
An Unexpected Agreement

The sounds of heels clicking against the hardwood floor echoed around the darkened corridor as the women walked with steady steps. The eyes of the elder were trained straight despite the darkness that surrounded her, proving her familiarity with this part of the house. The only light that seeped into the corridor came from the cracks of the door a fair distance from where she was.

This had been their usual meeting place for the past twenty years, a townhouse owned by the Blacks and primarily used by the daughters of the house for hosting small gatherings. However, as their numbers dwindled, the house soon became useless until she asked her sister to meet her a week after her marriage.

Narcissa still remembered how she had broken down in her sister's arms all those years ago, finally letting out all the frustration and humiliation she had been subjected to by Lucius. Since then, it was a place frequented by her and Andi, with Nym tagging along occasionally. However, never had her daughter accompanied her to a meeting.

"This is weird," Cassie whispered, and Narcissa could not help but chuckle.

"We Blacks are a weird bunch, my sweet."

"Still, this is too much black for my tastes," joked Cassie, and Narcissa smiled at the pun. They were almost there, and she held out her arm to stop her daughter. Cassie stopped and looked at her mother, who brandished her wand and pressed the tip against her palm. A soft slicing sound was heard and she watched as her mother pressed her bleeding palm against the door, which glowed softly before swinging open.

"Blood wards. Can't enter without a small sacrifice," Narcissa explained as she healed the small wound before entering. No sooner had she stepped in that she was engulfed in a firm hug by her older sister. She sighed in contentment.

After their mother's death, Andi had been the rock for both her and Bellatrix. She was the oldest and had seamlessly taken up the role of support for her younger sisters. However, their father had to screw up everything.

Three years later, Andi had eloped with the love of her life, leaving Bellatrix and her and escaping what would surely have been a life of eternal suffering. In her stead, Bellatrix had to marry Rudolphus Lestrange. It was known how that turned out.

Andromeda pulled away from Narcissa before turning towards Cassie, who looked at her aunt with a small smile.

"Come here, dear," she held her arms out, and Cassie melted into the embrace. Narcissa walked in and smiled before hugging Nym, who returned it eagerly.

They walked over and sat on the couch, with Nym sitting with her mother while Cassie and Narcissa sat together.

"Okay Cissy, speak up. Your Patronus didn't say anything, and I can't wait much longer," Andromeda said impatiently. Narcissa sighed, before looking at Cassie who nodded. She turned back towards her sister and niece who were looking back with similar frowns.

"I have annulled my marriage with Lucius and we are officially on the run from him and his associates," Narcissa replied bluntly.

Their eyes widened.

"What?" Andromeda asked faintly before she caught herself. "I mean, not that I'm sad or angry about it, but what happened that you suddenly did this?"

Narcissa steeled herself and reiterated everything that had happened inside that monster's room and what happened between Lucius and her afterward. She left nothing out, and by the end of it, she was staring at two irate women, one of whom had her hair cycling through various colors.

"I'll kill that asshole for putting his hand on you," Andromeda seethed as she palmed her wand harshly.

"The honor belongs to someone else, Mrs. Tonks," a calm voice cut through, and Narcissa abruptly turned her head to where the voice came from. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was, and she felt her daughter stiffen beside her.

"Hello, Mrs. Malfoy, or is it Miss Black now? Personally, I'd prefer the latter," the confident visage of Harry Potter came into view as he took a seat on the couch. He was followed by two exotic blonde women whose beauty could put any succubus to shame.

"Harry Potter, what are you doing here?" She asked in surprise. The young man chuckled and leaned back. Narcissa watched as the two blonde women sat on either side of him, leaning against his solid frame as he wrapped his arms around their waists and pulled them close.

"I am the heir of the Blacks, Miss Black. As such, I can come and go wherever I please. But we are not here to talk about why I am here. You called for this meeting with your sister and Nym, and believe me when I say that if you are against Lucius and the dark cunt, you are my biggest ally. And I never leave my allies to fend for themselves," Harry intoned with a calm smile.

Narcissa turned to look at her sister, who nodded.

"Nym decided to have Harry here as well. Said he wanted to meet you," Andromeda replied, before looking at the young man who was involved with her daughter as well as these women.

She couldn't believe it at first when her daughter told her all about it. The thought of sharing her man with someone else was something entirely foreign to her. However, when she heard about this ritual and what it entailed, she fully understood where her daughter was coming from. It didn't matter that her daughter was a bit of a deviant when it came to carnal pleasure – something she had tried to preach to her as well.

