
Chapter 44 - Hidden Village Fight Final

Yuuki crosses his arms watching the fight from the side waiting for any moment things get too out of hand. He can see that three were quite strong and had advanced compared to their previous state. 

"Here goes a hot one."(Aoba)

Aoba fires a destructive energy blast from her mouth, which Kyouka and Tenka avoid. Kidomaru closes in and attacks Kyouka, but she manages to dodge and slice his leg. 

'I'm pretty calm if I say so myself.'(Kyouka)

Kyouka then recalls how she trained herself to control her emotions after putting her subordinates in danger. She got too emotional even after Yuuki had warned him that her state of mind was not yet prepared for the trauma. 

'I can still fight calmly even as my heart burns.'(Kyouka)

She exchanges blows with Kidomaru showing her skill with her sword that had grown significantly containing a calm and still power like falling cherry blossom.. 

'My fire power is lower without yuuki which means."

She slash Kidoumarou's arms before jumping back and took a stance where her entire demeanors change where the overflowing weight of her tragic past came and fueled her strength.

"The cutting down i'll give you is only the people you've killed Portion!"(Kyouka)

As she fights Kidoumarou, Aoba rushes towards Kyouka but is stopped by a vortex created by Tenka's Ame-no-Mitori. Aoba grinned at this and viciously focused her assault on Tenka, and dashed around her in multiple directions at incredible speed. 

'High speed movement I won't be able to catch her exact location. I'd expect no less from my sister, let's go with a wide rage approach.' (Tenka)

Aoba launches herself at Tenka to deliver a devastating kick destroying the ground but Tenka teleports herself away.

"A Miss!"(Aoba)

Tenka then creates another vortex, but is unable to stop Aoba from closing in on her. She manages to teleport away once more as Aoba unleashes a powerful punch. 

"You're going all out shouldn't this be a place you live."(Tenka)

"Were Leaving this place our allies already made their way to the next hidden Village."(Aoba)

Aoba then took out a Peach, surprising Tenka from her action and said. 

"Sister Consuming too many peaches is dangerous."(Tenka)

"I'm not yet your Sister! You have to prove yourself first! That goes for others soon!"(Aoba)

She said and continued unbothered by the warnings of Tenka.

"They've become a source of energy since my body became like this,I'll give you a beating!"

Normally eating more than one fruit would be risky yet Aoba was able to make Yuuki curious but didn't want to risk it and focus more on his own current ability rather than continuously picking one. Aoba took a bite into the Peach and said.

"And worthy women dating my brother will get a special one!"(Aoba)

Yuuki was watching from afar noticing the power of her sister rose by sensing how much of a threat they could be if he fought them. He can defeat his sister at base with martial arts and show how strong she is. 

'That thing sister has her sturdy body, barrages she fires from her mouth, hair control, and powering up by eating Peaches, an inhuman body and the peach ability make an incredible combo.'(Tenka)

Aoba fires strands of her hair at Tenka, but she dodges with her Ame-no-Mitori ability. Aoba hears where Tenka has teleported and attempts to strike her with a devastating punch, but Tenka dodges once more. Aoba relentlessly continues her assault and Tenka continues to evade her.

'Eating the Peach has heightened her five senses and, I can predict where she'll move to and charge right over you won't have time to attack. All you can do is escape.'(Aoba)

Tenka continues to evade her trying to find an opening and weakness between them. She may have a powerful Peach ability doesn't mean Tenka didn't train on how to properly utilize it. 

'Instant movement can't be used endlessly the moment you get tired I'll bring you down and if you lose then you don't deserve to be by my brother's side!!'(Aoba)

She thought while Yuuki sneezed knowing exactly what his sister was thinking about. 

'So you looking for a battle of attrition sister?,I'm Sorry to say,But I Can use instant Movement without stopping 666 times, I'm Not a Chief For Nothing!'(Tenka?

With Kyouka Uzen still fighting Kidoumaru, Tenka decided to wait until the right moment presented itself. They were appearing all over the place faster than a human can see but Yuuki saw them and had to admit they were fast even with his weakened state. 

'I Guess I'll hold out until Kyou-Chin Wins. Once a chance shows up I'll go on the offensive!'(Tenka)

Tenka and Aoba's battle continues for thirty more seconds, after which it comes to an abrupt end.

