

Lily's world is turned upside down when she is bitten by a vampire and gains the ability to see the future. But with this gift comes a heavy burden, as she struggles to come to terms with the knowledge of what is yet to come. As she navigates the mysteries of her new life, she must decide what is worth fighting for, and what is worth accepting. In the end, her choices will determine not only her own fate, but the fate of those around her.

Esther_8 · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

THREE~Strange man

The figure takes another step towards Lily, and she notices that it seems to be floating above the ground. Its cloak billows around it, as if it's being blown by a wind that's not there. "Do not fear me," the figure says, its voice taking on a more menacing tone. "I have come because you seek me. But know this: there will be a price to pay.

Lily wakes up in her bed, gasping for breath. She looks around her room, and everything seems normal. She feels a little disoriented, and wonders if what she experienced was all just a dream. But there's something nagging at her, something she can't quite put her finger on. She gets up and goes to the bathroom, and catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

when Lily looks in the mirror, she sees something strange: her eyes are glowing with a faint, golden light. She reaches up to touch her eyes, but the glow fades away. She tries to convince herself that it was just the light of the bathroom, but she knows that's not the truth. Something feels different about her, but she can't figure out what it was.

"Lily you're going to be late for work" her best friend Kayla yells out.

Headed to the dining tables Lily sits and trys to act normal, but she can't stop thinking about the figure and its golden eyes. Her best friend can tell that something was wrong, and she asks, "What's on your mind, Lily? You seem a little distracted."

She gives her best friend a reassuring smile and says, "It's nothing, Kay. I'm just a little tired, that's all. I'll be fine after a good coffee" But even as she says the words, she knows that's not the truth. The truth is that she feels like she's caught up in something bigger than herself, something she doesn't understand.

Lily goes about her day, trying to forget about the strange figure and the strange things that happened. She goes to work, and she tries to focus on her job, but she keeps getting distracted by the memory of those golden eyes. It's as if something is trying to get her attention, but she's not sure what it was. And then, when she's least expecting it, the figure appears again staring at her intensely with a dangerous aura and swiftly went around her body taking full details of her slender figure and smelling her milky scent from her curly blond hair and then he disappeared..

Just as he vanished into tin air, Lily got a glimpse of a small flyer? or a paper and hurriedly took possession of it..

written on the flyer was digits ?perhaps a phone number....

authors note~~

this is getting exciting 🥰🥰gosh

okay before I proceed to the next chapter I apologise for the previous chapter it was kind of short ....

and remember to vote as you read plssssss💗

love ya