
Motivations of a Genius Lady

She woke up and found out that she was the Duke's wayward and man-chasing daughter. They say she was hideous? Alright, then she'll have a makeover and dig up that enchantress from within! They say she was too weak that she shames her warrior of a mother? Oh well, then she'll just become a savant of the sword and the bow! They say she disgraced her house because she chased after the Crown Prince and ended up trampled underneath his horses? Fine! What Crown Prince?! He's not that handsome. She'll just change her target and apply the art of subtle tactics! They say she's dumb and stupid she brings down her prodigy of a father? She'll just become a genius then! After all, it is never too bad to be motivated. _____________________________ This is an Original story and not a translation. All rights reserved. :) Update Schedule: 1-2 chapters/day (unless somethings comes up) Chapter Length: 800-1.5k words Disclaimer: I don't own the images I use for the cover, all rights belong to the creator.

feipei · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

Tied Up... Arriving at Wyndham City

The breeze in Wyndham city was tinged with the salty taste of the sea. Chalice breathed it all in deeply. It felt a lifetime ago since she had been anywhere near the sea. Oh, wait... It really was a lifetime ago.

"My lady, we're about enter the city premises. Please tell your massive feline to make a detour and wait for us at Zeru Mountains. We don't want the situation at Araceli City to repeat itself, don't we?"

Luke's irritatingly attractive voice sounded near Chalice's ear. She was so bummed that she abruptly turned her head intending to scold him good. But then... she found herself inches away from his face.

Chalice mentally shouted stream after stream of profanities. What the hell is this guy doing?! Why is his insanely handsome face so near to hers, that she could even breathe in his deliciously tempting minty chocolate scent?! She forcibly maintained her glum expression. In order to maintain her fragile self-control, Chalice covered that sinful face with her free hand, ignoring the smooth, tingling sensation in her palms when it touched his lips.

Yes. Free hand. Because a certain guy with his evildoer face thought that tying her to him was a freaktastic idea that will prevent her from wandering off on her own again. Chalice almost blew her top when she found out Luke's punishment for her. She remembered their argument before they set off to Araceli City.


"Are you serious?! Luke, who does that to their mistress? Despite that silk being soft and all, it would be so strange walking to town with our hands tied up with each other. What would people think? Have you forgotten that I'm a lady? As my most trusted companion, aren't you the least bit concerned of my reputation?"

Chalice ranted off nonstop. Luke gazed at her blankly, his face leaving no room for discussion.

"Levi, are you really going along with this?!"

She turned to the knight slouching by the side with an amused expression. He merely shrugged at her plea for help. Chalice fumed. This knight is taking pleasure in her misfortune. She won't forget this slight, Chalice told herself. Noting in her mind how she'll punish Levi, this insubordinate knight later on. As for Luke, teasing him to death would be just fine.

"If my mistress had been conscientious enough the previous time, this subject would not have been forced to do this. Therefore my lady, be good. Stop struggling and let me tie you up properly."

Luke's calm reply roused her attention. He said it in a way quite overbearing that the 21st century woman in Chalice was thinking all sorts suggestive themes. She mentally swatted away the image of a red room in her mind. Such a dangerous thought. She almost clawed of her cheeks. Ungrateful cheeks! Reddening without her permission. It was a good thing that Luke was concentrating on the binds at her wrist. And merely associated her silence with anger. She was so embarrassed, she could kill.

Luke's vigilance around her reached absurdity when an incident involving Aslan occured. Wild animals as pets were pretty common in Araceli City, with it being at the foot of a mountain range.Thus, Chalice thought it was safe to have Aslan roaming around with them in the streets like those typical wild animal pets. However, that was merely her own wishful thoughts.

Aslan was too massive to be even considered common. Commotion broke out in the city and if she wasn't tied up to Luke, she would have been lost in the stampede. This had solidified Luke's justification of her punishment and cemented her coming days of no freedom.


Luckily they had nothing important to inspect in Araceli. They just sent Rye and Ward to check out the city's status and gather intel. Nevertheless, Luke retained his paranoia..

erm... protectiveness.

Chalice was even half-expecting him to sleep with her in the same room. He was being that irrational. Not that she could blame him though. It was good he still had enough sense of awareness not to do that. Although, when they took to the outside Luke pitched his tent right next to hers.

Despite his helicopter- parent tendencies, Chalice was actually a bit flattered with the attention. Even Levi was acting like mother hen to a chick. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this.

"I get it, okay? I know what I got to do. Stop with all the nagging. If you get any more closer, I'll freaking kiss you."

Chalice retorted back at him with tease. As usual, red decorated Luke's cheeks and ears. She smiled, pleased with herself. Teasing Luke always brings her a sense of achievement and a decadent satisfaction. It was addicting.

"My lady, please be more mindful of your words."

Luke chided her, his tone helpless. Chalice snorted at that, emphasizing her protest. She dragged Luke with her and called for Aslan. Being a proud, intelligent kitty, Chalice didn't spend a lot of time instructing him. The big guy was easier to talk and coax compared to the man at her side.

However, Chalice still repeatedly reminded Aslan to wait for them at Zeru mountains. She knew she had nothing to worry about, Aslan was a royal beast after all. But remembering his injuries the first time they met, Chalice couldn't help it. The lion licked her endearingly before setting off.

As for her entourage, Rye and Ward entered earlier to look for an inn and a stable so their horses could rest and be fed. As for her, Luke, and Levi, they proceeded to Wyndham City on foot.

Being a port city, Wyndham catered to a constant influx of tourists, merchants, and foreigners. The city was bustling with people of diferrent sorts of features and clothing. Carriages came and go. There were even rickshaws rushing about.

Chalice was reminded of the cities in her past. Minus the high-rise buildings, the cars, and modern technology, Wyndham was a perfect example of a prosperous mid-century city.

Chalice looked around. There were lots of various commodities which she hasn't seen before. As she looked around at the trinkets at the sideway stalls, Chalice observed the interaction of the people. The stores were all lively with chatter. The cityfolk had smiles on their faces.

But...there was something amiss.

"Luke, this city is strange."

Chalice said to her companion, her eyes still at the people busily going about their own businesses.

"Why do you say so, my lady?"

Luke gazed at her questioningly. Could the lady have noticed it?

"Their smiles. It's a bit too forced. Too unnatural. And despite the lively atmosphere, it's as if the entire city is shrouded in a deep, lingering fear."

Our man Luke is a man of his words. Haha. Poor Chalice. Just enjoy being tied up with a hunk for now. ^^

What mysteries does Wyndham city hold for our dear Chalice? Hmm.

*Le author channeling Sherlock Holmes hat and pipe.*

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