"So it's there next!"(Aoba)

Aoba tries to kick Tenka, but instead kicks Kidoumaru as Tenka baited her into doing so.

'I was just waiting for this moment when an opening in Kyou-Chin and the One-Horned fight appeared!'(Tenka)

'Crap! She led me into this!'(Aoba)

Kyouka then slashes Aoba with her sword, breaking her rhythm

"The Rhythm's Broken thanks!"(Tenka)

*Leave the One-Horned To me!"(Kyouka)

"As If I'd let you Target me!"(Aoba)

Aoba goes on the offensive against Tenka once more,

"I've already seen through that move."(Tenka)

Tenka creates a vortex that greatly injures Aoba Tenka prepares to finish her off, but hesitates as she does not wish to seriously harm Yuuki's Sister. Aoba then unleashes a devastating energy blast from her mouth that hits Tenka dead-on.

The massive beam engulfed the entire area that destroyed a large chunk of the cave system where Kyouka expected that something might happen to Tenka.

[ Switcheroo ]

In that split second, Yuuki threw a rock in the air only for it to vanish and be replaced by Tenka who fell into Yuuki's arms, shocking Tenka.


"You were planning on doing something dangerous that's why I interfered, even if my sister doesn't acknowledge you, you still have my heart and can't let you hurt it."( Yuuki)

He smirked making Tenka blush that was rare but being in his arms does affect her feelings more. It was then the somewhat injured Aoba appeared

"You...you almost got hit if it wasn't for my brother."(Aoba)

"Nee-san, I think what she did is enough."(Yuuki)

"Why did you stop yourself from attacking me when you were about too?"(Aoba)

She ignored her brother and confronted Tenka knowing that she could easily defeat her if she hadn't stopped her attack. 

Tenka:If I had taken you down...I Thought that Yuuki Would Be sad."(Tenka)

This surprised Aoba and made Yuuki smile as he saw her looking at him wrapping her arms around his shoulder.

"I've Had...So Many New Feelings Recently."(Tenka)

Aoba rapidly heals and looks at Tenka and said.

"I'm tough so I don't think you need to worry about me..."(Aoba)

She then gave a bright smile to Tenka who was surprised by this. 

"But it's great that you considered How Yuuki would feel. You are a good girl, Tenka worthy of Yuuki!"(Aoba)

Pleased that she has gained Aoba's approval,

'AAH...I Can See it Our Future Together with everyone'(Tenka)

Tenka begins to imagine a future in which she and Yuuki date, get married, and have a child, all with everyone included. 


Tenka calls Aoba sister once more

"Hahaha what are you waiting for, Kiss Yuuki!"(Tenka)

She nodded and pulled Yuuki for a passionate kiss that he wholeheartedly accepted while Aoba planned on receiving her own later.

"Yuuki...I Love You"(Tenka)

"I love you too, Tenka."(Yuuki)

Kyouka rushed to them, annoyed that they were flirting in the battlefield but quickly asked how Tenka.

"Tenka! Are you alright?"( Kyouka)

"I'm fine, Yuuki managed to save me at the last second."(Tenka)

"Then how long will you let Yuuki carry you?"(Kyouk)

"Hmm, I wanted it to last longer but alright."(Tenka)

Yuuki put her down while Kidoumarou moved close to Aoba as she ordered it to stop. 

"I'll Let you go if you decide to turn tail, Well Not that would change how'd we still go on a rampage. Even after the fight, acknowledging Tenka doesn't change our plan."(Aoba)

Yuuki facepalm seeing how stubborn her sister can be when she sets her mind to it. 

"I Will not let that happen."(Kyouka)

She stared down at Aoba who refused to give up then she heard someone call out to here and turned. 


Suddenly, Koko Zenibako and Naon Yuno arrive riding atop and the latter inside the newly-regenerated Kumadouji.

"I'm Sorry I Got Beaten!"(Koko)

"So was I."(Naon)

"Even Naon!?"(Aoba)

"We used all the Shuuki's we had as decoy's to runaway."(Koko)

"Akura was Defeated and enemies followed us."(Akura)

Himari Azuma, Yachiho Azuma, Shushu Suruga, and Sahara Wakasa then arrive, having followed Koko and Naon.

