
Meetings, Formal and Informal

Harry sat beside Sirius on the plush armchair in the dining room of #12 Grimmauld Place. The room had been expanded to accommodate the members of the Order who had arrived shortly after the Weasleys. Some of them were supposed to live there, like the Weasleys, Hermione and Tonks, but the majority would be leaving once the meeting concluded.

A soft clanking sound emanated from the corridor, and Harry looked up. His eyes gained a gleam when he saw Mad-eye enter the room in his usual paranoid self. The wizened former auror looked from one corner to another, taking in all those who had gathered before his eyes zeroed in on him. Harry saw him raise a non-existent eyebrow before looking away.

Ever since he had come to know about Moody, Harry had been excited to go toe-to-toe with him. Even if he lost, he knew he would gain valuable insights into the way of magical combat.

A few minutes passed and more people arrived. Harry didn't recognize any of them but it seemed Sirius knew who they were, as he greeted all of them with a nod.

"Some odd group of people we have here," Harry remarked to Sirius, looking around the table at the witches and wizards gathered. Sirius chuckled.

"All of them fought in the previous war with us. Not all of them might be well-versed in combat, but they all excel in different fields. That exotic lady over there," Sirius nudged with his head, and Harry turned his head to look. He saw the woman look over at him and wink. Sirius chuckled, "she's a healer from Sweden. Don't know where she's been for the past few years but she was valuable in the past war."

"I see," Harry looked her up and down, and he admitted to himself that he was pretty impressed with what he saw. She was garbed in white dress robes that covered her voluptuous figure but hid nothing. He was able to make out all the contours of her alluring frame and wondered if he could try to charm her.

"How did she join the order?" He asked Sirius, not taking his eyes away from her. She had already noticed his gaze on her and matched it with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk.

Sirius chuckled.

"Well, it was because of your dad," he smiled, and Harry broke eye contact with the woman and turned to look at Sirius.


"Yeah. James saved her during a raid, and she joined the Order soon after. Apparently, she became pretty close with your parents from what I can recall, at least until they had to go into hiding. They understandably lost contact. This is the first time I'm seeing her after all these years."

Harry nodded and looked back at the woman who was now engaged in a conversation with Tonks. The two women were chatting animatedly with smiles on their faces. Harry turned to look at Sirius once again.

"What's her name?"

Sirius looked at him for a moment before a lecherous grin took over his face.

"You sure set your sights quite high, don't you?"

Harry shrugged.

"Her name's Natalie, but your parents called her Nat. Who knows, maybe she'd let you call her that," Sirius grinned.

Harry didn't reply as his eyes caught something else, or rather, a certain someone.

A small group of people entered the room, and everyone turned to look at them. Despite his age, Dumbledore commanded a certain presence which was felt by anyone. The old wizard entered the room, followed by McGonagall, Flitwick and Snape. Sirius flicked his wand and the door closed right as the dour-faced wizard entered. A small glare was directed at Sirius as the door closed behind Snape, which was expertly ignored.

Dumbledore walked forward and stood beside the seat on the opposite end of the table, looking over at everyone and beaming.

"Thank you, everyone, for gathering for this meeting of the Order," Dumbledore remarked, as everyone took their seats. His voice turned grave as he continued.

"As you all undoubtedly know, Lord Voldemort has risen again," Dumbledore began, and a few people flinched. "Harry Potter witnessed his resurrection and survived another killing curse, and it was because of this that we got to know the truth."

Several people turned to look at him with awe and Harry ignored their reactions.

"The minister, however, has refused to believe that anything happened to Mr. Potter that night, and he was downright hostile to me when I told him who was involved. I am afraid he's not going to act in the best interests of Wizarding Britain and his fear has clouded his judgement."

People bristled around the table at the revelation, and Harry couldn't say he was surprised.

"Not to mention the coward is deep into the pockets of Lucius Malfoy. The slimeball will try all he can to prevent Fudge from doing anything anyway," Sirius chimed in.

"Indeed," Dumbledore agreed, "and that is why we have no choice but to keep operating in secrecy until Lord Voldemort is revealed to the public at large. Severus, was anything of note revealed in today's meeting?"

