
Chapter 148: Cuteness is justice

"Another title?... Awesome." I smiled, opening the title's description.

[The Mother of Spiders: As the Mother of all spiders, you have the ability to command any spider to obey your order. Under the effect of your title, all spiders receive a 50% boost in growth and fertility. Gained the ability to transform any willing individual into a spider for the males and an Arachne for the females and futas.]

"Oh!... what an interesting title," I said, focusing on the last part. "This is similar to Nana's First Arachne skill, but mine can affect males too."

With a grin on my face, I moved toward the spider egg and touched it. The egg was hard and covered in silk, but I could still sense the Arachne inside.

"Welcome to the family, my cute daughter," I whispered, sending my blood inside the egg and fusing it with the Arachne's body, giving her more strength. Then I retreated to the side and waited for her to hatch.

"Now... what should I call her?" I pondered, thinking of a suitable name for my daughter. "Naming is hard, especially when I'm a mother of thousands of children."

I sat down, resting my spider half against the wall, thinking and coming up with names. However, they were all useless; nothing good was coming to mind.


A cracking sound echoed in the cave, and my head snapped towards the black egg. A few seconds later, cracks spread over the entire egg, and with a loud BANG, the eggshell was blown into pieces, revealing a small, naked Arachne laying on a bed of her webs.

"Oh my," I whispered, seeing her slowly raising her head. Her six glowing red eyes were slowly opening, scanning her surroundings, and bloody hell, what a beautiful creature she was.

For starters, her human side can't be called 'human.' She appears to be close to a dark elf—pointy ears, dark ashy skin, and long purple hair. Her four extra eyes were located on her forehead, and it seemed that she didn't have fangs, or they were simply hidden.

'Just a regular stunning dark elf with four extra eyes,' I thought, examining her closely. She could deceive anyone with her looks if she could transform and hide her spider part.

That part was interesting too—her spider half was small, very small compared to mine, but that's because she's a child. Her eight spider legs, the two in the front, were blades like mine, and it seems that she inherited more from her other mother than me. There were many different purple patterns all over her abdomen like tattoos.

"Aww, she's adorable," I couldn't help myself and jumped to her side, taking her out from the cocoon and holding her tight in my arms.

"My cute daughter." I hugged her, sniffing her sweet scent and her smooth skin. "My lovely... cute... spider."


"How are you feeling, my daughter?" I asked, feeling her small hand grabbing my left breast. But instead of replying, she simply opened her mouth and bit down on my nipple. A moment later, milk began leaking out of my breast, and the Arachne gulped it down without wasting a drop.

"Well... I guess we can't have a conversation on an empty stomach."


After the spider drank her fill, she never stopped cuddling and sucking my nipples. Her behavior was cute; every time she drank from me, her hand would travel over my body. Her little fingers explored every part, blushing and giggling every time her tiny hands brushed against my sensitive parts. And I was doing the same thing but only with my eyes.

My cute spider was a female—or at least her humanoid part was. A small, cute vagina was where the two halves were connected. As for her spider part, well, she's like me, a long but thin ovipositor poking out from her underbelly.

"M... Mother?" She spoke for the very first time. Her voice was soft and adorable, making me fall in love with her even more. I mean, I love all my children, but cuteness was my fatal weakness. No matter the time, the world, the culture, or the desire.

Cuteness is justice.

"Yes, dear?"

"C... can you give me a name?" she asked, looking at me with her six big red eyes that were extremely dangerous because they kept shooting arrows of cuteness directly into my heart.

"Sure." I flashed a stupid smile, kissing her forehead. Then I took a moment to seriously think of a good name for her. Then I felt as if someone whispered the name directly into my ear.

"How about... Nayssa?"


"Yes! I think it's perfect for you."

"Hihihi... I love it, Mother," she giggled, hugging my breast. Her cute smile and laugh made me melt, and I kissed her again. "As I love you."

"I love you too," I replied, patting her head and playing with her long purple hair. We spent a few minutes just sitting there in peace, enjoying each other's company until Nayssa broke the silence by asking:

"Mother, when can I start?"

"Start?" Her question confused me a little. "Start with what exactly?"

"Eh?..." She opened her six eyes wide as if I said something that made no sense to her. "You know, Mother, rebuilding my race. That's my only purpose."