"Yuuki And The Others are here too!"(Shushu)

"They're all here!"(Yachiho)

They rush to help their allies with Aoba's allies exhausted. 

"Your Allies Seem to be pretty spent Now It's My Turn Asking You Will You Surrender?"(Kyouka)

"As if."(Aoba)

Yuuki sighed, decided to talk with her later and suddenly sensed something incoming and out of nowhere, the cave began to shake and a huge light burst through the ceiling. The Anti-Demon Corps members and Humanoid Shuuki look up to see Shikoku and Jouryuu descending

"Hello! We've Descended."(Shikoku)

It was then a speed faster than sound itself crashed down and the two landed sending shockwaves and dust in the air forcing everyone to shield their eyes. 

'Thanks to all the noise you made, we found You.'

As the dust clears, it is revealed that Jouryuu has grabbed Aoba and Naon.

'You have great life force. I think we'll take the two with us just in case."(Shikoku)

"Were they not Allies!?"(Himari)

Aoba tries to break free, but Jouryuu easily maintains her hold on her.

"I wish you wouldn't think we're the same as the Half-Baked Ones. We are the Eight God's Of Thunder! we're beings that Control The Shuuki."(Shikoku)

She said and showed her tongue that had markings in them as she playfully said. 

"We're Gods so feel free to worship us."(Shikoku)

The 7th and 6th Units face down Shikoku and Jouryuu, the latter of whom has Aoba Wakura and Naon Yuno in her grasp

"A God Of Thunder?"(Kyouka)

"That's right, there are beings who bring humans to their demise."(Shikoku)

'This won't go well if I don't ride on Yuuki.'(Kyouka)

Aoba struggles against Jouryuu and tries to attack her with her hair, but Jouryuu suddenly throws her aside. Naon uses her Hidden Beauty to merge into Jouryuu.

"How Dare you do that To Aoba-Nee!"(Koko)

Koko goes in for an attack, but they are stopped.

[ Black Spiral ]

Shikoku's form a small sphere that attracts objects like black holes, which draws them towards her.

[ Dark Snake Prison ]

From her shadow black snake emerges and causes her snakes to wrap around Naon and Koko and bite them, putting them into a deep sleep.

"Stop resisting and go to sleep okay."(Shikoku)

"Who gives a crap about God's?!"(Aoba)

Furiously, Aoba rushes towards and ready to fight against something a lot stronger than her.

"I'm Their Sister! Kuma, Kidomaru follow my Lead!"(Aoba)

Sahara: We're Going in too!

'These two are bad news."(Himari)

"We'll take you down first!"(Shushu)

'I still can't use my ability, I'll Have to Support them from the Back!'(Yachiho)

They all rushed towards Shikoku and Jouryuu

"Jouryuu." (Shikoku)

Yuuki tried to stop them but he was too slow due to his lower than normal and caused them to be all blown away by Jouryuu who creates a devastating shock wave, just by stomping the ground. The 7th and 6th Unit members are knocked out, but Aoba, though injured, remains standing

"You'll Pay For this...Were Going Again Kidomaru."(Aoba)

he suddenly turns on her. Kidoumaru strikes Aoba with his horn and she is knocked down.

*This one has gone back to being himself through a bite of my snake, He's Such a Strong One even among the Shuuki It's be such a waste to keep him as a pet."(Shikoku)

Kidoumaru lets out a deafening roar and focuses on Kyouka.

"Tenka, take everyone out of here."

"Alright, I'll be back to help."(Tenka)

Tenka went towards everyone that was injured and brought them away from the place while Yuuki remained calm and Kyouka offered her hand.

"The two of us, we'll make them submit!!"

Yuuki creates a clone and transforms into his Slave form. 

"I'll beat them on my own, you handle The One-Horned."(Yuuki)


The clone and Kyouka rush towards Kidoumarou while Yuuki turns to Jouryuu, with Naon Yuno and Koko Zenibako in tow. 

"We've succeed let's go back Shikoku."(Jouryuu)

"Leaving so soon? I thought you were gods, not cowards."(Yuuki)