
Motivations of a Genius Lady

She woke up and found out that she was the Duke's wayward and man-chasing daughter. They say she was hideous? Alright, then she'll have a makeover and dig up that enchantress from within! They say she was too weak that she shames her warrior of a mother? Oh well, then she'll just become a savant of the sword and the bow! They say she disgraced her house because she chased after the Crown Prince and ended up trampled underneath his horses? Fine! What Crown Prince?! He's not that handsome. She'll just change her target and apply the art of subtle tactics! They say she's dumb and stupid she brings down her prodigy of a father? She'll just become a genius then! After all, it is never too bad to be motivated. _____________________________ This is an Original story and not a translation. All rights reserved. :) Update Schedule: 1-2 chapters/day (unless somethings comes up) Chapter Length: 800-1.5k words Disclaimer: I don't own the images I use for the cover, all rights belong to the creator.

feipei · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

Disguised Deal (1)

The stupefied faces of Alaric and Lyana were something that Chalice would probably remember for days. As a certified spoiled lady, she shouldn't be asking for punishment especially when it was obvious that her father was giving her an easy way out.

Then again, Chalice wasn't that spoiled princess anymore. She also reminded herself to ease up on the surprises or else such expressions would be permanently etched on her parents' countenance.

She pursed her lips and waited for them to get back their composures. Chalice heard her father clear his throat and look briefly at her mother.

"Explain, Chalice."

Chalice peeked lightly at them and steeled herself. She needed her father to consent to this. If not, she'd be living the rest of her noble life uninterestingly from then on. And that was something she would not take lying down. Chalice will not be able to explore her kingdom-building or in this case fiefdom-building abilities. She had always wanted to try being a ruler and this is as close as she could get to it.

'This is my chance to a glorious life, ah!'

"Dad, it is true that I have offended the Crown Prince. I must have been possessed and seriously muddled to have done what I did. I fiercely regret it. However, to avoid implicating our House I need to be punished. And in all certainty, I'd rather take the initiative to ask it from you than have other people get their way and punish me."

Alaric gazed at her thoughtfully, slowly digesting her words.

"That is quite correct. And what punishment do you have in mind, daughter?" Her father replied after a long pause.

'Oh hoh. Her father is fitting to be the Prime Minister. Nothing gets past him.'

Of course, Chalice volunteered to be punished, in this way, she could butter up to her father and have the leeway to negotiate as to how she would be penalized.

"Dad, please banish me from the imperial capital and send me to the territory for three years."

Her father's brow scrunched up as if asking her to further clarify. But before she could say anything, her mother cut her off.

"Banish you?! Chalice what are you saying? You are asking us to banish you? You just turned 16. If we send you to the territory, you'll miss out on everything. The social season is about to start. In a few months, you'd making your debut in the beau monde. If you leave, it will delay your prospects. How will you find a husband then?"

Chalice cringed. She seemed to have forgotten to consider her mother's reaction to her calculations. She was so focused on obtaining Alaric's approval that the possibility of Lyana's opposition slipped her mind.

"Mom, hear me out first, will you?"

Chalice said while holding her mother's hand to pacify her.

"To be honest, all I want to do now is to improve myself. I've let down all your hopes in the past. Even more than that, I've let down myself. What I did previously was unbecoming of your daughter, of the Lady of House Amaranth. I am asking you to send me to the territory because I want to give myself a chance to start again. I have said earlier that I did not want to disappoint you this time. But I cannot do that if I don't take any actions to redeem myself."

"Also, I hope you'll understand. I am not thinking of marrying for now. I want a marriage like what you and Dad have. And I can't have that when I hastily marry some guy whom I don't even love. I remember that it was you who told me that love is serendipitous. It comes when it is meant to come."

Lyana looked at her blankly as if pondering her explanation. Even Alaric couldn't find words to refute her. Chalice then heard her mother sigh.

"How do you expect me to argue with that, my child? Not when it's so indisputably sensible."

Lyana turned to her father, questioning him with a look.

"Well, it is good that you are being rational. However, why is it that you want to be sent to the fief, Chalice? This is quite unlike you. Well, your actions since you have woken up are all unlike you."

Chalice stiffened up at that statement.

'Huh. Father. Can you please be a lot less keen on your observations?'

She internally agonized over her father's extraordinary inferential skills, though she kept her face calm.

"I want to learn the ways of governing the fief, Dad. As for me being unlike myself, I guess I woke up. Being trampled on by those horses made me feel how worthless I am in the eyes of others. I finally realized how ridiculous I was and how cruel this world is. It is not just my body that was run over, my dignity and my pride as well."

Chalice said with a tone thick with self-reproach. Alaric nodded at her in approval.

"I've heard your reason. Give me time to think about it with your mother. For now, take this time to rest."

"Understood, Dad. Also, there is another thing."

Chalice hesitated for a bit but her father's visage made her bite the bullet.

"It's about Lucy. If it is not too much of a favor, will you please take her in as your goddaughter?"

The two looked at her in surprise. They knew that Lucy treated Chalice preciously. It was just unexpected that Chalice reciprocated it to the same degree. It certainly didn't seem like it previously. Maybe it was another one of the changes Chalice decided on.

"Where is this coming from, Chalice?"

It was her mother who responded.

"Lucy grew up with me. She had been a lot of help. Not just help. She supported me in everything. She was one of those who genuinely treated me well. She did not ridicule me for my actions nor hate me for being mean and haughty to her. No matter how much I made her suffer, she always returns it with her kindness. Think of it as my way of gratitude. Besides, I also intend to make her my sworn sister."

"Well, it is true that she had taken care of you. If it weren't for her decisiveness and quick thinking you might have died under those horses. Her brother Luke is also exceptional. His assistance in the territory is indispensable."

Alaric assented. Chalice was surprised. Though it was she who took the siblings in, she was closer to Lucy. She thought Luke was a bit too timid and thus ignored him on most days. She did not know that he was sent to the fief to assist William.

"Luke is in the fief?" she asked. It was a bit hard for her to believe. Although, it was understandable for her not to know since she had been uncaring before this.

"Yes, he is. William informed me that it made work a lot easier with him there."

"Will Lucy be accompanying you in case we do agree for you to go to the territory?" her mother inquired.

Chalice chuckled silently at the way Lyana phrased her question. She did not need to go through so much effort to make it hypothetical. Chalice was determined to make sure that her father agrees on sending her.