"Ah!... the rebuilding thing," I nodded, remembering the last moments of the giant spider queen and the thoughts she transferred to me. Saving the race didn't just include giving birth to the last spider, I must take care of her and help in rebuilding the race. And you guessed it—breeding!

"Yes!... that!" Nayssa nodded, a bright smile appearing on her face. "I can't wait, Mother. Since there are only three of our race, I must start immediately."

"I know... I know, sweetheart, and you can start whenev—... Hold on a second," I paused, replaying her words in my head. "Three?... What do you mean by three?... There are only the two of us here."

"Really, Mother?" Nayssa tilted her head, confused. "But I can feel another presence beside us. I can't sense her location, she's too far away."

"What are you talking about?" I was more confused than her, but before she could speak, another voice entered my mind.

"M-Morgana," the voice was so low that it could barely be heard. "Morgana, can you hear me?... Mother?"

"NANA!" I yelled, almost jumping to my feet if not for the cute spider in my arms. "Nana-chan... can you hear me?"



"Mother, she's not listening," Nayssa said, her head tilted to the right like a puppy. "She's too far away."

'Nana... can you hear me?' I tried again, focusing my mind, but there was no reply. However, I wasn't sad or anything; in fact, I was really happy and smiling brightly. I finally found a clue about how to contact Nana-chan.

"Mother, are you okay?" the little Arachne asked, worried.

"Hehehe," I chuckled, kissing her cheek. "Don't worry, dear. Everything is fine. The third Arachne is your sister, Nana."


"Yes, Nana, my daughter. She's in a whole different world, and that's why we can't contact her right now."

"I see," she nodded, understanding. "Then she's not here, and she won't be able to help me rebuild the race."

"Oh!... About that, no need to worry. Nana-chan will make sure to rebuild the spider race in her own world," I smiled, stroking her long purple hair. "Your sister is already helping in her own way."


The rest of the day passed quickly and not quietly. The rest of the family fell in love with Nayssa the moment I took her out of the nest to introduce her to them.

"Ahh!... no stop, I can't," the little Arachne squealed, being surrounded and hugged by all the girls and my daughters. The little ones found it funny to jump on her spider abdomen, tickling her with their tiny hands and feet.

"Ohhh!... Little Nayssa is so cute," Luna said, holding her in her arms and kissing her forehead. "I love her already."

"Yes!... Yes... yes... yes," the rest of my daughters and even my lovers, Celeste, Hikari, and Cotton, were nodding.

"I'm going to take care of her and protect her from everything," Hikari was serious, her eyes shining while the small kitsunes were clinging to her.

"Of course, you are not the only one," Ember and Azura were also determined. I informed them that Nayssa was the only one of her race that existed in the world, and that created a soft spot in their hearts. The same goes for everyone else.


"Are you alright, Morgana?" Celeste asked, seeing me sighing.

"No worries," I nodded. "Just thinking, that's all."

"About the evolution?" Celeste guessed, her hand gently stroking my hair.

"Yes," I nodded. Last night, I gathered the key figures in my home and informed them about my coma thing. I kept the fact that I'll ascend as a goddess hidden and told them that I had reached a certain point in strength and must evolve.

"We are always here with you, Morgana," the bunny queen said, taking my hand in hers.

"I know," I replied, pulling her into a hug. "And I'm going to make sure not to worry you, or anyone."

With her experience as a queen of the rabbit-kin race, I placed Celeste in charge of everything in my absence. I made sure to use my skill 'Offspring Loyalty' to ensure my kids would obey her orders a little more. The rest would help her manage the land, as it would be a great opportunity to learn leadership, especially for Ember, Luna, and Azura.

"Take care of Nayssa and the rest," I told her, looking into her eyes and squeezing her hands.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be fine," Celeste said with a warm and confident smile.

"Thank you," I nodded, standing and teleporting immediately to the Nightmare Tower inside a closed room with a king-sized soft bed.

'If I'm going to fall into a coma, at least I'll be on a soft bed,' I chuckled, sitting on the edge and taking out the black potion from my inventory.

"Let's do it." Taking a deep breath, I opened the bottle and gulped down the contents, feeling a burning sensation running through my veins. Then, in an instant, everything went black.

"Welcome back... Queen Morgana."

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Midnight_Paradoxcreators' thoughts