elysia, a ghost tethered to the mortal realm, to assist her in capturing his heart and staying alive. How did she go about it? Did she get his attention? Was she saved? Lets ho on this journey together

adegbite_feranmi · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Lunar Ridge

As we drove through the night, the wind whipping through our hair and the music blasting from the speakers, I couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom wash over me. For the first time in a long time, I felt alive, my worries and fears pushed aside by the promise of adventure.

 When we arrived at their destination, a small town nestled in the mountains, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. 

 Unlike Moonvale, where witches held sway, this town seemed to be ruled by a different power—the werewolves.

 Unbeknownst to us, we had stumbled into a town where the werewolves reigned supreme, their laws and customs vastly different from those of Moonvale. 

 But me, Luna, and Elysia were determined to make the most of our time together, unaware of the dangers that lurked in the shadows of their new surroundings.

 As we stepped out of the car and looked up at the imposing mountains that loomed overhead, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding wash over me.

 The next morning, my heart clenched as I magically summoned the calendar and affixed it to the wall. It bore a stark reminder: "110 days, oh that was yesterday" I said and changed it to "109 days" 

 With a heavy sigh, I picked up a pen and marked the first day, a sense of finality settling over me.

 Just then, Luna strolled into the room, her yawning interrupting my somber thoughts. "Good morning, Glo," she greeted, rubbing her eyes sleepily. 

 "Where's Elysia?"As if on cue, Elysia floated through the wall, her translucent form shimmering in the morning light. "What are you doing?" she asked, glancing at the calendar. "Ah, your numbered days."

 Elysia's ethereal voice broke through the silence with a chilling observation."There's something off about this town," she said, her tone filled with unease. "I walked around last night, and it felt as if it were lurked with evil spirits. Or could it just be me?"

 Luna waved off Elysia's concerns, trying to maintain an air of optimism. "It's the first time we are outside Moonvale, so you might feel that way," she reassured. "My parents brought me here growing up, and I had a lot of fun."

 I listened to their exchange, my mind swirling with apprehension. I also couldn't shake the feeling that something sinister lurked beneath the surface of our new surroundings. But for now, I pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the immediate task at hand

 "Okay," I said, forcing a smile. "Breakfast, please. I'm hungry." With that, Luna bounded out of the room, her excitement undiminished by Elysia's ominous warning. I followed close behind, my mind racing with unanswered questions and unspoken fears.

 A heavy silence descended upon the room as the gravity of my situation hung in the air. But I refused to let despair consume me. "I'm not going to waste it feeling sorry for myself," I declared, determination flashing in my eyes.

 Turning to Luna, i asked, "What's on the itinerary for today?"Luna's eyes lit up with excitement as she jolted back to life. "First, breakfast," she said, her voice eager. "And then, shopping!"

 I couldn't help but smile at Luna's enthusiasm, my own worries momentarily forgotten in the face of my friend's infectious energy. With Luna and Elysia by my side.

 As we stepped out of the condo, dressed simply but gorgeously, we made our way to the bustling mall for some much-needed retail therapy. The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow over Lunar Ridge, making everything seem even more magical.

 "Luna, remember the time we tried to make our own dresses for that school dance?" I said, giggling."

 Oh, how could I forget?" Luna replied, rolling her eyes playfully. "We ended up looking like walking fabric rolls!"

 Elysia laughed, her ghostly form shimmering slightly. "If I had been around then, I would have advised against that fashion disaster!"

 The trio's laughter echoed through the mall as we wandered from store to store, browsing through racks of clothes, shelves of shoes, and displays of bags.

 "Gloria, you have to try this on," Luna said, holding up a vibrant, flowing dress. "It's perfect for you."

 I took the dress, my eyes sparkling. "It's beautiful! I'll try it on right now."

 As I disappeared into the dressing room, Elysia floated nearby, her curiosity piqued. "So, Luna, do you think we'll find any trouble here?"

 Luna shrugged, her eyes scanning the bustling crowd. "I hope not, but you know us. Trouble has a way of finding us."

 I emerged from the dressing room, twirling in the dress. "What do you think?" I asked, striking a playful pose.

 "You look stunning!" Elysia exclaimed.

 Luna clapped her hands. "Definitely buying that one!" we continued their shopping spree, our arms soon laden with bags filled with new outfits and accessories. Finally, we settled down at a cozy café to enjoy a refreshing drink.

 Luna, always the mischief-maker, turned to me with a mischievous glint in her eye.

 "Gloria, let's find you a love match," she teased, her voice filled with excitement. "What type of guy do you like? Rich and handsome, lover boy, or a nerd?"

 I rolled my eyes, laughing. "Luna, you know I don't have time for romance. But if I had to choose… maybe someone with a sense of humor. I need someone who can make me laugh."

 Elysia floated nearby, her ghostly presence unnoticed by the humans but causing a few vampires to glance their way curiously. "How about that guy over there?" she suggested, pointing to a young man with thick glasses, deeply engrossed in a book.

