
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

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The world gone to hell pt. 4

The scene cuts to the courtyard of the Sky Temple. As a thunderstorm pours down, a massive army of Netherrealm demons - different from the flying beasts seen earlier - are completely massacring the monks who live there. Only two fighters remain standing - the gods known as Raiden and Fujin, who launch into battle stances. The demon army charges at them. Raiden zaps several with his electricity blast, while Fujin traps several more in a cyclone and hurls them over the edge of a bottomless cliff. While he admires his handiwork, a demon charges and grapples him, biting into his face. Fujin fights back by punching and elbowing the demon in the face, before throwing him off the edge as well. Another demon lands behind him and gets a roundhouse kick in the face for its troubles. Fujin then looks to the heavens as he realizes that several more Netherrealm demons - like the flying ones seen earlier - are descending on them. More demons land behind him, but Fujin is saved from one by Raiden impaling it through the head with his polearm. He and Fujin go back to back, fighting off the demons with their bladed staves. One demon manages to bite into Raiden's arm and eats an electric fist soon after. Raiden impales it on the edge of his weapon and is tackled across the courtyard by a flying demon. The creature stands upright and roars in victory... before being bisected from behind by Fujin and his poleaxe. Fujin helps Raiden back to his feet and says

"Raiden! We must re-fortify the portal's defenses below!"

Raiden shakes his head and said

"No, Fujin. It is too late."

The Netherrealm army is far from finished. Innumerable demons slowly walk towards the gods of thunder and wind. One gets closer and roars to the skies - and a green flaming skull bursts through its chest. Fujin and Raiden avoid the projectile as the creature falls dead, showing the one who killed it. The army has now stopped its advance and given a respectable distance to the sorcerer who commands them. He proudly walks towards the two gods, revealing his distinctive pale facial features, saying

"The mighty gods of Earthrealm."

"You befoul these hallowed grounds, Quan Chi! Begone!"

"Surely you are pleased to see your friends..."

Quan Chi looks to his left. Before him stand the undead forms of Kurtis Stryker, Sindel, and Kabal.

"You abandoned them to their deaths. I returned them to life."

"A life worse than death!"

"One you will soon share, and my lord himself shall witness your fall."

The three revenants charge at the gods. The scene cuts to a campfire on the edge of a forest. A few demons are stockpiling the corpses of the fallen monks here. Johnny, Sonya, Kenshi, and two squads of Special Forces soldiers sneak up to the site, crouching behind cover. Johnny looks out to the scene, and his eyes widen in shock. He not only sees the undead Smoke in his ninja garb but another revenant, this one with his cybernetic arms looking as corrupted as the rest of his features.

"So he's done his job?"

"I expect him soon."

Johnny whispers in shock


Sonya also looks crestfallen at seeing her former commanding officer, but she looks over to Kenshi, who nods at her unspoken order. As they rise from cover, a portal opens behind them. More Netherrealm demons appear and leading them is an undead native-American carrying two corrupted red tomahawks. Kenshi shouts


The former Earthrealm defender raises a tomahawk to the sky. As red lightning shoots into it, he roars in attack and charges the Special Forces with his demons in tow. Kenshi leads a squad into battle as Johnny's squad provides covering fire. The fighting is quickly noticed by the other two revenants, with Jax saying


He runs into the battle. Sonya turns and charges toward him as well, engaging in close kombat. In the melee, Nightwolf and Kenshi parry each other's blades as Smoke teleports directly into the middle of the Special Forces. He kicks a soldier in the chest, sending him sprawling. He wrenches the rifle out of another soldier's hands, then punches and elbows him in the stomach, taking him down. He kicks the rifle out of another soldier's hands and punches him down. Johnny springs into action with a flying kick. Smoke blocks this and several more roundhouse kicks from Cage, before connecting with a back kick that knocks the movie star to the ground.


"Smoke is dead. I am Enenra."

Elsewhere in the melee, Sonya ducks some swings from Jax's cybernetic arms but gets kicked in the leg, dropping her to her knees. Jax then kicks her full in the face, knocking her over. Johnny gets the upper hand over Smoke by punching him twice in the face and laying him out with a crescent kick. The movie star looks over to see Jax advancing on Sonya saying

"This is your last mission, Sonya."

Johnny intervenes just in time by tackling Jax to the ground. They both roll to their feet in fighting stances with Johnny saying

"The real Jax wouldn't punch his best friend!"

Jax replies

"Johnny Cage. Killing you will be a pleasure."

They fight. Despite fighting a warrior augmented by both sorcery and cybernetics, Johnny Cage manages to dig deep and take the fight to the former Jackson Briggs. After a tough battle, Johnny eventually leaves Jax unconscious on the ground he says

"We're gonna fix you someday..."

With Jax down, Johnny picks up an assault rifle and catches up with Sonya and the rest of the Special Forces, who are falling back into a cave. Johnny says trying to ease the tension

"Well, nice seeing them again."

Sonya begins to say something, but only lets out an unhappy sigh. Johnny puts a hand on her shoulder to support her

"Sonya... that's not him."

After a moment, Sonya nods and regains her composure. The two of them run into the cave.