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Story about a guy from our Earth suddenly got Reincarnated or Transmigrated into Douluo World/Soul Land, he got a system and mission to get Harem full of Goddess of many man from world to world. Start with Douluo World/Soul Land, let's see the Future Harem God to save all goddess from the MC of every world of Manga, Manhua, Manhwa, Movies and Anime Creation is Hard and this is my First Novel so forgive me if there some mistakes cause English not my first language, Hope you Guys enjoy it

Daoist_Longran23 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 - Hu Liena

-Previously Chapter 1-

The sound make they see who that brave enough and they got to see Middle Aged man with with hair and look hagard and then all other student shouting

"TEACHER!" all the student who already know

"What an Monster boy, let me Introduce myself i am The Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang" he said

-the Continued-

"Okay? then what?" Qin Han

"Well i want invite you and that boy with blue hair to my room, there i wanna talk in Privacy" he said

"... Mm,i have something to do in Notan City so i decline it" Qin Han

"Oh okay then what about you" he said while look at Tang San

"... Okay i'll come with you" said Tang San

"okay then Follow me" said him

Then Tang San follow him with the look of other student in the silence till they can't see him and Yu Xiaogang

"What that man gonna do to Tang San?" ask Xiao Wu

"Hmm?... don't know let just ask him when he back, oh right Xiao Wu wanna go to the City i gotta eat and shopping there if you wan" Qin Han

"But i dont have the money" said Xiao Wu

"Dont worry i'll pay it" Qin Han

Xiao Wu smiling when he hear that and got energic all of sudden, she got closer to Qin Han and holding his hand and say

"Let's go Brother Qin Han" said Xiao Wu

"... Oh okay" Qin Han

Qin Han take Xiao Wu to touring the city, at first they eat in the Famous Restaurant then go to shopping Clothes and other that Xiao Wu and Qin Han got interested in it and that was till a Night

"That was Fun Brother Qin Han" Xiao Wu said

"Yeah okay lets go to the last destination" Qin Han

"Hm? where?" said Xiao Wu confusef

"oh we go to the manor i'm renting" Qin Han

"YOU RENT A MANOR BROTHER!?" said Xiao Wu Shocked

"Well yeah, just go follow me dont be noisy look others looking at us" Qin Han said while walk to the manor

Xiao Wu look at what she done and got embrarrased with that and go to Follow Qin Han

They got in manor after 30 minutes of walking when Xiao Wu see the manor she got Shock with how Big and Gorgeous it was

"Brother Qin Han are you rich!" said Xiao Wu

"Well maybe yeah" Qin Han

"Is you're some noble or wealthy children people?" ask Xiao Wu

"No... its just the money was accumulated from me and grandpa and i was the one who keep the money, because grandpa say the world was full of danger and he will protect me even with his life and that's how he died protect me.

My Grandpa was smart people so he give me to keep to money so if he die i can go away and not think about how to get money and got comfortable life and that's it" Qin Han

"Oh... Sorry to hear Brother's loss" said Xiao Wu with Sadness

"Nah don't worry its fine i already past it and my Grandpa say dont be a Crybaby because just Crying not gonna change any, you must take action to improve yourself and i am doing it" Qin Han

Xiao Wu hear what Qin Han say and she got into dazed and after a 30 second she wake up with a smile and look of Determined people to improve themselves

"Yes you're right brother Qin Han we gotta need action, okay i am gonna go back to the dorm, did you wanna stay here brother?" ask Xiao Wu

"Yeah and you dont have to go back because you can stay here, sleep with me" Qin Han

"Really!" said Xiao Wu with Excited expression

"Really, so did you want to?" Qin Han

"Yeah i want to of course 100% want" said Her

"Okay then lets go inside" Qin Han

Then Xiao Wu and Qin Han got inside the manor, Qin Han take Xiao wu touring the Manor and after that he go to Bathroom so did Xiao Wu of course separately

After Bathing Qin Han take Xiao Wu to the Main Bedroom they sleeping together in the Bed Comfortably and thats the end of the day.

In the morning Qin Han and Xiao Wu get up and go to the class, Eat in Restaurant in the city and training in the manor, mainly Qin Han training Xiao Wu

Qin Han take Xiao Wu to train Capoeira and Taekwondo ITF from GoH that he buy for 500 and 2.000 HP respectively, Qin Han want to buy Re-Taekwondo but that was too expensive with 15.000 HP

Because its Completed version that without weakness like Jin Mori in the National Tournament when he fight the key even the Incomplete was 7.500 HP and he just have 6.050 HP

One Day Xiao Wu say she want to the Outer Spirit Forest to take Spirit Ring and she want to go alone, of course Qin Han allowed it because Xiao Wu with Qin Han training can fight with Rank 20 Spirit Master when she still Rank 10 Spirit Scholar