She had lost her husband over ten years ago and had raised her daughter by herself. She would be lying if she said she didn't crave another man's touch after all these years, and a part of her was tempted to take her daughter up on her proposal. She knew she was a beautiful witch with very pleasing attributes, despite being over forty years old. Witches and wizards grew older at a much slower rate when compared to mundane people, so it helped as well. It required her one look at this young man to see that he would be very interested in her. His eyes painted the entire picture for her whenever she caught him looking at her.

However, she refrained. She didn't know how she would fit in with this dynamic. She had said as much to her daughter, who had quickly retorted by saying how Natalie was also much older, and yet she was happily involved with Harry. Andromeda didn't have an answer to that.

Nym had not pressured her any further. She had simply told her to take a chance at finding happiness again, and that she was sure Harry was the best choice.

Andromeda discarded those thoughts from her mind for the moment. This was about Cissy and the problem she was facing. Her thoughts regarding this young man could wait for some time.

"That's right," Harry replied, looking towards Narcissa with a small smile. "I will be blunt with you, Miss Black. I am looking for someone who has unrivalled knowledge of runic magic. Nym has told me how you had an Outstanding in the subject in both your OWLs and NEWTs, and you have been involved with the art during all these years as well. I am inclined to trust her judgement. My proposal is very simple. You help me out, and I will help you out."

Narcissa looked critically at the emerald-eyed wizard, wondering if there was any catch. She asked as much, frowning when Harry chuckled.

"I promise there is no catch. I have a small project for which I need the help of someone who has immense knowledge of the art. According to Nym, you are one of the very few who qualify as such. Seems like a no brainer to me. We both can help each other out."

Narcissa looked at her sister, who gave her an encouraging nod, before looking at Nym who smiled at her. Finally, she looked at Cassie who was staring at the table in between the couches.

"Okay. What would your help entail?" Narcissa asked.

"Whatever you want regarding your and your daughter's wellbeing. I am positive that you want safety from Lucius and his band of thugs for yourself and Cassandra. Is there anything else?" Harry enquired politely. Narcissa stared at him with a frown.

"Lucius still has power over Cassie to enter her into a marriage contract since she is a Malfoy. The only way he won't be able to do it is if –"

"If Cassandra is already in a marriage contract that is unbreakable," Harry finished for Narcissa, who looked at him and nodded.

"If you agree to help me, I will help you. Obviously Cassandra would like to have a say in who she marries? We can arrange a contract between her and this wizard," Harry replied.

"Well," Nym began as she looked at her cousin, whose eyes widened when she saw her smirk. "Turns out, our dear Cassie does indeed like someone, or rather, she is head over heels in love with a certain someone."

Andromeda sighed as she easily understood what her daughter was alluding to, and she saw the two blonde beauties on either side of Harry also exchange a look before smirking. Yes, this was a group of deviants, alright.

Narcissa looked at her daughter who had closed her eyes before she looked at her niece, who smirked at her before gesturing with her eyes toward Harry. Her eyes widened.

"Well," Harry replied, easily spotting the game Nym was playing, "I'm sure Cassandra can tell us."

The young brunette's eyes widened as she stared at Harry who was looking at her expectantly. She took a deep breath and looked him straight in the eyes.


The room was entirely silent as grey and green stared into each other before Harry smiled.

"If that's how it is, I am honoured," he replied. Cassandra's eyes widened. "I know we've not had much interaction in the past, but I hope to rectify it soon."

Cassandra stared at him for a moment before a radiant smile lit up her face and she nodded. Harry smiled before his face grew serious.

"This was not something I had expected when I came here today," Harry remarked. "And now that we are going to be betrothed, it's only right if you know this."

Cassandra frowned. "Know what?"

Harry took a deep breath before he told both her and Narcissa all about the ritual he had undertaken, what it entailed, and who he was involved with. Cassandra's eyes were wide by the time he was finished, and Narcissa was staring at Harry with a peculiar glint in her eyes.

"I didn't expect things were like this," Cassandra remarked.

"Neither did I," Narcissa replied and made herself comfortable. She had dressed in her usual outfit whenever she went out which consisted of a dress and a skirt that came down to her knees. Her stockings covered her legs and she had worn a robe over the dress that was parted in the middle.

