
moonlit city

when the world you live in is perfect and you are not that is the life for a 16 year old girl named AnnaBeth. AnnaBeth is what the people of moonlit city would call a different kind of girl. which means not what they see as perfect. but all that changed when she figures out the dark truth about the queen and king. her life will change forever. what happens in moonlit city.

Gracie_Clark_6860 · Sports, voyage et activités
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The kidnapping

What is your name? Said captain Parker. Can you tell me the names on the list and I can tell you? Asked AnnaBeth. No declaimed captain Parker. Fine, fine, my name is AnnaBeth Madden. Ok AnnaBeth, AnnaBeth um you need to come with me said Parker. What am I on the list no you are not. But is show's your family history and the king needs to see this. What you can't take me I have deliverys to do then I have to go back home to help my parents with the huge cake for the party tonight. Said AnnaBeth. Sorry miss Madden but I have to do my job. Said Parker. Boys if you will, all of a sudden two soldiers grabbed AnnaBeth by the arms put her in the wagon. Said captain Parker. Try to not make her.... ahhhhhhhh AnnaBeth screamed.Not scream captain Parker put his hand between his eyes. Let go of me! Screamed AnnaBeth. The two soldiers through AnnaBeth in the wagon. The king is not going to be happy when he sees you. Said one of the soldiers. Good luck said the other soldier. Then they slammed the door. Wait there must be a mistake. But she'd remembered moonlit city doesn't make any mistakes.