
Chapter 5

I tried to ignore my attraction to him and concentrate on work, but sometimes it was like not seeing the pink elephant. At least my mentor was pleased with how fast I picked up the concepts he explained to me.

By the end of the week, I was used to the office routine, working on projects with Lee, as well as attending joint training sessions.

The weekend, I spent with Rhys. He helped me fix up the apartment, and we played video games at an arcade fifteen minutes away. I was sad to see him go when he had to head home.

* * * *

The next Monday at around twelve-thirty, I left the building in search of a spot to eat my lunch in one of the small parks outside. The sky was slightly cloudy.

“Hey, Ross.” I turned to see Lee jogging toward me.

“What’s up, man?” Today, he wore a dark gray suit and light pink shirt with a subdued tie. Gorgeous as ever.

“I was going over to the deli to get a sandwich. Care to join me?”