
Moonlit Chronicles of the Unambitious Magician

This is the story of a young man who was reincarnated in Nasuverse and remembered the memories of his past life four years before the Fourth Fuyuki Holy Grail War with a Yamato from Devil May Cry. This is the first time I write something. Thank you for having me. Thank you Izumi Yamazaki for the cover photo. Oz and Lorelei looks amazing! Twitter account of the artist: @izumi_yamazaki7

Zimrence · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Chapter 12

Some changes from the previous version I've written. And although I would like to write this Holy Grail War, this one was added just to give Oz a major power-up. So, unlike the previous version, I will only write some I deem that will important in the story.

For those who haven't read Fate/Prototype: Fragments of the Sky Silver, I am very sorry. Now, let's go back to the story.


3rd POV

Let's go back a few minutes to know what had happened.

Together with Nobu, Oswald arrived at Ikebukuro Station just before the fight started. They were standing on a nearby building to watch the fight. The fight started in a flash and their first clash destroyed the trees and street lights.

"It is a good thing that nobody is here. Heck, a normal person would not believe what they are seeing now," Oswald thought.

The two figures are clashing blades while crossing building to building. They were going further away from the two spectators. When they stopped, we can see the two figures. One is Saber and the other one is Lancer.

Lancer has a delicate body and mystical long white hair with a teal accent reminiscent of the night sky as she enters battle clad in silver armor. Her real name is Brynhildr.

Oswald turns his head to Ruler as she is elbowing his side. "Do you want some?" she said as giving a pack of popcorn to him. He said nothing and take it.

"Wait, where did she get that? I'm pretty sure we didn't bring anything when we left home. Nah, never mind. At least I got something to eat while watching those two servants fight," he thought.

It was Lancer who starts talking. "As expected of the first ranked Servant," she said as preparing her lance. Her lance is excessively long and too huge for a delicate woman like her swing that thing. Then she smiled and told Saber, "Surely, you must have been a great hero with a great name."

Saber also smiled and replied, "You too, miss. To be able to wield such a lance which is over 100 kg and your iron grips really suit your invisible armor. And those little bits of visible armor… you must be from foreign lands."

After that, they both started to get their fighting stance. Saber is on top of the Sunshine's building scaffolding and Lancer is looking down on him from the stairs.

"With that lance, without doubt, you are the fourth rank Servant, aren't you Lancer."

"Indeed. It is a shame that you do not show your sword, Saber." Lancer weakly smiles with a hint of sadness after saying that.

"You know I can't show it, Lancer. Like your invisible armor, my sword is one of the facts that made me famous after all."

And they both start clashing again. It's a rather heated battle and Lancer is super-fast to the point where she becomes invisible, and then releases her attack which has the lance coming down five at a time at five different speeds.

After a while, Saber got used to her speed. Lancer has a habit of repeating a pattern in which her spear comes down on her opponent from five different directions. Enemies who survived the first round can find a gap in her attacks after a time.

Blue flames came out of Lancer and bind Saber. The flames are beautiful in blue color. The very flames that burned and took her life. A new point of her life that started in flames also ended in flames.

Lancer is still fine but her smile disappears. "You are a kind person. A kind Servant. I, if I was also that kind." She said, this time from her heart. Her hand went toward the red bottle hanging from her waist. She closed her eyes and slowly drinks it.

At that time, Nobu kicks Oswald's behind without telling anything. He balanced himself in the air and dropped near them with a T pose.

Oswald Kingsley's POV

Why the hell did she kick me?! Good thing I balanced myself. Or else it would be shameful for me to land with a head. "Gulp," I heard something being swallowed. I see both Saber and Lancer are looking at me giving a T pose.

Oh no. She was drinking the love potion when I got kicked.

"For fu*k sake! Why did she have to swallow her love potion while looking at me!" I yelled without caring about the two Servants.