Harry looked at the potions master and internally sneered. Dumbledore trusted the man to act as a spy in the ranks of the dark cunt, saying that he trusted the man. Well, his trust didn't mean shit to Harry. That's why, without informing anyone else, Harry had asked Sirius to tweak the wards in such a way that they would fry the dungeon bat into crisps if he so much as stepped out of line and tried to harm anyone. He exchanged a look with Sirius, who looked at him before glancing away.

Snape turned to look at Dumbledore, "The Dark Lord is focused on recruitment now. He is perfectly content in biding his time, staying in the shadows, and scheming from behind the scenes."

"As expected then," Dumbledore nodded, "he knows Fudge is not going to do anything, which gives him a head start. It also requires us to start preparing as well. That is why I have asked Remus Lupin to visit the werewolf clans."

A few people perked up at that.

"He will try to persuade the clans to join our side. However, if they do not, then he will try to convince them not to join Voldemort."

"Don't think he'd be able to do much. Greyback is on the move once again," Moody chimed in, and there were uneasy glances around the table. Harry frowned.

"We can only hope for the best, Alastor," Dumbledore smiled slightly, before looking around the table at large, "and I would like all of you to work on your end as well. Try to sound out people without being too forceful or explicit whether they would be open to joining the Order. We need numbers to counter Voldemort and his forces, because honestly, I do not expect the ministry to do anything until Fudge is in power."

People around the table frowned, before nodding. That was the best they could do at the moment.

Dumbledore looked at the young people gathered at the table, his gaze resting on him for a moment before he quickly looked away.

"I would have preferred you all to never see the horrors of war and stay out of it. Such a burden should be borne by people grown up, not children like you. But you are legally adults now, and I would be remiss in my duty if I took away your freedom of choice. I would only ask you to exercise caution. This is no more a schoolyard fight. This is serious," Dumbledore remarked gravely as Mrs Weasley looked on with a deep frown on her face.

All the students of Hogwarts who were in attendance looked up resolutely at the headmaster who looked at them and nodded. He caught Harry's eyes, who simply stared back stonily. Dumbledore sighed and looked away.

"Is there anything else, Severus?" Dumbledore asked. Snape hesitated for a second before he sighed.

"The Dark Lord did not expect Potter to survive again. He is in quite a shock since then, and there is some uncertainly among the ranks," Snape admitted, prompting Harry to look at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Snape sneered at him.

"You don't demand answers from me, you damned brat!"

"You are in my house and I am a member of the Order, Snape. Quit your attitude and answer the damned question!" Harry hissed, and everyone turned to look at him before looking at a fuming Snape.

"Severus." Dumbledore intoned softly. Snape grit his teeth and looked at him.

"The Dark Lord was fuming when he came to know that Potter had survived, and has forbidden everyone from laying even a hand on him. He has proclaimed that he would be the only one to take Potter out. No one is allowed to even touch him unless threatened with life or his wrath will follow."

Harry chuckled.

"Serves the bald fuck right," he grinned. Loud snorts came from Sirius, the twins and Tonks. Harry looked at the latter and gave a saucy wink which was noticed by only Natalie, whose eyes widened slightly.

"And your buddies? What do they feel?" Sirius asked. Snape clenched his jaw and glared.

"Most of them are… apprehensive of Potter. There are doubts within the ranks. Some believe that the Dark Lord cannot kill Potter after failing twice. No one is brave enough to voice that."

Harry grinned at Sirius. "That is good. The shakier their faith, the better it is for us," he remarked.

"That's all well and good, but what can we do apart from trying to recruit more people? Surely there might be something?" Tonks chimed in, and Harry looked at her.

"I'd say you all should try to fish out information. Be vigilant. Observe your surroundings. A lot of information flows around you all day. Who knows what might be helpful?" Harry added, looking at Moody who nodded.

"The lad's right. Constant Vigilance!" He boomed, and Tonks grimaced. She'd had enough of those words by now.

"A good advice, Harry. A lot can be learned by observing what goes on around us," Dumbledore smiled. Harry glanced at him and nodded.

The old headmaster smiled slightly before looking ahead.