And a day after that Xiao Wu back became Working student with Spirit Master Rank 13 later the day was usual like before, maybe other than Tang San who rarely being seen after he go with Yu Xiaogang

At night in the Qin Han manor he and Xiao Wu was in the Living Room just the two of them Reading a book in silence warm before Qin Han said

"Oh yeah Xiao Wu its almost 2 week we live together and you already Spirit Master and i was in Rank 20 Spirit Master long enough i think i Gotta go to Spirit Forest in the Core Area for my Second Spirit Ring" Qin Han said

"Wait Brother Qin Han you will became Spirit Grandmaster in 6 years old!, but wait WHY YOU GO INTO CORE AREA?!" said Xiao Wu

"Well yeah and dont shout its night, as for why because i wanna search Ten Thousand Years Spirit Ring and before you think it was reckless i can contend with Spirit King Rank 51-53 to tie and i can defeat any Rank Spirit Ancestor did you understand" Qin Han

"... okay then i think i must already know even already know how Freak you are Brother" said Xiao Wu with Dull Expression

"Okay then i gotta go tomorrow and maybe will be back about in 2-3 days, lets go to bed then" Qin Han

Xiao Wu just Nodded and follow Qin Han to the bed and tuck the blanket and then Hug Qin Han like its normal things, as for how it begin was the day after Xiao Wu became Spirit Master she request it and Qin Han of course accept it

In The Morning Qin Han go to Spirit Forest Core area and he got rest in some Cave and like before Lisa protect the Cave

"Lisa use the Gold Lottery Ticket" Qin Han

[Use Golden Lottery ticket... Success

Congratulation my love you got :

God Bestowed Ring x2 (Hundreds Thousand Years old)]

"I know it im lucky that was 1% Chance to get and i get it, Lisa do it" Qin Han

[Right away my love]

And like before because Qin Han already did fuse with Hundred thousands year old Spirit Ring so it became easier and after that he success fuse it in a hour and he got to know the spirit ring was 200.100 Years old spirit

"Lisa Check what i gains" Qin Han

[Halberd Warrior:

Give +200% power to the Host attack

Give +100% Defense to All Element

Give +100% Movement Speed

Give +100% Destruction Element Attack

Dragon's Power :

Give x5 power of the Body Defense

Give 200% Power of Host Attack]

"Huuh look at that attribute if i attack with my Full power even some Spirit Emperor must to be alert if not want to be get Serious Injury and it look my Spirit Rank was in 25, okay time to travel this forest maybe i can gain something" Qin Han

Qin Han traveling in the forest for 2 days before going back in the process of travel he got many spirit grass that useful for Cultivating example like : Blood Spirit Grass useful for strenghten the blood of Spiritualist or 1.000 years old Blue Dragon Flower useful for faster the Cultivation

In the 3rd days he came back home at almost lunch time, so he drop his Equipment and go to Nuoding Academy, after he got closer he hear someone say that there someone who fighting so he go there

What he see was the Blond prick with his Followers harrassing Xiao Wu it makes Qin Han angry and then he almost Instant arrived in front of Xiao Wu that make other shocked but when they see who it was the blond prick with his followers got scared

"yOu DiD'n't UnDerStaNd my WoRd bEfoRe!!" Qin Han said with his Aura full throttle

All people in there got scared even the blond boy and his followers want to fainted but can't its like they got no permission to faint and move their body, and they regret it regret what they do before

"Okay i am gotta crippled you guys and all so you will remember it" Qin Han

But before Qin Han want to move he hear a voice in his back

"Qin Han wait don't do that" said some old guy with white beard and hair

"Who are you?" Qin Han

"I am Principal of this Academy, Ren Wu" said Him ( I dont know his name so i make it)

"So what do you want" Qin Han said with Annoyed Expression

"... Please release them and i- no this Academy will compensate you how about it" said Him

"What will You give to me?" Qin Han

"How about... we Maximize effort for your friend Xiao Wu? we Will give her the most precious batch of elixir for her and we will expel those boys" said Ren wu that make all those boy despaired

"Hmm... okay i agree with you, AND YOU Blond Prick if i hear some rumour or bad things happen to Xiao Wu even if you not the one did that i will Destroy all of your Family did you Understand" Qin Han said with his Aura

He hear what Qin Han said was not just threat but real word that he will do so he nodded furiously and swear never gonna got close to him or someone close to him for his lifetime

"Okay Good, Xiao Wu lets go back to the city" Qin Han said and Xiao Wu just following him without word either but her Expression was the most Happiest time for her

After that day nobody want to make a ruckus around Xiao Wu or even more around Qin Han, and the Member of Qin Han former Dorm was never got bullied and studying in peace

Before they know it one year has passed and Qin Han and Xiao Wu Relationship was so close even anybody see them as Lovers even though they never confessed to each other

