
Motivations of a Genius Lady

She woke up and found out that she was the Duke's wayward and man-chasing daughter. They say she was hideous? Alright, then she'll have a makeover and dig up that enchantress from within! They say she was too weak that she shames her warrior of a mother? Oh well, then she'll just become a savant of the sword and the bow! They say she disgraced her house because she chased after the Crown Prince and ended up trampled underneath his horses? Fine! What Crown Prince?! He's not that handsome. She'll just change her target and apply the art of subtle tactics! They say she's dumb and stupid she brings down her prodigy of a father? She'll just become a genius then! After all, it is never too bad to be motivated. _____________________________ This is an Original story and not a translation. All rights reserved. :) Update Schedule: 1-2 chapters/day (unless somethings comes up) Chapter Length: 800-1.5k words Disclaimer: I don't own the images I use for the cover, all rights belong to the creator.

feipei · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

Drastic Change

Lucy was dumbfounded. Her lady was sweetly smiling at her. Something that she had stopped doing years ago. Lucy grew up serving the young lady of House Amaranth. She was used to her mean, haughty ways. She knew that despite that, the lady was kind and generous. Lady Chalice would not have saved them if she was evil. It was only because of the people who corrupted her mind that she became that way.

Lucy hated those people who made her lady like that. But it was not in her place as a servant to interfere. She was painfully well aware of the etiquette expected of a master and of a servant. Her job was to serve and support her. She regretted not interfering though. If she had, maybe her precious miss would not have nearly died.

But now, she saw that kind and sweet smile again. The smile saved her from the abyss and the hopelessness that enveloped her and Luke's lives. If it were not for the chance of new life that smile gave them, they'd already be on their way to ruin. Lucy could not help but tear up.

"Oh my, Lucy why are you crying? I am truly fine now. There's no more need to worry."

Lucy reined in her tears and composed herself. How could she let the lady worry about her? It was a sin for a servant to add to her master's burdens.

"Pardon me. It is nothing, my lady. I am just glad that you are all right now. It is truly a blessing."

She heard Chalice chuckle. Lucy saw her taking her hands and her eyes widened in shock.

"Now, now. I've made my cute Lucy cry. How unbecoming of me."

"My lady, I, I-I'm...Pardon my lady, my relief overwhelmed me. I'm sorry for acting out of turn." Lucy rambled out in her fluster.


Chalice sighed loudly. How could she have been blinded by those white lotuses? It was this sweet girl all along who truly treated her well. Gratitude welled up in her heart.

"Lucy, you are not at fault. I could not thank you enough for all the things that you did for me. I'm glad I have you by my side. Truly."

Chalice smiled at the girl who was struggling so hard to keep her composure. Her delicate face held a light tinge of embarrassment.

"My lady, I am only doing my duty. You are my savior. This is not enough for me to repay what you have done for us siblings."

Chalice did not reply to that. She could not. Especially when she saw the firm, dignified gaze of the girl. She merely smiled at her instead.

"By the way, where are my parents?"

Lucy cleared her throat before replying to her query.

"The duke and duchess are at the study, my lady. Would you like me to call for them?"

"There's no need, Lucy. I'll go to them instead. Could help me get dressed, please? I can't move my shoulders."

Lucy replied in agreement and proceeded to help her change into something decent.

Chalice cringed when she saw Lucy take out a gaudy piece of gown that was in pastel orange embroidered with white flowers and sprinkled with gems. It was beautiful but it was far too blinding in her opinion.

"Lucy, could you please look for something simpler and easier to move in?"

She pointed at a white gown with peony appliques and laces at the sleeves. It was the complete opposite of the previous gown.

"But didn't you hate this style of gowns, my lady?"

Lucy quietly asked in wonder. Chalice did not answer and focused on Lucy who helped her ease herself into the dress.

"I like these simple ones better. I just wore that style because those people said that I'm keeping up with the trends if I did. There's no use doing that now. Hence, could you please get rid of such gaudy and flamboyant gowns in my closet? They remind me of distasteful people."

The coldness in Chalice's tone did not slip from her maidservant's ears. Lucy nodded her assent to the orders and proceeded to fix her hair. Her lady had a noticeable drastic change in demeanor ever since she woke up. The accident must have affected her a lot more than expected.

Chalice walked slowly through the hallway leading to her father's study. She breathed in deeply before knocking softly at the door.

"Come in."

Chalice heard a rich baritone, muted dully by the thick, ornate door, answer her. She went in with her head held high to meet the eyes of her new life's father.


Alaric heard soft knocks at his door, he signaled for the person to come in. He was expecting that it would be Sei, their butler, whom he sent on an errand. Little did he know that what would greet him was a surprise.


Alaric was taken aback by the familiar soft, breezy voice of his daughter. Strange, her usual tone with him would be full of anxiety. Now there was no trace of it. He looked up, a glint passing through his emerald eyes similar to hers.

His daughter was different today. Her usually bright and glaring clothes were changed with pristine white ones. Her face was devoid of her usual unsightly makeup. Standing in front of him was a perfect combination of him and his beloved wife. A lady with her mother's features and her father's eyes.

Alaric exclaimed internally with approval. It has been a long time since he saw his daughter look like this. He could not help but lament the times she was inseparable from him.

"You're awake. How do you feel?"

He asked, trying hard to keep the coldness in his voice. He doted on this daughter of his. He just didn't know when they started drifting apart. This was something that he blames himself for. Maybe, he should not have been so strict with her. Maybe, he should have been more of a father and less of a duke.

"I'm fine now, Father. I'm recuperating well. Thank you for your concern."

Alaric gazed at his daughter pointedly and found that she was staring at him. Her expression was soft. A trace of a faint yet sweet smile could be seen on her lips. He coughed awkwardly. Alaric didn't know how to deal with this suddenly obedient and cute daughter.

"Good. It's good that you are fine."

Alaric returned his attention to the papers in his hands. The silence was making him tense. He didn't know how he was going to interact with her. They had spent years getting along formally. Suddenly breaching the established distance is overwhelming.

He was fearless be it in court or war. This is why Alaric was dubbed the Titan Duke. Even the emperor, his sworn brother, is intimidated by him sometimes. However, when it comes to this daughter of his who was blinding him with her smile, he was at a terrible loss. He was the Duke of Amaranth but at the same time, he was also this child's father. How should he go about this kind of situation? Alaric truly didn't know.