"I have also sent Hagrid and Madame Maxime as envoys to the Giants in order to convince them to either side with us or stay neutral. Naturally they have departed with appropriate tokens which may help in convincing them."

"Giants," Moody muttered distastefully, "I remember them from the last war. Ruddy hard to take down if you're not precise enough."

Sirius nodded.

"Yes. I remember James took down one by banishing a conjured spear through its head. Piercing a giant's vitals using something sharp and big is the only way to take them down, obviously short of using the dark arts," Sirius remarked.

Beside Tonks, Natalie's eyes took a faraway look as she recalled the time when James had killed that giant and consequently saved her.

"Indeed," Dumbledore intoned gravely, "in the meantime," he looked around, "I would advise all of you to upgrade the wards around your homes. Please do not hesitate in asking for help. We have professional curse breakers as members of the order, and some other witches and wizards who are no slouches when it comes to rune work and warding either. Your lives are valuable, always remember that."

Despite himself, Harry snorted. He hastily covered it with a cough when a few people turned to look at him. He saw Dumbledore looking at him and glared before looking straight ahead. The old wizard sighed.

"Is there anything anyone would like to add?" Dumbledore asked, looking at the crowd gathered.

"Uhh… can I say something?"

Everyone turned to look at Hermione raising her hand, looking around with slight nervousness. Dumbledore smiled at her reassuringly.

"Please go ahead, Miss Granger," he nodded with a smile.

Hermione looked around and Harry smiled at her with a nod. She took a deep breath and smiled before her face set into a serious look.

"I think we should all start working on our spell work and combat. Most of the Order members are not very active and brushing up on combat skills will help a lot in fighting a war."

"That's brilliant, Hermione!" Harry smiled widely, really impressed with the idea. "It's so simple and so easily overlooked. It's brilliant that you remembered it," he said honestly. Hermione flushed before beaming.

"Indeed, Miss Granger," Dumbledore remarked, his eyes twinkling as he looked at her, "you are entirely correct. This is something the Order should do. Having practised spellcasting will go a long way in helping us combat."

He smiled and turned to address the Order.

"I know that all of you have work and other duties on top of that, but this is something which I would ask all of you to dedicate some time to. You can practice on your own or with other Order members. We have several accomplished witches and wizards in our ranks who can help anyone out, if need be," Dumbledore remarked.

Many people looked around the table before nodding hesitantly while the others agreed readily. If practice helped them stay alive, then it was a no-brainer.

"If anyone wishes, the basement is free for use," Sirius chimed in with a smile. Dumbledore nodded at him.

"Aye, and if anyone wants specialized training, my staff would be happy to accommodate," Moody grinned, bashing his staff against the floor where it emitted a few golden sparks.

Harry looked at him and chuckled.

"I might just take you up on that offer, old man," he grinned. Moody's lips curled up.

"I'd like to see you try, laddie," he grinned.

"Now if that's all?" Dumbledore cut in and looked around. When no one spoke up, he nodded.

"Alright then. That should be enough for today. We will reconvene for a meeting two days from now at the same time."

With a final smile, Dumbledore stood up with a flourish and walked out of the dining room. Many people stayed put as the others stood up and bid their goodbyes, leaving one after the other. When everyone who was supposed to leave had left, Sirius stood up and reverted the room to its original state. The elongated table was shortened to accommodate sixteen, and the seats were occupied by the remaining witches and wizards.

The seating arrangement was such that Harry was sitting beside Sirius who occupied the head of the table, Tonks beside him and the new lady, Natalie, right in front of him. Hermione and Ginny were sitting beside the two women respectively with Ron and the twins beside them. Mr Weasley sat beside Ron and Mrs Weasley was bustling in the kitchen, fixing up the dinner. Moody took a final look before he turned to walk outside.

"Long time no see Natalie," Sirius began jovially, and Natalie smiled at him.

"I have to apologize to you, Sirius," she began with a frown, "I should have known you'd never betray James. I heard about your case a few years after I left Britain, and like the others, even I believed that you really did that."

Sirius sighed.