"Xiao Wu how about you follow me to Spirit Forest to training? i think in this Academy we dont have anything that can help we again, with my Resources alone i was Wealthier than this Academy Thousands time" Qin Han

"Okay brother Qin Han like you said this academy is no more useful for us" Xiao Wu Said

"Okay then tomorrow we go to the Principal Office and get our Graduation Early, you already Spirit Grandmaster so we can go" Qin Han

"Okay Brother Qin Han" Xiao Wu said

In this year Xiao Wu trust everything Qin Han do unconditionally and he was precious person for her other than his mother and brothers, because Qin Han said he always gonna protect her even at the cost of his life that make her really love him and touch her heart

Xiao Wu too got her Capoeira and Taekwondo ITF to Major Completion so with just her technique she can fight Spirit Elder Rank 31-32, even her Spirit Rank already Spirit Grandmaster Rank 22 and her spirit Ring somehow the same as the Canon but just better years

As for Qin Han He Already Spirit Grandmaster Rank 30 but he dont want to break through because he want to build Soul Core and what he build was the best of the best Soul Core maybe in another 2 years he done it

Back to the story Qin Han and Xiao Wu got their Graduation and then come to the Spirit Forest in the Core Area, they go to the cave Qin Han find before after that they Rest there and gonna do training Tomorrow morning

In The Morning Qin Han wake up then go to lake nearby to bathing and after that he search for food nearby after that he go back and got to see Xiao Wu already awake

"Xiao Wu here some Fruit and Carrot the taste is okay" Qin Han

"Thanks Brother" said Xiao Wu

After that they go eat breakfast eventhough they have food in Qin Han inventory but Qin Han want to explore the area first so they can know where they can get food and the food that can be eaten

"Okay Xiao Wu lets start warm up after that do the basic in front of the cave" Qin Han

"Roger that brother" said Xiao Wu

They doing their own training Qin Han with his Re-Taekwondo and Basic Halberd training he doing about a weeks ago, as for Xiao Wu she still contend with Capoeira and Taekwondo ITF and she say dont wanna use weapon

After training technique till lunch they done it and get their lunch and after that they doing Cultivation till Dinner, after dinner they go to rest till morning

In morning of the second day they go to Explore the perimeter of Area in the cave and they already know where they can got food atleast so Qin Han create a schedule for a week

Day 1 - Training

Day 2 - Exploration

Day 3 - Training

Day 4 - Training

Day 5 - Hunting and Get Experience

Day 6 - Evaluation

Day 7 - Rest

And thats how their Schedule, and before they know it they already live in the cave for 2 Years already Xiao Wu already Spirit Rank 30 and need another year for build Soul Core

At the night of 2 year and 1 month of training, Qin Han was in the cave building his core and he already doing it for 2 Days Straight, Xiao Wu always seeing him and training alone

Qin Han feel the Soul Core almost complete so he give more Spirit to the core, after the minutes Aura Pressure can be felt even to the outside the cave with Lisa Protection, Qin Han open his eyes

In the Eyes of Qin Han there a Spark lighting after that the pressure gone like it never happened, Qin Han see Xiao Wu was okay not affected to his pressure

"Finally done, Xiao Wu how's your training these days?" Qin Han said with happy smile

"I am already got Completion in Fusion of Capoeira and Takewondo ITF and got new Technique i name it 'Wind Rabbit Taekwondo' because i feel the Wind element was perfect for this technique and i already in Minor Completion" said Xiao Wu happy with her do

"Good job okay after that Technique in Completion i gotta give you Re-Taekwondo and you can Implant that technique with yours to make it powerful and ma---" Before Qin Han said he hear a growl


That make it Awkard and make the cave was silence because of that

"*Cough* it look i need to eat first" Qin Han said without looking at Xiao Wu

Xiao Wu when hear that go to the Food Storage that have same function like Refrigerator in the modern world and then she cooking the food because after 2 year in here she already know how to cooking by being teached from Qin Han

It didn't take long before Delicious smell come from the kitchen and Xiao Wu get out with dishes, Qin Han eat the dishes so fast that in 2 minute all dishes already done by him

As for Xiao Wu he already know that she already eat because if she dont eat yet, she will make her own favorite dishes to eat

After Eating Qin Han resting first before he gonna intruscted Xiao Wu again, 30 minutes later he done resting

"Okay Xiao Wu like i say before after you complete your technique then you gonna fuse Re Taekwondo to make your own Re Taekwondo and i want to make it happen in 2 years start from now, did you have question?" Qin han ask while seeing Xiao Wu

"No i am confident with my talent i can do it in 2 years" said Xiao Wu with Confidence

