
Mr Arrogant Protect Me For 100 days

In the mystical land of Veridonia, the town Luna ridge, where supernatural beings such as werewolves, vampires, and witches coexist in a fragile balance, Gloria Hawthorne, a young witch, faces a dire fate. Born into the powerful Hawthorne family of Moonvale, Gloria is cursed to die on her 25th birthday, which is now just 100 days away. Alex a young heir to the Silverwood pack her only saviour, as standing close to him create the protective ring that can save her from the hands of the spirit who comes for hel life. But he is Uncut, annoying and extremely arrogant. Desperate to break the curse, she turns to her best friends, Luna, a spirited werewolf, and Elysia, a ghost tethered to the mortal realm, to assist her in capturing his heart and staying alive. How did she go about it? Did she get his attention? Was she saved? Lets ho on this journey together

adegbite_feranmi · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


After the encounter with Alex, an awful silence settled in the car as we drove back to our condo. The tension was palpable, each of tus lost in our own thoughts until Luna finally broke the silence.

 "Sorry, guys," Luna said, glancing at her friends with a sheepish smile. "That's Alex, my cousin. He's the next heir of the Silverwood pack. He's a little grumpy, but he's nice."

 "And handsome," Elysia added with a playful smirk, trying to lighten the mood.

 I shook my head, still processing the encounter. "He could use a lesson in manners."

 Luna laughed. "Trust me, he's always like that. He's under a lot of pressure, especially with the whole heir thing."

 Elysia, looking more serious, interjected, "Uh, Gloria, what was that ring about?"

 "The ring?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

 "Yeah," Elysia continued. "I tried to touch you, and I was thrown away by a protective circle that glowed. What was that?"

 Luna, still driving but clearly interested in the conversation, glanced over. Elysia continued"I've never seen anything like that before. It was like some kind of barrier."

 I frowned listening to Elysia, deep in thought. "I don't know. It must have been some kind of automatic defense spell. I didn't cast anything consciously and i would never intentionally hurt you"

 Elysia shivered slightly. "Well, it was powerful. Whatever it was, it protected you, and hurts badly"

 We drove through the winding roads of Lunar Ridge, the town's charm slowly seeping into our hearts. The forested landscape was dotted with quaint houses, shops, and cafes, creating an enchanting atmosphere that was both welcoming and mysterious.

 As we got to the condo, we were exhausted. Elysia, still curious about the ring, immediately set to work. She grabbed a piece of paper and started sketching what she had seen earlier. The protective circle had glowed with an intricate pattern that she carefully replicated.

 When she was finished, she handed the drawing to me. "Glo, what if this is the answer we're looking for?" she asked, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and urgency.

 I glanced at the paper, my eyes heavy with fatigue. "Yeah, maybe," I murmured, too tired to process it fully.

 Luna, already half-asleep on the couch, mumbled, "Alright, we'll look at it tomorrow."

 Elysia sighed, realizing her friends were too drained to engage in a serious discussion. "Okay, we'll talk about it in the morning," she said, trying to mask her disappointment.

 Luna and I retired to our respective beds, the condo soon filled with the sound of our soft, even breathing. 

 That night, Elysia floated through the dark streets of Lunar Ridge, her translucent form barely visible against the eerie glow of the moon. The town was alive with sinister energy, vengeful and ugly spirits wandering aimlessly, their twisted faces contorted with rage and sorrow. Though she was scared, Elysia knew that ghosts did not attack each other. Still, the malevolent presence around her was unsettling.

 She made her way to the ancient library, a grand old building that loomed in the center of town. The air around it felt dense with history and knowledge, and Elysia felt a strange sense of comfort as she approached. At the entrance, seated behind a grand oak desk, was the ghostly librarian, Mrs. Peterson. Her spectral form shimmered faintly in the dim light, her eyes filled with a tired wisdom.

 Elysia hesitated for a moment before saying, "Hello," her voice echoing softly in the stillness of the library.

 Mrs. Peterson looked up, her spectral ID card hanging around her neck catching the light. "What can I do for you?" she asked, her tone kind but weary. "You are the first non-strange ghost I have seen since I entered this town."