"You were not alone. And I understand. You don't have to feel sorry for it anymore. It's in the past. It's alright," he smiled slightly, and Natalie returned it.

"Thank you, it means a lot," she smiled, before turning to look at Harry, "you're all James, apart from your eyes."

Harry smiled.

"I get that a lot," he chuckled, and Natalie grinned.

"Sirius told me you were close to my parents," Harry began, looking at her. A wistful expression crossed Natalie's face before she looked at him.

"Your father saved my life at a severe risk to his own. That's a debt I'll never be able to repay, no matter what I do. I held both in very high regard. Their death hurt me very much, and I was in a bad place at the time. The moment I came to know about it, I left Britain and never looked back, at least until now."

"I see," Harry muttered. Everyone around the table was looking at them. Natalie sighed.

"If you'd like to talk to me about them or something else, I'd be happy to do so," she hedged, hoping he'd sense the hint. Luckily, Harry did, as he looked at her.

"I'll see you then," he nodded, before turning around when he heard Mrs Weasley call his name.

"Here you go, Harry dear," she smiled, levitating his dinner in front of him. Harry turned to smile at her.

"Looks delicious. Thank you, Mrs Weasley," he remarked. Mrs Weasley patted him on the shoulder and left to cater to her children. He was about to start eating when he felt someone's hand on his thigh, a bit higher than appropriate for a public setting.

He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, only to find her smirking while looking at her plate. Her hand climbed higher and her smirk broadened a bit.

'Alright, minx. Two can play the game,' Harry thought before he discreetly waved his hand. Immediately, Tonks choked on her food and coughed.

"Are you alright, Tonks?" Harry asked, faux concerned. Tonks looked at him and grit out, "Fine."

"Chew your food properly, Tonks. You don't want to swallow it wrongly, do you?" Harry asked cheekily, grinning when she didn't reply and simply closed her eyes.

Her hand was gripping his thigh tightly, but he didn't feel any pain or discomfort, too busy taking enormous fun in her plight.

Tonks shivered once again when she felt the vibrating butt plug move once again inside her backdoor. The sensations were otherworldly. Not even in her wildest dreams had she expected Harry to wandlessly conjure a fucking vibrating butt plug and shove it up her ass. Her nerves were on fire already. The asshole must be stimulating it with his magic.

With hooded eyes, she glanced at him, only to see him smirking at her out of the corner of his eye and drinking his bloody juice. She chanced a glance around the table, only to see everyone either talking or eating, with only Natalie toying with her food, running her fork around. Their eyes met, and Natalie furrowed her brows while looking at her. Tonks' eyes widened slightly.

She tapped Harry's thigh twice in quick succession, admitting her defeat. Surprised, Harry looked at her and saw her pleading expression. All the while, Natalie kept looking at the two of them in confusion.

Harry finally understood what Tonks wanted, and nodded. Tonks sighed in relief when he did so. Harry waved his hand once again and Tonks relaxed when she saw it.

However, her eyes widened when instead of vanishing the butt plug inside her ass, he doubled the vibrating speed. Tonks grabbed his thigh painfully and worked overtime to keep her face neutral as her orgasm crashed through her, rocking her right then and there.

On the opposite side of the table, Natalie felt something override her senses and a wave of pleasure coursed through her. With an open mouth and wide eyes, she looked at Tonks who was heaving slightly before looking at Harry. He was smirking at Tonks who was trying to glare at him, and everything made sense to her.

Without even trying, her mind filled up with lecherous thoughts about the young man in front of her. It had been years since she had been with someone, and looking at Harry made her suppressed emotions rile up. She tried to forcefully bury them, but the more she tried, the more they acted up until she ceased in her efforts.

Catching Tonks' eye once the other woman was under control, she gestured for her to follow her outside, smiling when she nodded.

"I'll be turning in for the night, Sirius," she turned to smile at the marauder, who nodded.

"Alright. You have the place in family wing. I'm sorry but you'll have to share the room with Nym here and someone else. Don't worry, it's a very big room and can easily accommodate at least three people."

Natalie turned to smile at Tonks.

"No issues at all. We've talked and become quick friends, haven't we?"

Tonks grinned.

"You bet, let's go."

