

i get up and hang the bag on my shoulder. as i walk away from the house, i realize that i wont be coming back for a long time now. this was it. suddenly anger burst through me. anger at my father. how could someone be such a b*tch. how could he do this to me. i walk and walk.

i dont know how long i have been walking. 2 hours. 1 hour. a few minutes? i have noo idea. i look up and realize that i cant recognise my surroundings. ohh shit. i am lost. i quickly hurry back in the direction i was coming from. my head down, when i suddenly bumd into someones chest. i make an "oof!" sound and am abput to fall when someone catches my waist.

i look up and see jacob. hes there again. he smiles and says..." hey there, we meet again"

"h-hi what are you doing here?"

"well' considering that you are here in front of my house. shouldn't i be the one asking that?"

i look up to see a manor looming in front of me. " i am sorry, i am lost. can you tell me the way back?"

" way back to where?" i think for sometime but am unable to think of anywhere i could stay. he notices the uncertainity in my eyes and the bag over my shoulder. his eyes darkens as he assesses me over to notice the bruise on my upper arm. the place where father grabbed me. conciously i pull my sleeve down but i know its too late. he grabs my arm gently and pulls me into his house. too surprised i do not protest.

" you can stay here tonight. we'll see tomorrow what to do"

" what do you mean by what to do? i cant stay in a strangers house"

" am i really a stranger maria?" he sounds soo confident that i start to doubt myself. thats when i start seeing black spots and a second later its all gone. i have fainted. fantastic thats just what i wanted right now.