"Okay then you stay here training i gonna go to Star Dou Forest to search my Spirit Ring, and my full power the same as Contra so you dont have too worry about me okay, i Will be back about 3 months and i Will go tomorrow in afternoon" Qin Han

"Okay relax Brother i already know, i too will do my beast to became strong like you" said Xiao wu

"Okay then i gotta sleep i think its still afternoon you go cultivate again" said Qin Han

Qin Han then go to the bed and almost instantly sleeping, as for Xiao Wu she continue her Cultivate

Morning came Qin Han doing the same routine like before then in the afternoon he prepare to go, after ready he get out with Xiao wu follow him

"I gotta go, dont trust anyone okay Xiao Wu, Hide if you see anyone strong, dont forget to training and dont forget to eat and don-" Qin han not done Xiao Wu cut him

"Okay okay i know Brother please just go" said Xiao Wu with dull eye

"... Okay i go stay safe Xiao Wu" Qin Han

"Yeah Brother you too take your safety first Okay" said Xiao Wu with her smile

Qin Han just nodded then he go running as fast as he can to the Star Dou Forest, in 1 Month he already got into outer Star Dou Forest before that he got in the Balak Kingdom Rent for 2 Month for his hotel room

Qin Han then going into the Core area but in the journey to Core Area he see a girl got besieged by many people with 7 people besieging her and one man protect her, as he got closer he hear the girl in teenage said

"Brother Xie Yu we must Fusion to defeat them" said the Girl

"Yeah Na'er lets fusion" said Xie Yu

"Fusion Spirit : Charm Demon" said them together

When they do that Qin Han feel that his Vision, Spirit power and movement slowed down in half and red fog in front of him, Qin Han instantly use his Spirit power and the Effect became normal again

Qin Han see a man or a Woman? with red hair kill others in one fell swoop, after that he see that... things knelt after killing them and that thing got flashed and one boy and one girl separates with pale face

Qin Han see they took a pill and swallow it and their spirit power recover atleast 30% and still rising so they sit cross legged but before they can recover they hear a sound clapping

"Well good job for you Hu Liena but you just can have make it there" said a Beautiful Girl with 3 others man with her

"HUO LAN!!!" said Hu Liena while Gritted her teeth

"Young miss i think it waste if we just kill her, how about her our playthings" said man with creepy smile

"Hooh what a nice idea you got there, but no we can't risk it because she was the pope student so just kill her with his brother quickly" said Huo Lan

"Okay miss... sorry girls you must die this is your fate, attack together brothers" said the man

Qin Han see this shocked because he never seen something like this even in the Novel or Manhua or maybe he forget it? but he made decision to safe these two because he dont want to go unknown path before he strong enough to defend himself

Qin Han rush forward take out the Divine Weapon he got and activate his second spirit Ring ability

" {Halberd Warrior} die for me" said Qin Han

With speed comparable with Spirit Emperor he rush forward while the 3 man that attack the sibling not ready almost instant he cut them in half make Huo Lan frightened of what she saw

'those power was maybe in Spirit Emperor peak' that was in the mind of the others

"You Guys okay?" Qin Han ask while seeing the siblings duo

"... ah oh.. we are okay thank you" said Xie Yu while bowing

Hu Liena just still in dazed seeing Qin Han and blush evident in her cheeks, this is not something wrong because Qin Han was Peerless Male God and his body was like a boy in age 13-14 years old with Great balance of muscles and skin like a jade

Xie Yu nudged her sister because she still in dazed the same like Huo Lan, after the three times Hu Liena wake up from her daze

"Ah.. yes yes we are okay, thank you for saving our lives if not we already dead" said Hu Liena while bowing

"its alright i hear what you and they talking about and even more i see you fight the other 7 guys before, i don't wanna interfere before because im afraid you guys see me was with them so im sorry" Qin Han said while bowing

"No No everyone will think the same as you even there still the worse one where they join besieging us or just run away so thank you for helping us" said Xie Yu

"Oh okay, ah yeah i forgot to introduced myself, my name Qin Han im Alumni of Nuoding Academy in Heaven Dou Empire" Qin Han

"Oh yeah we too forgot, im introduced myself, my name is Xie Yu and she was Hu Liena we are from Spirit Hall" said Xie Yu

"What you guys from there, but why she dare to attack you guys?" ask Qin Han

"... She too from there, its complicated" said Hu Liena

"Oh okay you got your own problem okay then what are you guys gonna do to her?" ask Qin Han while put pressure on Huo Lan that make her scared

"... Don't just leave her alone, her backing was too strong for us for now" said Hu Liena

"... Well i have a nice idea, i have Slave Soul Crest how about i take her as my slave so she will not doing something like this again?" ask Qin Han

Hu Liena pondering after some minutes she look at Qin Han and said

"Okay you can do that" said her

"Okay then" Qin Han

-To be continued-