The two women stood up and started walking away, as Harry turned to look at their retreating backsides, swaying rhythmically in tandem with their steps.

'Yeah, wouldn't mind in the slightest,' he thought as he looked at them. Sirius' clearing of his throat grabbed his attention, and he turned to see his godfather smirking at him. Harry simply shrugged as Sirius chuckled and shook his head.

Looking to the side, he saw Hermione and Ginny eating their dinner and talking, and he quickly joined in, much to the pleasure of the two girls. The rest of the dinner was spent softly influencing the girls, complimenting them, and showering them with his attention, and if the fierce blushes on their faces, in the end, were anything to go by, he believed he did a good enough job.


An hour had passed since dinner and Harry was alone in the library, going through a thick tome that was partly written in blood. Initially reluctant to touch such a book, his curiosity won in the end and he started perusing it. The book seemed slightly familiar to him, and he realized Voldemort must have read it as well. Nonetheless, he read through it in about half an hour and leaned back in his chair.

"Should head to bed," he muttered to himself, putting the tome back where it belonged before shutting the library close behind him. He started making his way back to his room, recalling with mirth how he had turned the tables on Tonks.

'That'd teach her not to pull such stunts in public,' he chuckled to himself as he opened the door and walked inside. However, he froze on the spot when he saw the scene in front of him.

Tonks and Natalie were pressed close together, kissing passionately, with barely a hint of clothing on Tonks while Natalie had discarded her robes and was standing in a small dress that came up to her knees.

They kissed for a few moments before Tonks pulled away and turned to look at Harry.

"Close the door and come over," she whispered erotically, and that was all Harry needed to hear. He pushed the door behind him and walked over.

Tonks engaged Natalie once again when she felt his footsteps come closer and his hand grab her ass. She pulled away from Natalie to look at him, only to be surprised when he grabbed her chin with his free hand and pulled to kiss her fiercely.

He grabbed hold of her silk bra in a tight fist before pulling harshly, and Tonks squealed when he tore it away from her alluring frame and pushed her on his bed. Tonks looked up excitedly at Harry, who turned to look at Natalie.

Natalie looked at him, and he gestured with his head toward Tonks. Getting the message, Natalie grinned and climbed on top of her. The gleam in his eyes revealed that he wholeheartedly approved of the action, and Natalie went in for another kiss. As the kiss intensified, Natalie grabbed Tonks' exposed breasts and began squeezing them, occasionally playing with her hard nipples. Tonks moaned.

Natalie began trailing her lips down Tonks' body, kissing her chin and neck before taking one of her nipples inside her mouth. All this while, Harry watched from behind, his eyes glued on Natalie's alluring round ass as it stretched the dress she had put on, hiked up to her mid-thigh yet not revealing anything under.

He walked forward and Tonks saw through lustful eyes as he grabbed Natalie's thigh from behind. He kept eye contact with Tonks and pushed her dress up until her ass and knickers were exposed. He brought his hand forward and dragged his fingers along her wet slit over her knickers, and Tonks felt herself getting wetter when she heard Natalie moan.

"Fuck," Natalie let out, releasing her nipple from the confines of her mouth, and Tonks looked at Harry. He had grabbed the waistband of Natalie's lace blue panties and dragged them down, exposing her wet pussy. Tonks thought he would fuck her, but Harry dragged his fingers over her and parted her cunt, taking in the pink flesh dripping with her arousal, and put two of his fingers inside her.

Natalie moaned loudly.

"Get up," she whispered, and Tonks quickly complied. As she sat up against the headboard, Natalie ripped her knickers with a primal hunger that she hadn't been anticipating, her body shivering under Harry's assault from behind. She saw him insert another finger inside Natalie's pussy and grinned.

Tonks saw Natalie position her head and one hand between her legs. She started with one long, slow lick, starting from the bottom of her slit and slowly pushing into her intently once she reached her clit. Tonks moaned, and Natalie's moans vibrated into her pussy as Harry continued to furiously fingerfuck her from behind. He was entirely clothed, but Tonks could see his erection bulging against his pants, and she knew that Natalie would love his cock.

