
Moonlit Temptations: The Divine Ascendance

Yue Wang Zhi (Yue Xuan), blessed with ethereal beauty and the legacy of his renowned parents, embarks on a treacherous journey in a realm where desire and cultivation intertwine. Transported to a mysterious realm, he finds himself in the embrace of the Forbidden Lotus Sect, where dual cultivation reigns supreme. Armed with a special system and a sword prowess honed in the Moon Palace, Yue Xuan must navigate the intricate web of seduction, power, and spiritual ascent. As he ascends the ladder of cultivation, Yue Xuan encounters alluring elders and disciples who are both captivated and envious of his divine aura. Yet, haunted by the shadows of his parents' reputations, he must tread carefully, balancing the pursuit of pleasure with the pursuit of true power. With his mother's wisdom guiding his steps and his father's legacy shaping his desires, Yue Xuan faces trials and temptations that threaten to consume him. In this world of swirling desires, can Yue Xuan harness his unique beauty, unlock the secrets of dual cultivation, and carve his own path to greatness? Join him on a mesmerizing journey where he must conquer both the realm's challenges and the depths of his own heart to rise above all, becoming a legend in the realm of Moonlit Temptations. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Cover art disclaimer: The cover art used in this book is for illustrative purposes only. The copyright and ownership of the cover art belong to the respective artist(s) and/or copyright holder(s). The author of this novel does not claim ownership of the cover art and acknowledges that if the artist or copyright holder wishes for the cover art to be removed or replaced, they will comply with their request promptly. Were my novel to garner more popularity, I will make an effort to get my own cover art made. As I would have other illustrations made.

TheLast_AshenOne · Oriental
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs

15 Inns and Outs

As Yue Xuan descended the mountain, his mind became consumed with thoughts about the map he had discovered in the sect's library. "This map not only reveals the way to Thunder Peak, but it also marks the locations of ancient grave sites," he mused to himself. "Curious indeed. Mortals may overlook them, but I know better. These burial grounds hold untold secrets, treasures of the past waiting to be unearthed."

The idea of exploring these ancient tombs stirred a sense of excitement within Yue Xuan. He knew from experience that they could hide powerful artifacts, forgotten knowledge, or remnants of formidable cultivators. "Mortals may disregard them, but I understand their true value," he thought, his anticipation growing. "There are profound energies and hidden mysteries to be found within these sacred sites."

As he journeyed along the road, his mind delved deeper into the possibilities. "What secrets lie dormant within those ancient tombs?" he wondered. "What insights can I gain? What artifacts await me?" His thoughts were consumed by the allure of discovery and the potential power that awaited him.

The changing scenery around him, from the serene mountainside to the blooming fields, served as a backdrop to his contemplations. "The tranquility of nature masks the hidden depths of these burial grounds," he reflected. "But I am undeterred. The risks are worth the rewards."

With each step, his resolve grew stronger. "I will approach these ancient sites with respect and reverence," he vowed to himself. "They are not mere tombs to be plundered, but gateways to forgotten wisdom and power. I will tread carefully, mindful of the guardians and traps that may lie in wait."

The journey itself provided ample time for introspection. Amidst the fragrance of blossoming flowers, his thoughts remained fixed on the path ahead. "These burial grounds hold the keys to unlocking a deeper understanding of the cultivation world," he thought. "They are a thread connecting me to the past, a chance to unveil the mysteries that have remained hidden for centuries."

Yue Xuan's determination burned bright as he ventured forward. "I am ready to face the challenges that await me," he affirmed within himself. "These burial grounds will not be mere footnotes in history. I will honor them with my presence, extracting the knowledge and power they hold."

With his sword at his side, he set forth into the unknown, guided by the map and fueled by his insatiable thirst for knowledge.

After half a day of walking, he finally arrived at a small town.

As Yue Xuan entered the small town, he couldn't help but notice the sudden hush that fell over the bustling streets. The people around him halted in their tracks, their eyes fixed upon his ethereal beauty and magnetic presence. Whispers of admiration floated through the air as the women exchanged glances, their voices a gentle murmur of awe.

