
Chapter 13

With one last burst of effort, Vergil threw him towards the trees. “Run, you idiot. Get the car going. I’ll be right behind you. Run!”

It was a funny thing the war had done to men; no matter how paralyzed with terror they were, when someonebarked an order their bodies still moved to follow it. Hogan started to sprint. Vergil turned to face the beast in the moonlight. The moment his eyes were set on it again his throat started to clench in terror, but fear was like any other reaction of the body, you learned to manage it with time. Vergil slurred out. “Philip Manuxet?”

With nothing to chase, the monster had slowed and hearing those words it’s head cocked to the side. A golden eye the size of a saucer blinked at Vergil. It understood him. Now that he had a moment, details his mind had rejected in their horror started slipping through to Vergil. There were tatters of sodden cloth hanging from the creature’s ridged back and from its jagged joints. “You were a man once, weren’t you?”