Erratically, Natalie thrust two of her fingers inside her pussy and began pistoning them back and forth, her moans incessant against her clit which she circled with her tongue before pulling away.

Tonks cried out in pleasure when she felt her orgasm crash through her for the second time in as many hours, and Natalie eagerly lapped it up before sitting on her knees and locking her lips with Tonks. The two women made out erotically as Harry continued to move his fingers in and out of the beautiful blonde.

Slowly, Tonks moved away from where she was sitting against the headboard and came to stand beside Harry, looking on as Natalie had her round ass raised high in the air while Harry fingered her from behind.

"Give her something even better, stud," Tonks grinned, unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants before dragging them down. Harry stepped out of his pants when they pooled at his feet before lifting his hands for Tonks to take his shirt off. Now, as naked as Tonks was, Harry climbed on the bed as Natalie looked on. Once he was laying on his back, he beckoned the blonde woman to climb on top of him.

Natalie grinned before climbing on his lap, and Harry wasted no time in grabbing her dress and pulling it off, leaving her in nothing but a powder blue bra. He admired the view of a beautiful blonde woman in a blue lace bra in front of him before Tonks unlatched it and let it fall off her alluring frame.

Natalie looked at him and smiled, as Tonks grabbed his cock and lined it up against her entrance.

"You want me?" He asked Natalie, who smiled.

"Fuck me, please," she whispered.

"You've got to tell me everything," he muttered, as he felt the head of his cock go inside her wet pussy.

"I promise I'll tell you everything!" Natalie moaned when his cock slithered inside her and groaned in satisfaction at the feeling of an erect cock inside her once again. Never since James had she been with someone, and it was poetic that his son would be the one she would be with from now on.

With renewed vigour, Natalie looked down at him before bending forward. Harry welcomed her with open arms, wrapping them around her naked back as his fingers threaded into her hair while they kissed.

Her ass bobbed as she fucked herself raw on his cock, dragging her inner walls against the veiny ridges of his bulbous cock as she was stretched wider than she ever had. Not even James was this long or thick, and she found that she loved the sensation even more.

Her voluptuous tits repeatedly collided against his chest, as she continued to kiss him while his cock slithered in and out of her claimed fuckhole.

Harry pulled back to look at her with a wild gleam in his eye and smirked.

"I'm going to be fucking you from now on, whenever I want, wherever I want, and you will take it like my woman!" He hissed, and Natalie moaned in pleasure.

"Yes master! Oh, I am yours to do with as you please! Oh yesss…" she moaned in ecstasy as Harry gave a particularly harsh thrust inside her, rattling her body atop his and she came crashing down on his body, her face burying itself in his neck as her lovely tits collided against his hard chest.

Tonks kept rubbing her gushing pussy as she looked on at the debauchery that was going on in front of her. When Natalie had asked her to join her outside, she hadn't imagined in her wildest dreams just what she would ask for.

A life debt owed to James Potter, which was transferred to his son now. And Natalie wanted to be with him despite not knowing anything personal about him. Tonks had been flabbergasted.

She didn't claim to be a magical expert but she had to agree that Harry had some sort of unnatural pull about him. It wasn't dark magic or mind magic of any sort, but there was something that attracted beautiful witches to him. The pull was stronger when there existed a bond between him and the witch, as she had observed with three witches now.

As she looked at the way Harry was fucking Natalie right now, it was apparent that this woman was meant to be fucked by Harry. There were no two ways about it.

Natalie cried out in absolute bliss as her orgasm coursed through her body and she shook atop him. Harry wrapped his arms around her tightly and planted his feet on the bed before he started to rapidly thrust inside her. Within no time, he felt his load shoot out inside her quivering pussy, and Natalie moaned in pleasure when she felt the familiar heat of seed inside her.

Utterly spent, she laid down atop him and looked as the bed creaked slightly. Tonks took her place on the other side of his body, and the two women cuddled up against him. Harry wrapped his arms around both, his palms cupping their deliciously round asses as he pulled them close and the threesome went to sleep.

Unbeknownst to them, the door creaked softly and closed as two girls turned to look at each other with wide eyes, their minds frozen in shock.


To be continued…


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