She kept her eyes on the young man as she leaned back, and she couldn't help the thrill that shot through her being when she saw him taking in her assets out of the corner of his eyes. It felt good to see that she was desirable. She stared him up and down as well, and could easily admit that her daughter had very good taste. It was easy to deduce what a future with Harry Potter would be like. There was no stopping this man from collecting numerous witches, and try as she might, Narcissa couldn't think of a scenario wherein her daughter wouldn't have been one of them.

Her eyes fell on her sister who was sitting on the couch beside her, and they widened when she saw her not so subtly checking him out as well. She resolved to have a serious talk with her.

"So…" Narcissa began, and eyes turned towards her. "I will help you with your runic project and you will agree to a betrothal with Cassie, right?"

Harry nodded, "Sirius could've easily given you security, but he wouldn't have been able to help you with Cassandra's betrothal. I will help you with it in exchange for your help with my project."

Narcissa sighed. "You know it's possible that I might not be able to help you?"

Harry grinned roguishly, and the women couldn't help but clench their toes, "Believe me, Miss Black, if what Nym has said is true, you will definitely be of massive help to our cause."

"I still fail to understand how important this project might be for you to agree to marry my daughter in exchange."

Harry chuckled, "Let's say it's one of a kind."

Narcissa frowned, "What kind?"

Harry smirked ferally. "The war winning kind."

Their eyes widened as Narcissa and Cassandra stared at each other.

"Well then," Narcissa replied after a minute of silence, "I'd be very happy to be of help."

Harry smiled as he leaned back.

"So, you three are part of his harem?" Narcissa asked, looking at the two blonde women who were sitting on either side of Harry before she looked at her niece.

Nym smirked, and without any hesitation, replied, "Any woman would beg to be a part of it if they fuck him even once."

"Nym," Fleur intoned warningly, and the metamorph flushed before looking away. Harry scratched his cheek with a smile.

Cassandra couldn't help but imagine being intimate with Harry, and unbeknownst to her, the same thought ran through the minds of both her mother and her aunt as well. There was no way Harry would be with one woman, and they couldn't help but think about it.

Slowly, the feeble wall of reluctance Andromeda had built around herself seemed to be crumbling, and as she looked at the smirk her evil daughter gave her, she knew. She knew Nym understood exactly what she was doing.

"Talking about the betrothal," Harry interjected, and every woman turned to look at him. "There are two ways to make this unbreakable. I'm sure you know, Miss Black?"

Narcissa nodded with a sigh, "I don't think Lucius will ever sign the contract, so we can close that avenue."

Harry nodded. Marriage contracts needed to be signed by all parties for them to be enforceable, and those signing the contracts had to know what they were agreeing to. There was no way Lucius Malfoy would agree for his only daughter to marry the arch-nemesis of his master.

"That leaves us with only one option then," Nym replied with a smirk as she looked at Cassandra. The raven couldn't help but look at Harry who seemed to be asking a silent question. She smiled shyly at him, and he grinned.

"I believe the sooner we get this done, the better it will be. There is no telling what Lucius might do once he finds out that I've annulled our marriage. Being her father, he doesn't need her approval either to put her in a contract. If he does that, Cassie can escape only if she denounces the Malfoy name, and I refuse to let it happen. That house is my daughter's birthright, and I'll be damned if someone stole it from her," Narcissa said firmly. Harry looked at her and nodded.

"I will get the contract drafted soon then."

"No need for that. Here is my annulled marriage contract with Lucius," Narcissa interjected swiftly and pulled the thin contract out of her bottomless bag. Harry took it from her.

"Should I just make a copy or would you like to alter some terms?"

Narcissa shook her head. "The contract was very fair, so I don't think we need to change much. However, I want you to add the clause that you will never abuse my daughter."

Harry nodded and waved his wand. A replica of the contract appeared on the table, only with his name alongside Cassandra's and with the aforementioned modification. He looked it over and nodded before handing it over to Narcissa. Once she made sure that everything was okay, she quickly signed it before handing it over to Cassandra.

Since her daughter was of age, any contract could be enforced or discarded only by her free will, and she smiled when her daughter also signed it before handing the contract over to Harry, who smiled and signed it in his capacity.

The other four women signed as witnesses, and they watched as the contract glowed for a second before flashing red.

"Well, only one thing remains now to make it official and truly unbreakable," Nym interjected giddily, before grabbing Cassandra's arm and dragging her out of the room. Fleur and Nat followed with identical smiles as Harry shook his head.

