
Moonlight Reflects on Vengeance

Shen Yu is the second son of general Shen.After turning eleven-years old he fell into a lake and became crazy. Although Shen Yu mother is the legitimate and legal wife of general Shen ,he have never once love her. The reason they got married is because of the imperial edict .The person general Shen love is concubine Liu . This year when Shen Yu turn seventeen,his mother was poisoned.And Shen Yu the "trash of the general mansion" suddenly become sane again. In a dark room full of silence only a gentle voice could be heard " Since the opportunity that I gave you ,you would rather throw it away than make use of it. What will become of the future you only have yourself to blame " . " Last time it was me who make a mistake and let you all go easily ,if my life is destined to be disliked and hated by others so be it . After all ' blood must be pay back by blood ' " .

Dumpling_Lady · Histoire
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 : Mistake

The Imperial Prison is a place where hideous criminals were imprison and monitored. Criminals who are imprisoned here are usually those who are either a blood thirsty killer or those who are greedy and blinded by power to start a rebellion.

" tap tap tap "

The sound of footsteps of a lady footsteps could be heard walking slowly and finally ,it stop in front of a cell where a young man was laying in full of whip marks. Slowly the lady opened her mouth and a gentle and crispy voice could be heard " Second brother " . Having been called the young man finally lift his head to see the person who just called him.' Second brother ' 'second young master' that right ,that what people used to address him . Seeing that the person she called didn't respond and only lift his head to look at her ,she lift her leg and kick him against the prison cell. "Argh…" having just received a kick unexpectedly a painful groan came out of the young man mouth."Shen Yu "the lady called, her gentle voice from a moment ago was now gone and a disgusting tone could only be heard. "Tch…tch.." clicking her tongue she continue " Shen Yu , I didn't expect this at all .Your will to live is quiet impressive, you actually manage to survived a hundred whip strikes and still be alive ". The lady that is speaking now is none other than his eighth sister Shen'er . And because of her ,he is now is such stated. Looking at her the only thought that is floating in Shen Yu head right now is 'If I hadn't let them go that day , if I had punished them at that time ,he himself-no the Shen family wouldn't be reduced to such state right now '. 'Them' is referring to Shen'er and her mother Liu Houlang. That year when they tried to killed his mother by poisoning her ,but fail .At that time ,he know that even if he caught her what can he do ?His father love concubine Liu so much otherwise why would she have the gut to poison his mother. After all his father only married his mother because of the Imperial Edict not love ,and the one his father love is concubine Liu .Shen'er is concubine Liu daughter so naturally he love her so much that he blindly ignore everything she does wrong. His father ignored everything to the point where the Shen family ,which was once the most well respected and powerful family fallen into being called a traitor that plotted to take the throne.

" splash "

Cold water was splashed on Shen Yu pulling him out of his thoughts. Upon seeing that Shen Yu is trembling from the cold water splashed just now ,the corner of Shen'er lip could not help but curved into a smile " Shen Yu " Shen'er called out to him and stepping on his chest " Shen Yu didn't you used to be high and mighty ,saying that as a concubine daughter I would never overshadowed you .But now look at the state you're in ,even worse than that of an abandoned dog ". Hearing this Shen Yu can't help but laugh because of his injuries he could hardly speak, but listening to what Shen'er said just now he suddenly got the strength to laugh. "Shen'er oh Shen'er "Shen Yu called her ,before Shen'er could reply Shen Yu continue " If you hadn't had the help from the Liu family ,did you really think that you would have the chance to be this arrogant " Hearing this Shen'er can't help but frowned ,her pair of beautiful and gentle eye now were full of killing intent she kick Shen Yu against the wall .Shen'er shouted "So what !? I'm arrogant and? What can you do about it ? I had the helped from the Liu family so what? Shen Yu let's me tell you something ,all the people of your courtyard those who dare to defend you have already died only you are left"."Don't worry I'll send you to meet them in the underworld soon" Shen'er laugh as she continue . "You MONSTER" Shen Yu shouted "Mother always treated you like her own daughter ,how could you do this to her " Right now Shen Yu just wanted to jump at Shen'er and open up her heart and see what is it made out of ,for her to be this cruel ,but having been whip by a hundred strikes and just been kick twice Shen Yu can't stand up ,so he could only move his head to look at Shen'er . Chuckle Shen'er reply " Yes ,that right I'm a monster ,the monster who destroyed your happiness and everything ,everyone you loved. Ah ! I almost forgot do you know how your elder brother died? Hahaha . Your elder brother is regard as the top genius of the cultivation world ,who would expect that he would died at the hand of the person he love the most hahahahahah " . "No….impossible…"Shen Yu said with a trembling voice " Lan ling would never do such thing-". "why wouldn't she" Shen'er interrupt Shen Yu " do you know why she was willing to be with your brother? It all because of power and fame hahahah". Looking at Shen Yu shock and helpless expression Shen'er couldn't help but feel satisfy " Shen Yu what can you do ?" Shen'er asked "There no use getting angry now when you can't do anything ,your cultivation is destroyed and your spiritual root is pulled out.Right now you're nothing but a useless person .But…" Pinching Shen Yu chin Shen'er continues " I can still use your heart and blood to cultivate hahahaha" .After giving Shen Yu one last kick Shen'er walk out .Soon two people come in and begins to do what Shen'er instructed. Shen Yu having to know the truth of his elder brother death and recalling the death of everyone around him ,as if his soul had left his body ,all his strength left his body. Before losing conciseness Shen Yu blurt out his last word " Shen'er ,Liu family ,Lan ling….even if…I became a ghost….and never reincarnated…..I won't let you go blood must be pay back by blood…."

" Young master Second young master " Shen Yu hear a gentle voice calling out and slowly open his eye . He saw a young girl with a small face and seeming to be about sixteen to seventeen .' Hu nan?''didn't she died two years ago ? ' looking around Shen Yu thoughts'Where am I ? Didn't I died after Shen'er order her people to take out my heart' Seeing that Shen Yu has woken up the young lady continue " Young master, you finally woke up . I'll call He Ning to help you dress up " without waiting for Shen Yu to reply she walk away .'He Ning isn't he dead? ' Getting up Shen Yu walk toward the mirror on the table ,and couldn't help but be stunned by what he seeing.The mirror reflect a handsome youth with long and silky black hair with a pair of phoenix eye seeming to be around seventeen to eighteen year old " This .." After looking at the reflection with surprise Shen Yu couldn't help but keep staring at the reflection.This was his appearance when he was younger because there is no way that this is an appearance of a man who is in his twenties. After pulling his thought together Shen Yu couldn't help but blurt out " Was I reborn?"