 Luna smirked. "Too nerdy. Gloria deserves someone with a bit more style." She scanned the room and pointed to a suave-looking man in a tailored suit. "What about him? Rich, handsome, and looks like he knows how to treat a lady."

 I shook her head, grinning. "Too polished. I'd be afraid to touch him for fear of messing up his perfect appearance."

 Elysia laughed. "Okay, what about that guy?" She pointed to a man at the counter, his hair tousled and wearing a casual, laid-back outfit. "He looks like he could be fun."

 Luna squinted, considering him. "Hmm, maybe. But he also looks like he might live in his car."

 "What about Mr. Muscles over there?" Luna asked, nodding toward a muscular man flexing in front of a store window."oh Hell no"! I shook her head, laughing. "I think I'd prefer someone who doesn't spend more time in the mirror than I do."Elysia giggled. "Agreed!"

 They all burst into laughter, drawing a few curious glances from the other patrons. 

 Elysia, ever the voice of reason, suggested they catch a movie at the cinema across the café. "Why don't we go see a movie? There's a new thriller that looks pretty good."

 Luna nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Great idea, Elysia! Let's make a night of it."

 Just as they were about to leave, Luna went to pay for their drinks, leaving me where i stood alone with my drink in hand. But before I could move, I had accidentally spilled my drink on a handsome man who had just walked by.

 "Oh no, I'm so sorry!" I quickly grabbed napkins, and I frantically tried to blot the liquid from his suit.

 The man looked down at me with his chiselled features stern and eyes piercing. He was impeccably dressed in a tailored suit, radiating an aura of confidence and sophistication that left left me speechless.

 As my eyes widened in amazement, i could only stammer, "I... I didn't mean to..."

 Alex's gaze softened slightly, though his tone remained curt. "Lady, watch where you're going," he said, trying to brush off the mess.

 Elysia reached out to touch me, and suddenly, she was thrown away by a burst of light emanating from a protective ring with witches inscription of magic surrounding me and this mysterious man

 I snapped back to reality, my attention immediately shifting to my ghost friend who lay on the ground. Rushing to Elysia's side, I helped her up, my concern evident in my voice. "Are you okay?" I asked, her eyes filled with worry.

 Elysia, Her ghostly form flickering slightly, nodded. "I'm fine, just startled," she said, her voice shaky but steady.

 Meanwhile, the man, Alex, looked on with disdain at the commotion. "How rude," he muttered to his secretary, who trailed behind him, carrying bags from the mall.

 My anger flared at his dismissive attitude. "No one talks to witches that way in Moonvale," I declared defiantly, my voice laced with authority as I began to weave a spell under my breath.

 Before I could finish, Luna stepped into view, her tone suddenly warm and familiar. "So sorry, Alex. Meet my friends, Gloria and Elysia," she said, the familiarity in her voice causing Gloria to pause.

 Alex raised an eyebrow, his stern expression softening slightly as he regarded Luna. "Luna, I didn't know you were in town," he said, his voice losing some of its edge.

 Luna smiled, stepping forward to stand beside me. "Just for a little getaway," she explained. "These are my best friends, and we're here to have some fun."

 Alex's eyes lingered on me for a moment longer before he nodded. "Well, enjoy your stay," he said, turning to leave. "But try to be more careful."

 As he walked away, I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. "Who was that?" I had to ask, turning to Luna.

 "That, my dear Gloria, is Alex. And he's not just any werewolf – he's the heir to the Silverwood Pack," Luna replied with a grin. "Looks like things just got a lot more interesting."

 After the encounter with Alex, an awful silence settled in the car as we drove back to our condo. The tension was palpable, each of them lost in their thoughts until Luna finally broke the silence.

 "Sorry, guys," Luna said, glancing at her friends with a sheepish smile. "That's Alex, my cousin. He's the next heir of the Silverwood pack. He's a little grumpy, but he's nice."

 "And handsome," Elysia added with a playful smirk, trying to lighten the mood.

 I shook my head, still processing the encounter. "He could use a lesson in manners."

 Luna laughed. "Trust me, he's always like that. He's under a lot of pressure, especially with the whole heir thing."

 Elysia, looking more serious, interjected, "Uh, Gloria, what was that ring about?"

 "The ring?" i asked, my curiosity piqued.

 "Yeah," Elysia continued. "I tried to touch you, and I was thrown away by a protective circle that glowed. What was that?"

 Luna, still driving but clearly interested in the conversation, glanced over. "I've never seen anything like that before. It was like some kind of barrier." Elysia continued 

 I frowned, deep in thought. "I don't know. It must have been some kind of automatic defence spell. I didn't cast anything consciously."

 Elysia shivered slightly. "Well, it was powerful. Whatever it was, it protected you."But, What if it can save your life and lift the curse?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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