"Those three take too much pleasure in this," he remarked with a chuckle, before looking at Narcissa. "You two shall be living with us now. It's the most secure place for us."

The woman nodded and sat back, before asking, "How does it feel?"

"Hmm? What?" Harry asked with a smile.

Narcissa gestured around, and Andromeda stared at her sister, "You know, when you see some woman whom you want to make yours. The ritual must influence you somehow, right?"

Harry nodded with a sigh, "I can't explain it very well, but all I can tell you is that it begins with strong attraction on both sides. Both I and the witch want to jump each other's bones and don't want to stop until we've had all of each other."

Narcissa absently nodded as she stared at the table. Merlin, that sounded awfully like what she was feeling around this young wizard. Her eyes fell on her sister once again who was staring at Harry. Yeah, the same seemed true for her as well.

"And have you felt that way recently for any witch you've met?" She asked further. Harry chuckled.

"Why do you think I agreed to the betrothal so easily?" He replied, smiling.

"My Cassie then," Narcissa nodded.

"I don't love her, Miss Black. But I've held her in a positive light for all these years. She is, after all, one of the few decent Slytherins along with her friends Daphne and Tracey. I'm sure we will come to love each other in the future."

Narcissa nodded. "Call me Narcissa or Cissy from now on."

Harry looked at her and smirked.



They took the floo to arrive at #12 Grimmauld Place, and Sirius was waiting for them in the living room. He stared at Narcissa for a moment before he gave a small nod.

"Harry has already told me what you have agreed upon, and I have no issues with it. No matter what, you are family. And family stays together."

Narcissa nodded. Sirius looked at Andromeda and smiled.

"Remember your old room in the family wing? I've got it fixed. You and Narcissa can live there from now on."

Andromeda grinned as she hugged her cousin.

"I can't explain how happy I am that you finally agreed to live here. I'd say you holed yourself up in that house long enough," Sirius whispered. Andromeda turned her head to stare at a certain emerald-eyed wizard who was standing to the side and talking to Nat.

"I guess I'm finally ready to move on with my life," she whispered, still staring. Sirius pulled back and smiled.

"I'm glad."

Andromeda nodded before looking towards Narcissa, who gave her a small smile.

"Now," Sirius began as he looked at Cassandra, "since you will be betrothed to Harry, you can either get a room to yourself or you can stay with him in his room. You'll be making the betrothal official anyway, so I don't think it makes any difference now."

Cassandra chuckled before looking over at Harry with a smile. He shrugged.

"I'd be staying with him," she replied. Sirius smirked but didn't say anything.

"Alright then. It's getting late, so I'll be going to bed now. See you all in the morning," he nodded at everyone before walking away.

"Come on Andi," Narcissa said as she grabbed her sister's arm and walked away with her. Nym did the same with Fleur and Nat as she dragged them to their shared room. Harry stared at the retreating backs of all five witches before shaking his head and looking at Cassandra.

"Let's go then," he said and held his hand out. Cassandra looked at him for a moment before grabbing his hand and letting him lead her.

They walked up the stairs until they reached the floor concerned and Cassandra saw all the doors closed. Harry opened the door to his room and asked her to enter.

Cassandra walked in until she reached the bed and saw a piece of parchment. Frowning, she picked it up as Harry entered and closed the door behind him.

'Don't forget the necessary charms! -Nym'

Cassandra chuckled and threw it to the side when she felt him come behind her. She didn't move, looking forward to seeing how he would proceed.

Her breath hitched when he walked until her back was flush against his front, and he didn't waste any time. His hands came to wrap around her belly from behind, and Cassandra shivered under his touch.

His hands pulled her top out of her skirt and she felt them caress the bare skin of her belly. Goosebumps rose on her skin as he traced featherlight patterns over the sensitive skin and her head rolled back against his shoulder without any deliberate effort on her part.

Harry smirked and quickly started to softly kiss the side of her neck, relishing the soft gasps that escaped her lips. He had been attracted to her the moment he saw her, and there was no doubt in his mind when the topic of betrothal had been breached. He knew she would be his, and now, she was.

"You're beautiful," he whispered in her ear and licked her earlobe, smiling when she mewled cutely. His hands which were caressing the bare skin of her belly slowly crept up until his fingers were brushing the underside of her bra-covered tits. He already loved the feel and size of them.