The men, torn between admiration and a twinge of jealousy, couldn't help but nudge their wives and urge them to retreat to the safety of their homes. Some obediently complied, casting longing glances over their shoulders, while others resisted with a hint of regret in their eyes, unable to tear their gaze away from the captivating figure in their midst.

Yue Xuan, aware of the attention he commanded, maintained a composed demeanor, his steps graceful and confident. The weight of the town's gaze did not faze him; instead, he regarded their reactions with a mixture of amusement and indifference.

"People can't help but be captivated by what they can't possess," he mused to himself, a hint of a smile gracing his lips. "Beauty has a way of stirring hearts and igniting desire."

With a subtle nod of acknowledgement to the townsfolk, he continued on his path, unperturbed by the whispers that followed him. As he disappeared into the distance, the town buzzed with excitement, each person carrying a vivid memory of the enchanting encounter with the extraordinary visitor who had momentarily graced their mundane existence.

Yue Xuan walked through the bustling streets of the small city, his eyes scanning the shops and buildings that lined the lively road. Eventually, he came across a simple inn, frequented by common folks and a few questionable characters. Paying no mind to the curious gazes and whispers that followed his graceful steps, he entered the inn.

As he stepped inside, the chatter and conversations abruptly ceased, and all eyes turned toward him. Some were captivated by his extraordinary beauty, their faces filled with longing, while others regarded him with envy or disdain. However, Yue Xuan paid no attention to the reactions, his focus solely on finding a place to rest for the night.

His gaze fell upon an unattractive, overweight man seated behind the bar counter, counting his meager collection of copper coins. The innkeeper's face showed disappointment as he muttered to himself, clearly unhappy with his earnings. But as soon as he spotted Yue Xuan's striking appearance, his expression transformed entirely.

In a swift motion, the innkeeper approached Yue Xuan, his voice dripping with flattery, "Young master, how may we be of service to such an esteemed gentleman like yourself?"

The sudden change in the innkeeper's behavior irked Yue Xuan, although he concealed his annoyance. With a composed manner, he replied, "I require a room for the night and a satisfying meal. Please attend to these matters." As he spoke, he tossed a silver coin onto the counter, capturing the innkeeper's attention. The sight of the silver coin sparked excitement in the innkeeper's eyes, and he quickly bowed before responding, "Certainly, honored guest. Please take a seat, and we will promptly prepare a comfortable room and a delicious meal for you."

Feeling a hint of weariness from his journey, Yue Xuan found a seat and settled himself, patiently awaiting the fulfillment of the innkeeper's promises. Despite the humble surroundings of the inn and the mixed company it housed, he remained focused on his own needs, paying no mind to the gossip and intrigues swirling around him.

As Yue Xuan sat at the table, awaiting his meal, he found himself approached by a group of ordinary-looking women. To his annoyance, they boldly took a seat at his table without asking for permission. One of the women, with a mischievous smile, couldn't contain her curiosity and asked, "So, handsome, where do you come from? We've never laid eyes on someone like you in these parts."

Suppressing his irritation, Yue Xuan replied in an uninterested tone, "I am from the Forbidden Lotus sect, situated up the mountain." The words seemed to ignite excitement among the women as they exchanged eager glances and their gazes turned lustful.

One woman, emboldened by her companions, moved closer to Yue Xuan, her hand resting provocatively on his thigh, dangerously close to his "dragon." With a sultry voice, she propositioned, "If that's the case, why don't you spend the night with us? We'd be willing to pay, of course." Another woman chimed in, "Yes, how about one spirit stone? And you can show us your expertise in dual cultivation."

Unaware that the sum they offered was the culmination of a lifetime's savings for these women, Yue Xuan pondered his response. Although tempted by their offer, he knew better than to entangle himself with strangers, especially in such a precarious situation. Maintaining his composure, he replied, "I appreciate your interest, but I must decline. I prefer to enjoy my evening in solitude."

Disappointment flickered across the women's faces, but Yue Xuan's polite refusal left no room for negotiation. They reluctantly withdrew, their hopes dashed. Sighing inwardly, Yue Xuan silently contemplated the complexities of mortal desires and the allure he seemed to hold over them.