"Sigurd?" Lancer muttered almost didn't want to believe what she was seeing. Tears are running down from her eyes like a broken dam.

Hmm? Why did she call me Sigurd? Is this love potion stronger than that from the canon? Even in the canon, it took time for Lance to see Saber as Sigurd.

"It can't be! I saw you fell by the hand of a warlord from ExE while fighting together with Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Emperor!" she lost herself.

Okay, that took a weird turn. Did she sniff glue before the fight? This is Nasuverse. Not the universe with gravity-defying boobs. She noticed Nobu walking behind me.

"Knight?! Please answer – No! I will not return! Not when I finally meet my Sigurd! No! Don't you dare, Master!" She tried to talk to Nobu. And… she got teleported away.

"She does remember," Nobu mumbled behind me. "What was that about?" I asked.

"Nothing," she shrugged.

I stared at her but chose not to push further. It's almost 2 o'clock in the morning and I had decided to crash on Manaka's picnic with Saber.

At an apartment building near the Sunshine 60 building in the Toshima District in Ikebukuro, Manaka is sitting on a picnic blanket with a thermal insulation pot and a picnic basket. She was complementing Saber on his battle. Then Nobu and I appeared near her.

"Come and take a seat, Oz! I had also prepared your share," said the little bundle of joy (for those who don't know her true nature.)

"So, you knew we will be coming huh," I could only shake my head.

Manaka proceeds to pour me a hot chocolate and black tea for Saber.

"Hey! What about mine?" Nobu asked.

"Do I know you? I don't talk with a flea buzzing near *my* Oz." Manaka gave Ruler a glare.

"Now, now, Manaka. Can you please give her a cup of tea," I have decided to join the conversation before it turns into a bloodbath.

The loli replied without hesitation, "Yes, Oz!"

She then prepared a cup for Nobu. And gave her a cup with a glare. She then offers me and Saber sandwiches and rice balls.

"Ah, Master. I haven't heard of these foods," said Saber while looking at the sandwiches.

She then starts talking about the sandwich that was created by the Earl of Sandwich.

"Wow, this sandwich is good, Manaka. Here, take a bite Ruler." I said while giving her what I was eating to which she happily ate.

"How could she eat the sandwich Oz is still eating? Doesn't that count as an indirect kiss? How dare she?! Was that a smug? She is showing me a damn smug? A mere servant dares to give me a smug?" Manaka thought while glaring hole at her.

"Am I feeling anger? I am feeling angry because of a topic related to Oz? Ah… he is really my soul mate. I must have him," she thought while biting her thumbnail.

Unknown to what Manaka is thinking, I'm happily eating my meals while talking this and that with Saber. Saber is looking at her with his cheeks full of foods like a chipmunk. Eating sandwiches and rice balls while drinking hot chocolate at 2 in the morning. I hope I won't be late for a part-time job today.

And I somehow sense a person nearby. Lurking near us. Ah… I see. Seems like Manaka has already recruited Assassin into her rank.

"By the way, Master. Why don't you build a barrier around you? A barrier that makes you able to know if someone comes near you. I am afraid we would need to build one in case of Assassin ambush you," said the totally clueless Saber.

"Ah, you don't need to worry about Assassin anymore, Saber. And I can sense any Servants or Masters within a 3km range," replied Manaka.

"Is that so, Master. It is fine if you are okay with it."

"I did great right, Oz? Give me a reward!" she came near me as she wants a reward.

"What kind of reward?" I asked.

"A kiss!" she brimmed with a smile.

What?! Do you want me to get caught by the FBI? I don't want to go to jail yet! But she would try to annoy me if I don't give her one.

"Fine," I replied.

Manaka looked really happy at it. I went and kiss her… on the forehead.

"That… That… That's not fair! It's unfair! This…" She looked all flustered as I kissed her.

"Although I'm happy, I thought you are going to kiss on my lips," she pouts.

I glance at Saber and feeling my glance, he smiled wryly at me. At least help me, dammit!