Cassandra was feeling hot all over her skin as his hands and mouth worked her over sinfully, stimulating her with such expertise that she felt she could melt right at the instant. She felt him slowly caress the lower half of her tits and had to constantly clench her toes to stave off any sudden excitement on her part. Her arms were high up in the air, holding his head over her neck as he continued to nibble and suck on her tender skin.

Her ass was firmly against his hardness, and she couldn't help but wiggle it teasingly. She couldn't count how many times she had imagined this happening, yet not even in her wildest dreams could she ever imagine that it would happen so soon. Here she was, being teased and worked up by the man of her dreams in what was the process of finalizing their betrothal. Cassandra could barely wait to make it official.

Harry took his time caressing the bare skin of her front right under her lace bra, and his hands traced patterns on her with the lightness of a feather. Her breathing was erratic as her arousal spiked with every small movement until she felt she couldn't take anymore.

Just when she was about to throw caution to the wind and push his hands all over her tits, Harry grabbed the hem of her top and slowly pulled it over her body until he drew it over her arms and threw it on the floor, leaving her upper body bare, apart from the black lace that she was wearing.

His hand grabbed her by the neck and she felt him turn her head around. Her eyes stared deep into his, and her breath hitched at the look of primal hunger in those emerald orbs.

"You love me?" He asked, his voice gruff. Cassandra couldn't get her voice out and nodded. He smiled.

"Then show me how much," he whispered, before planting his lips on hers.

Cassandra couldn't hold back the moan that was swallowed by his lips. They had moved a few steps ahead already, but the first kiss of her life with the man of her dreams took her breath away. His lips were demanding, and she fulfilled his demands with eagerness. One hand clutched his hair as she pulled his head down while the other fisted his shirt at the front. Cassandra wanted to get rid of the offending fabric.

Her hands made quick work of his shirt, and she threw it off his body, leaving him naked from the waist up. Instantly, she pulled her puffy lips away from his before she started to kiss down his front. Her tongue toyed with his nipples as she descended before she licked across his navel and got down on her knees in front of him.

Her hands grabbed the belt and she looked up to see him smiling down at her.

"Show me, Cassandra," he whispered.

"I'm Cassie, my love," she replied with a loving smile and quickly unbuckled the belt before pulling his pants and boxers down in one go. His big, hard cock sprang free, and Cassie stared at it in wonder. Looking up at him once again, she smiled before giving a tentative lick around the crown. Harry caressed her dark hair in encouragement.

Looking up at him, Cassie opened her mouth gently and let out her tongue, softly touching it to the tip of his enormous cock. She licked the tip for a few seconds before she slowly ran her tongue down the underside of his cock. Harry kept his eyes locked with hers as she stared up at him.

Agonizingly slowly, she licked the shaft until she reached his balls before she licked up the back of his shaft until she reached the tip again.

"I had no idea you were such a tease, Cassie," Harry said with a chuckle. Cassie grinned.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this," she replied as she kissed the tip before kissing down the underside and either side of his cock. She reached the base once again, and took one of his balls in her mouth, sucking it just as she had sucked his tongue a few minutes ago and delighted in his arousing groans.

She repeated her motion and dragged her mouth up his cock before she engulfed the tip inside her mouth. Staring him in the eyes all the while, Cassie took inch after inch of his cock inside her mouth until he was fully engulfed inside her mouth.

Her mouth started to bob back and forth as she sat on her knees, taking him in eagerly. She relished the look on his face, contorted in pleasure before she took her mouth off his prick and started to stroke him harshly.

"We have to make it official, right?" She asked with a grin, and Harry smirked before stepping out of his clothes. Naked, he grabbed her and lifted her, before he threw her on their bed. Cassie giggled and straightened herself, before giving him a sultry smile and beckoning him forward with one finger.

Harry climbed on the bed and grabbed her skirt before he unhooked it and pulled the fabric down her legs. Throwing it behind him, he looked down at her heaving body.

"You're fucking beautiful," he repeated.

"And I'm only yours. Now make love to me and make me yours for real," she replied. Harry's response was to grab the waistband of her black lace panties and slowly pull them down her feet. He took it off her body and held it up before looking her in the eyes and taking a long whiff of it. Cassie's grin widened.

"Fuck that's so hot," she whispered as Harry chuckled.

"You seem overdressed," he said jokingly, and Cassie looked down before looking up at him with a smirk.