 Elysia offered a small, nervous smile. "Yes, I wasn't killed by anyone. I died of exhaustion here in the library," she explained. "So why are there so many vengeful spirits in this town?"

 Mrs. Peterson's expression darkened, and she glanced around cautiously before shushing Elysia. "You do not talk about this loudly," she warned in a hushed tone. "The werewolves in this county are ruthless. They rule everything—police, governing bodies. They commit a lot of crimes, and humans, witches, and vampires have all been their prey. That's all I can say."

 Elysia nodded, her mind racing with the implications of what Mrs. Peterson had just revealed. The werewolves' dominance and their brutal methods explained the dark aura surrounding Lunar Ridge and the abundance of tormented spirits.

 Mrs. Peterson, Elysia said, "Have you seen this before?" She showed her the drawing of the protective ring.

 The spectral librarian's eyes widened slightly. "It looks familiar, but..." She drifted through the library with a purposeful glide until she reached a section dedicated to witchcraft. She sifted through the shelves and pulled out an old, worn book.

 "This book," Mrs. Peterson said, "contains the writings around the ring. However, it's written in an ancient witch language that few can decipher." She handed the book to Elysia, who felt a chill as she touched it. "Take this," Mrs. Peterson instructed. "Go to West Avenue. That's where Zeddacus, the wizard, lives."

 "Okay," Elysia replied, her curiosity piqued. "But beware," Mrs. Peterson added, "he can be in any form or any shape. Make sure you get his attention."

 Elysia waited, hoping for more information, but Mrs. Peterson began to fade into the shadows. "Is that all? How do I get his attention? What do we do?" she shouted, feeling a surge of frustration.

 From the depths of the shadows, Mrs. Peterson's voice echoed back, "Silence. You are in the library."

 The ancient librarian's presence faded completely, leaving Elysia alone in the dimly lit library. Clutching the book tightly, she took a deep breath and headed out into the night, her mind racing with the new challenge ahead. She knew she had to find Zeddacus and decipher the mysteries of the protective ring to save Gloria.

 Elysia floated back to the condo, the weight of the book a constant reminder of her mission. As she entered, she saw I and Luna sprawled on our beds, exhausted from the day's events. Elysia placed the book gently on the table and glanced out the window towards West Avenue. The journey ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but her determination to protect her friends gave her the strength she needed.

 "Tomorrow," she whispered to herself, "we find Zeddacus."

 As dawn broke, Luna and I strolled into the living room. 

 "Good morning, Glo," Luna said with a yawn.

 "Good morning, Luna," I replied, stretching.

 "Good morning," came a voice from the couch, thick and firm.

 we both screamed, stumbling back. I grabbed a nearby lamp, ready to defend herself. Luna's eyes widened in shock.

 "It's just me, Elysia," said the ghost, struggling to keep a straight face.

 Realizing it was their spectral friend, we let out a sigh of relief and burst into laughter. "You scared us half to death!" Luna exclaimed, clutching her chest.

 Elysia giggled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to. Good morning!"

 Luna shook her head, still smiling as she opened the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water. I moved to her calendar and marked off another day. "108 days to go," I murmured to herself, the weight of the countdown evident in my voice.

 Elysia jumped up from the couch, her excitement palpable. "I found a lead!" she exclaimed.

 I and Luna turned to her, curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?" I asked.

 Elysia quickly narrated her night's adventure at the ancient library and her encounter with Mrs. Peterson. "I have a lead on the protective ring," she said, handing a piece of paper to me. "Mrs. Peterson said we need to find Zeddacus the wizard on West Avenue. He can help us decipher the writings and unlock the secrets of the ring."

 I listened, her initial disinterest slowly turning into cautious hope. "I'm not sure, Elysia. It sounds like a lot of effort for something that might not work."

 But Luna's face lit up with hope. "This is great news, Elysia! It's a chance for Gloria to survive this curse. We have to follow it up."

 Elysia nodded enthusiastically. "We have nothing to lose and everything to gain."

 i gave out a sigh, feeling the weight of my limited time. "I suppose it's worth a try," I finally agreed, her voice tinged with reluctant hope.

 Luna wrapped an arm around me. "We're in this together, Glo. We'll find a way to break this curse." "Let's go find this wizard," Luna said, her resolve firming. "And let's get some answers."

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