"But Manaka, I think a kiss to the forehead is appropriate for your age. Well then, I should get going," I chose to flee and I am not ashamed by it.

Nobu, who is still eating looks at me and prepares herself. She tends to forget almost everything while eating. Don't give me that shit-eating grin.

"Fine, see you later, Oz!"

"Yeah… see you later Manaka. And you too, Saber. I might make a feast and invite other Servants and Master. Don't worry I can abuse my authority and make a non-fighting day, in our case night," I said. I had an urge to make boys' night out but it won't be fair to other Servants and Master.

"I would appreciate that, Oz. And when we are together with my Master, you can just call me Arthur," he replied with a slight bow.

"I understand. Then see you later, Arthur."

Yes! He allowed me to call him by his first name. The first step to becoming a friend. I and Nobu went home walking through the night. We don't need to talk. Both of us are comfortable in silence while walking hand in hand.

I know this relationship will end when the Grail War ends. So, I would spend all of my time with her before the war ends. And something behind my mind telling me that I had been with Nobu more than this. But that is impossible as Nobu was just a character from the game before I reincarnated here.

She knew what I like and my way of thinking since the day we became a partner and introduced herself with her real name. Or maybe even before that. I might need to ask her when I got time.

Some hours before Manaka's picnic with Oz and co., 3rd POV

A young girl who may be in her late teens with a slender body, with brown skin wearing tight black clothes with a skull mask is on the outskirts of Ikebukuro station in the Toshima ward of Tokyo. The girl is indeed Assassin. She was then surrounded by men that had weapons but even if she was weakened by injury from the day before yesterday and lack of prana since yesterday, she can still easily dispatch normal humans. But she unintentionally causes a disturbance.

Because she doesn't want to see the man from that day, she thinks about going to the east exit but she senses Saber and Lancer fighting near the Sunshine 60 building. With her current state, she's sure she won't be able to make it out alive if she went there. She then leaped into a dark alley before going on top of a roof on an apartment building. She doesn't want to die or be dragged into a clash between servants.


She heard a voice. It sounds like a little bell chiming.

"Hmm... Although I don't know many servants, you are a strange one," the beautiful voice continued.

Time stood still and the voice continued, "You are Assassin, correct?"

Assassin nods her head.

"Is that so? You… you don't have a Master, do you? Well then..." The owner of the voice holds out her hand. The girl's white hands, while bathed in the starlight and moonlight, touched Assassin's brown skin as if she was shining beautifully.

But she flinched at the sight of a hand coming. She doesn't want to kill the owner of this voice.

"Fufufu… you don't need to be so frightened," the voice said.

"But…" Assassin tried to protest but she couldn't.

"You looked beaten up," the voice said. The girl weakly smiles and asks if Assassin is alright, before breaking into a genuine smile.

"Hey, do you have enough prana?" she asked to which Assassin shook her head.

"You took care of yourself properly even if you are low on prana, it's incredible. You took care of yourself properly even if you are low on prana, it's incredible. You took care of yourself properly even…" The girl pats Assassin on the head while saying this phrase which Assassin starts shivering because she was very happy and her emotions were at the point that she wanted to touch her.

Assassin notes that her whole body is composed of death and it could be said that her body itself is a Noble Phantasm. However, the girl doesn't die when Assassin touches her.

"Hey, do you want to be my servant?" the girl asked.

Assassin convinced herself that meeting this girl was fate and the girl just keeps on patting her saying that she's incredible. She finally nods her head.

"Then, please take care of me, Assassin. My name is Manaka Sajyou," the girl said while the moon is illuminating behind her and it makes her very beautiful.

This chapter is about a fight between 1st rank servant Saber, and 4th rank Lancer. If you all forgot the servants' rank, you can check it in chapter 7. The second part is about a picnic set up by our beloved loli girl Manaka and the final part is about Assassin.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Zimrencecreators' thoughts