"And? Isn't it your duty?"

Harry chuckled and leaned forward before pulling her upright. His fingers made quick work of the black lace bra and he pulled it away from her before throwing it to the floor.

Naked as the day she was born, Cassie displayed herself in all her glory and basked in the look of absolute desire on his face. She grabbed his arm and pulled him on top of her.

His bare chest pressed against her naked tits erotically, and he kissed her again. Cassie kissed him back with equal fervor as she opened her legs eagerly for him.

For too long had she waited for this, and now that she had him, she was never going to let him go.

"Ready?" He asked as he broke off their kiss, and Cassie nodded before bracing herself. Harry lined himself up against her and slowly pushed. Cassie gasped as the head popped in, and she shivered when he waved his hand over her pussy.

She nodded and he pushed further, and she felt her pussy walls stretch to accommodate his girth. He was huge, and he was not even halfway in. Cassie wondered if he'd even fit inside her.

Slowly, Harry pushed forward, and inch after inch of his cock disappeared inside her. All the while Cassie let out little gasps of pleasure. He had already taken care of the pain and was slowly easing his way inside her. He pushed an inch and pulled back before pushing further, stretching her pussy wide for his girthy cock.

Finally, he gave one last push and Cassie gasped. Her toes curled as he rammed himself, sheathing his length fully inside her. Both felt a jolt and realized what had happened. Their union had been consummated, and their betrothal was now safely enforced.

Cassie stared up at him with tears of joy swelling in her eyes, and Harry quickly wiped them away before kissing her firmly. She kissed him back and felt him start to move. Slowly he pulled out before ramming himself inside, and her body jolted against the bed in abject pleasure. Their tongues rolled around furiously inside her mouth and he kept his fingers clasped with hers over her head as his hips rocked over hers, drilling his length inside her again and again.

Never had Cassie felt such sensations. Her amorous sessions with Daphne and Tracey failed in comparison to her lovemaking with Harry, and Cassie knew she wouldn't have it any other way.

Her stomach was tightening, and she wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him closer. Her eyes were wide when he pulled away from the kiss and looked down at her.

"Make me yours, my love. Give it to me! Make me cum, Harry!"

He just grinned down at her.

"Whatever my lovely wife-to-be wants," he replied and started to slam his cock inside her.

Cassie cried out in sheer euphoria as she chased her climax, and she knew he was close as well. Her breathing grew labored and her toes curled as her orgasm tore through her, and Harry grunted as her walls tightened around his cock.

She started to shudder under him, and Harry held her firmly flush against him as she rode out the massive climax.

It took her over a minute to get her body under control, and once she managed, she pulled back to look at him with a loving smile blossomed on her face.

"That was brilliant, my love."

Harry could only kiss her in response. He wasn't in love with her yet, but he could easily envision himself falling for her. Just as he could imagine falling for all the women he had been with and more. The ritual was a curse, but also a blessing.

Cassie groaned as she felt his rock-hard prick slither out of her well-fucked pussy and looked up at him in surprise.

"Oh, you didn't cum," she smirked, before making him lie down and hovering over his towering erection. She straddled his knees before holding his cock right between her large tits and pushing them close.

"Fuck my tits, my love."

Harry was all too happy to oblige. He rocked his hips as she held her tits close, and it didn't take him long. However, right when he was about to erupt, she lowered her mouth over the tip and Harry watched as she took every shot of his seed inside her mouth. Rope after rope of his hot, potent cum painted her mouth white and Harry leaned back, panting. Cassie crawled over him with a smile as she planted a soft kiss on his lips before burying her face in his neck.

"I had no idea today would turn out like this," Harry muttered as he caressed her naked back softly. "And I'm sorry if you wished to have me exclusively with you. That's not possible."

Cassie looked up at him and shook her head with a soft smile.

"Keeping you to myself was never my intention," she admitted, and Harry looked at her with an inquisitive furrow of his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

Cassie smiled and hugged him close before explaining what had happened between her and her two friends during the Yule night. She told him everything, and once she was done, all Harry could do was chuckle.

"Well, I didn't expect that at all."

Cassie chuckled and sighed when he pulled her close.

"We can discuss it tomorrow. For now, I'd like to do something else," he whispered in her ear as he dragged her up so that she was straddling him again. Cassie was all too eager to oblige.

To be continued…

Check out patreon.com/Vedros if you'd like to read chapters from all my fics a few months in advance.

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