As Yue Xuan sat at the table, his attention was suddenly captivated by the arrival of a waitress. She exuded a mesmerizing beauty that immediately drew his gaze. Her features were delicately sculpted, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mystery. Her luscious curves accentuated her graceful figure, effortlessly capturing the attention of those around her.

Yue Xuan couldn't help but notice a subtle aura of cultivation prowess emanating from the waitress. It piqued his interest, causing him to silently wonder, 'What is a woman with cultivation skills on par with a core disciple doing working in an inn?' The intriguing combination of beauty and strength intrigued him.

As the waitress approached his table, she carried herself with a professional demeanor, her movements imbued with grace. Setting the plates of enticing food before him, she spoke in a composed tone, "Can I get you anything else, esteemed guest?" Her voice had a melodic quality that resonated in his ears.

Yue Xuan briefly entertained the thought of engaging her in conversation, his curiosity piqued by her presence. However, he quickly brushed away the idea, reminding himself of his purpose and the need to avoid unnecessary distractions. With a polite smile, he replied, "No, I'm fine, thank you."

The woman's gaze lingered on him for a moment longer than necessary before she turned away. A flicker of intrigue passed through Yue Xuan's mind as he observed her subtle reaction. 'Interesting,' he thought to himself, sensing that there might be more to this woman than met the eye.

After finishing his plate, the innkeeper approached Yue Xuan with a sly expression on his face. "We have finished preparing the room for you, young master. Should I arrange for some company?" he suggested, winking and casting a meaningful glance at the waitress. The innkeeper's intentions were evident, but Yue Xuan had other plans.

A slight smirk played on Yue Xuan's lips, giving the innkeeper the impression that he had successfully appealed to his desires. Unbeknownst to the innkeeper, Yue Xuan had a different agenda in mind. He gestured for the innkeeper to come closer, as if to share a secret. Leaning in, Yue Xuan whispered in a low voice, ensuring no one else would hear. "Are we in a brothel, you fool?" The innkeeper was taken aback by the unexpected question and Yue Xuan's tone. He stammered in response, "N... No, young master, this... this is an inn."

Yue Xuan continued, his voice icy and firm, "If this is an inn, then she is not a whore, but a waitress. So why are you offering her to me as if she were a common whore?" The innkeeper felt a wave of fear wash over him, realizing the grave error he had made. He nervously tried to explain himself, "I-I thought you... I thought you might have liked to have her... seeing your reaction to her. She is a beauty that everyone desires... b-but I have never given her to anyone, never."

Yue Xuan's expression turned from a gentle smile to a cold demeanor. His voice grew colder as he responded, "Let's forget everything that has happened and never offer someone like that again. Now, where is my room?" The innkeeper, drenched in cold sweat, quickly replied, "Second floor, third door on the right."

Yue Xuan returned to his gentle smile, thanking the innkeeper before ascending the stairs and disappearing into his room. Meanwhile, the young waitress blushed and smiled softly, having overheard the entire conversation. She appreciated Yue Xuan's intervention and the way he had defended her dignity.

In the solitude of his room, Yue Xuan allowed his mind to drift back to memories of his mother and his beloved aunties. He reminisced about the warmth of their presence, their nurturing care, and the wisdom they had imparted to him. Their faces appeared vividly in his mind, their laughter echoing in his ears.

His mother, with her gentle smile and comforting embrace, had been his guiding light. She had instilled in him a sense of compassion and empathy, teaching him the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. His aunties, each with their unique personalities, had showered him with affection and shared their life experiences, weaving a tapestry of wisdom that he carried within him.

Yue Xuan's thoughts then wandered to his sisters and nieces, the younger generations of strong and spirited women in his family. He admired their resilience, their determination to carve their own paths in a world that often sought to confine them. They were like flames that burned bright, illuminating the way forward with their fierce spirits.

As he reminisced, Yue Xuan couldn't help but feel a pang of longing in his heart. He missed their company, their laughter-filled gatherings, and the unbreakable bond they shared. In his travels, he carried their love and teachings with him, seeking to honor their legacy in his own actions and choices.