
Mr and Mrs Zheng

"I got you" was the last words she heard before she passed out waking up in a stranger's bed, who removed my clothes??? what am I doing here aren't I suppose to be at my engagement party, what's going on as she looked around the room for her bag she saw him..... sitting there and staring at her

Saffymbala361 · Urbain
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2 Chs

chapter one

Catch her, if you don't you won't get your cut!". My young sister Lin Yuxin shouts behind me. I feel the drug starting to take effect, but I can't slow down now, three guys are chasing after me, and if I stop now. I am giving in to my sister. "Help, help me please!!!" I yelled as I see people standing at a car, nearby. My eyes started to become heavy and my legs wanted to give in. "Oh no,  please don't give up now", I cry to myself in my head.  I feel dizzy, I can't see properly. My legs can not carry me anymore. Is this how I'm going to die? Before my body hits the ground I feel firm hands grab a hold of me, I tried to see his face but I couldn't because my eyes became heavier, I heard this deep voice say "I got you now"!

"Young Master Zhang, we need to go",  The man replied to his assistant with a cold stare, forcing him into silence. The man looked downat the woman in his arms. He turned her weak body towards the bright moonlight to see her properly.  Her face was pale, and she was sweating, what is wrong with her, her capture exclaimed? So soft and fragile of a woman, yet there are a few scars around her chest that tells a different story. Is she sick? Does she need a doctor? He glanced back in the direction where this mysterious woman came running from. There's no one in sight. Where and who are the people that were chasing her? Who is she? Why does she feel so familiar... have we met before? All these thoughts are circulating his mind. In the corner of his eye, he saw her arm, though hanging limp trying to grab her hip. He holds her hand to stop, "hot..... so hot, I need to take this dress off… I can't breathe". Both men freeze. The assistant  looked at his boss's appalled face and this damsel hanging in his arms. What's wrong with this woman? Has she no shame? 

"Fu Lin, take me back home," he said as he'swalking towards his car. "…phone grandfather and tell him there has been a change of plans. I will meet with him another time." Fu Lin was aggravated. The Old Master's housekeeper has been phoning the whole day to confirm if they are still coming. Here they're about to go, now this woman shows up out of nowhere! "Sir, the Old Master wanted to discuss the company's centennial anniversary that's in two weeks, I can't delay him anymore as it is!"

He lays the woman down in the backseat of his car. "Sir! That woman will damage the leather interior, stop that right now and think about what you are doing!" He got angry and walked right up to his chest "what are you here for? Isn't it to manage my family affairs for me? Didn't I tell you that when I hired you? I said take me back home, now!" Fu Lin won't stand down. "Sir, think about this. This woman is probably a peasant that stole some bread from a corner store. We don't want her diseases smeared all over your Maserati!" The man's had enough. Fu Lin's always trying to be right, which he probably is... But he can't ignore this feeling that this woman needs his help.  "I

don't care about the Quattroporte Fu Lin, you know this! I don't care about the meeting or what you think. For the last time, take me home! Out of breath and red in the face, he gets into the car and slams the door shut. Fu Lin glanced up at the moon and wondered "what's going on with __ today? "Is the car going to drive itself?" __ sneers through the car window from the backseat. With a grin and a deep sigh, Fu Lin replies: "coming, sir."