

"Hee hee hee ... Hee hee ..."

And not long after the two from the Gale Hall left, the ghost of a devil who possessed a decaying corpse, wearing a cloak, came to Xu Taiping's courtyard entrance riding a demon wolf.

"Want to invite those losers to catch me, do you think they dare?"

The ghost shouted at Xu Taiping, who was standing on the roof, in a tone full of ridicule.

"As long as I close the door, what can you do to me?"

Xu Taiping said back to the ghost, followed by a loose finger, and an arrow wrapped in residual haze true qi came out with a "whoosh".


But what Xu Taiping didn't expect was that the black-robed ghost suddenly pulled out a long sword from his robe and cut off the arrow he had shot with a single blow.

"If it wasn't for your sneak attack yesterday, how could you, a yellow-tongued child who doesn't even have the Open Door Realm, have hurt me!"

The ghost sneered, and his sword blade pointed straight at Xu Taiping standing on the roof.

Xu Taiping's face became grave when he saw this.

He was able to see that the other party's strength was indeed much greater than his own. Yesterday, he was able to force him to leave Liu Qingmei's shell because of an unexpected sneak attack.

"The next time this ghost will be very careful, it will be very difficult to force him out of his shell and kill him with wine."

Xu Taiping once again drew his bow with an arrow, while thinking in his mind.

"The first thing that I can do is to dig up the culvert that leads to your backyard medicine garden in another ten days.

The ghost of the devil smiled cunningly and said dangerously to Xu Taiping.

When he heard this, Xu Taiping couldn't help but feel a tight heart.

The water source of his backyard medicine garden is indeed a culvert buried deep in the ground, and there is a constant stream of water flowing through the ditch of the medicine garden on weekdays, which is very convenient for watering.

If the ghost of the ghost could really dig up that culvert, then he would really have to go out to fetch water, otherwise it wouldn't take long for all the purple sorghum that had just been planted in the medicine garden to die.

"If I store water ahead of time, I will be able to last at least four or five more days when the water is cut off in ten days, which means I only have fifteen days left to prepare."

Xu Taiping's little head spinning rapidly in the middle.

"The reason why I'm telling you this is because I think you're still smart and I want to show you a way out, that is, you can be captured and become a ghost servant of this king, otherwise, I'll make you the same as Liu Qingmei and use your soul as a wick, so that you can taste what life is worse than death!

After a series of threats, the ghost finally revealed the real purpose of coming here today.

After yesterday's incident, he saw Xu Taiping's resourcefulness and wanted to offer his flesh to the Tiger King and take his ghost to be his ghost servant.

These days, even ghosts are short of people under their hands.

"I am a righteous practitioner of the Qingxuan Sect, how can I be a helper of the tiger like you?"

Xu Taiping sneered, then released his finger, and with a "whoosh", shot an arrow again.


Without a doubt, his arrow was once again slashed down by the ghost's sword.

"Righteous monks?"

After splitting down Xu Taiping's arrow, the ghost laughed as if it had heard some funny joke.

"You have a saying in Daoism, "One life is two, two is three, three is everything, and everything eventually comes back to one, so the Dao in this world is just a different path, so there is no difference between good and evil. If you follow me, I will teach you the way of ghost cultivation, and in time, you will be able to achieve the righteousness!

When coercion failed, the ghost changed its strategy to lure.

"The Tao may not distinguish between good and evil, but there is a difference between good and evil.

At this point, Xu Taiping once again drew his bow with an arrow, followed by a proud head, looking directly at the ghost and continued: "You were born as a human being, but instead of doing good deeds, you are a helper to the tiger, maiming your own kind and bullying the weak, which is a great evil and should be killed!

At this moment, Xu Taiping was less than five feet long, but when he said these words, he seemed to be much taller than the eight-foot long ghost.

"Since you are looking for death, I will make it happen!"

The enraged ghost snorted coldly, and while letting the demon wolf under him turn around, he turned his head and continued to speak viciously at Xu Taiping.

"Do you think that once the water veins are broken, you can only let the spiritual plants in your garden wither? I am not afraid to let you know that this garden ditch is the source of the spiritual power of your residence boundary, once the water vein is broken, the boundary around the courtyard will be broken!

Perhaps because of his anger, or perhaps because he despised Xu Taiping too much, this ghost actually revealed such an important matter.

"You wait, within half a month, I will take your life!"

After saying these words, the ghost rode the demon wolf and disappeared into the mountain forest beside the small courtyard in just a flash.

"Half a month ... is enough!"

Xu Taiping looked at the mountain forest where the ghost had disappeared, and then clenched his fist with force.

Now those few arrows, he did not shoot at random, but intentionally testing the strength of the ghost.

"Three arrows in a row, and that accomplice ghost chose to block each time, that proves that when the body he possessed was injured, his ghost would also be hurt."

"In addition, the force of each of my three arrows was actually different, and he was obviously slower when he blocked the last two arrows, so it seems that if my cultivation can go further, he most likely won't be able to block my arrows with such ease again."

"If I can make him drop his guard some more, it is possible to hurt him."

With this in mind, Xu Taiping leapt off the roof, then scanned the small courtyard and muttered.

"According to the real cultivation level, I can't fight with it unless I break through the Open Door realm. Within half a month, even if I can raise the Remnant Xia Gong to the Ice Formation stage, if I want to kill that ghost, I can only lay a trap and give him a surprise."

"There is only one chance, I have to be prepared for everything."

Xu Taiping could have chosen to escape, such as bringing a few bottles of strong wine to pour on his body, so that the ghost would not dare to come close.

But the problem is, this is a wild mountain for hundreds of miles, he can escape for a few hours.

"Instead of thinking about how to escape, it would be better to fight with the water at your back."

Xu Taiping turned around and walked quickly towards his bedroom.

His time is very precious now, and he can't waste a moment.

However, what Xu Taiping did not know was that the scene where he confronted the ghost was seen and heard by a figure in the forest a few miles away.

The old man was lying on his back in the treetops, his hair was white and his clothes were in rags.

The old man waist hanging a bronze longsword, holding a wine gourd in his hand.